Churchill, Winston Leonard Spencer, Sir, 1874 - 1965 (Knight, statesman and historian)
- Existence: 1874 - 1965
Found in 4518 Collections and/or Records:
Literary: "Into Battle": correspondence regarding publication in the United Kingdom and around the world of a collection of WSC's speeches., 03 Apr 1940 - 19 Apr 1945
Literary: Lawrence of Arabia article: correspondence., 24 May 1935 - 04 Jul 1935
Subjects include: the achievements of T E Lawrence; praise of WSC's article in the News of the World on Lawrence's death; comparisons between WSC and Lawrence; the "National League" against the British Mandatory Government in Palestine; Lawrence's "Seven Pillars of Wisdom".
Literary: Letters of congratulation to WSC or letters thanking him for complimentary copies of "My Early Life"., 1930 - 1965
Literary: Letters of congratulation to WSC or letters thanking him for complimentary copies of "The Aftermath", Volume 4 of "The World Crisis"., 15 Apr 1929 - 26 Apr 1929
Literary: Letters of congratulation to WSC or letters thanking him for complimentary copies of Volume 1 of "Marlborough: His Life and Times"., Oct 1933 - Dec 1933
Literary: Letters of congratulation to WSC or letters thanking him for complimentary copies of Volume 3 of "The World Crisis"., 11 Feb 1927 - 01 Oct 1927
Literary: lists of recipients of complimentary copies of United States and British editions of volume 6 ("Triumph and Tragedy") of WSC's war memoirs ("The Second World War")., Dec 1953 - Apr 1954
Also includes notes and copies of correspondence from WSC's secretaries Elizabeth Gilliatt, Jane Portal [later Lady Williams of Elvel], and Gillian Maturin.
Literary: lists of recordings by WSC and cuttings from "Into Battle" and "The Unrelenting Struggle"., [1941] - 1948
Literary: lists of WSC articles, lectures, etc. for 1894/1895 and 1923-1939., c 1939
Literary: London Film Productions: correspondence., 07 Feb 1934 - 31 Dec 1934
Literary: London Film Productions: correspondence., 01 Jan 1935 - 29 Nov 1935
Correspondents include: representatives of London Film Productions, including Alexander Korda, Managing Director (2) on a film on the reign of George V to commemorate the Silver Jubilee and a film on the history of aviation; representatives of Nicholl, Manisty and Company, solicitors (17).Also includes: a general scheme for "King George V"; an annotated copy of the contract between London Film Productions and WSC for "King George V".
Literary: London to Ladysmith., 01 Jan 1900 - 31 Dec 1900
Handwritten draft in WSC's own hand.
Literary: MacMillan and Company Limited and Charles Scribner's Sons: business correspondence., 17 Jan 1942 - 24 Nov 1942
Literary: MacMillan and Company Limited: business correspondence., 04 Mar 1943 - 01 Dec 1943
Literary: MacMillan and Company Limited: business correspondence., 07 Jan 1944 - 21 Dec 1944
Literary: MacMillan and Company Limited: business correspondence., 02 Feb 1945 - 11 Dec 1945
Literary: MacMillan and Company Limited: business correspondence., 16 Jan 1941 - 02 Dec 1941
Literary: "Marlborough His Life and Times"., c 1933
Material for volume 3, comprising: assorted typescript and galley proofs, some with annotations by WSC and others; transcriptions of documents and notes on sources; manuscript notes by William Deakin on Port Mahon and the campaign of 1708 in Spain; letters and notes by Lieutenant-Commander J H Owen and Ridley Pakenham Walsh.
Literary: "Marlborough His Life and Times"., 1935 - 1937
Miscellaneous notes and proofs relating to volume III annotated by WSC and others.
Literary: "Marlborough: His Life and Times."., [1936] - [1938]
Draft proofs from various sections of the book. Annotated by WSC.