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Churchill, Winston Leonard Spencer, Sir, 1874 - 1965 (Knight, statesman and historian)



  • Existence: 1874 - 1965

Found in 12 Collections and/or Records:


Literary: articles., Jan 1936 - Sep 1936

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 8/540
Scope and Contents Annotated proofs and press cuttings of the following articles by WSC: "I Was Astonished by Morocco" following WSC's visit to Morocco; "Why Not a Channel Tunnel" on the trade and military advantages of a tunnel; "St Helena" on Napoleon at St Helena and a new play on the subject; "International Affairs" on the need to defend democracy; "Radio, Newsreel, or the Press" on the superiority of the press in supplying news and the need for a free press.Also includes: a letter from Adam Marshall...
Dates: Jan 1936 - Sep 1936
Conditions Governing Access: Open

Literary: correspondence with and about Sir Edward Marsh., Oct 1933 - Oct 1954

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHUR 4/2
Scope and Contents Others correspondents include: Sir William Haley, [Editor] of the Times, on WSC writing a tribute on Marsh's death (2); 10th Lord Elgin and Kincardine [earlier Lord Bruce]; James Stewart-Murray [?9th Duke of Atholl]; David Garnett on his publishing a volume of T E Lawrence's [T E Shaw, "Lawrence of Arabia"] letters. Also includes notes and copies of correspondence from: Denis Kelly [literary assistant to WSC]; secretaries Grace Hamblin, Anthony Montague Browne, Lettice Marston [later Lettice...
Dates: Oct 1933 - Oct 1954
Conditions Governing Access: Open

Literary: News of the World articles by WSC 2., May 1938 - Sep 1938

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 8/615
Scope and Contents Includes annotated proofs, galley proofs and cuttings from the News of the World for: "Peopling the Wide, Open Spaces of Empire" on foreign emigration to parts of the British Empire, factors which prevent the British from emigrating, and developing the Empire through investment and emigration; "Why Not 'The United States of Europe'?" on the harm done by European rivalries and nationalism, fascism and communism, the economic benefits of European integration, and the role of Britain towards...
Dates: May 1938 - Sep 1938
Conditions Governing Access: Open

Literary: Sunday Dispatch articles by WSC: 6., 03 Aug 1941 - 05 Oct 1941

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 8/695
Scope and Contents Includes cuttings from the Sunday Dispatch for: "Sport, the stimulant" on the effect of modern inventions on the average person, watching, playing, and making money from sport, pigeon racing, angling, motor transport, hiking, cycling, theatre, cinema, radio, reading, and moral considerations; "Why the navy runs on oil" on the advantages of oil over coal as a fuel for ships, its adoption by the Royal Navy during WSC's first term as First Lord of the Admiralty, and the Anglo-Persian oil...
Dates: 03 Aug 1941 - 05 Oct 1941
Conditions Governing Access: Open.

Public and Political: General: Personal Office correspondence, C-D., Jan 1942 - Dec 1942

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 2/441
Scope and Contents Correspondents include: Sir Edward Campbell on the death of his son; Malcolm MacDonald, British High Commissioner in Canada, passing on a request for WSC's autograph; "Porchy", [6th] Lord Carnarvon [earlier Lord Porchester] (2), Sir Philip Chetwode, and Sir Stafford Cripps sending birthday greetings; Victor Cazalet; "R C" [1st Lord] Cecil [of Chelwood, earlier Lord Robert Cecil] on WSC's "two Archbishops"; [Rodney] Gallop (Foreign Office); "Bobbety", Lord Cranborne [earlier Robert Gascoyne...
Dates: Jan 1942 - Dec 1942
Conditions Governing Access: Open

Public and Political: General: Personal Office correspondence, C-D., Jan 1943 - Jun 1944

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 2/464
Scope and Contents Correspondents include: "E R" [Eleanor Roosevelt] and John Russell [2nd Secretary] (British Embassy, Washington [United States]) (2) on communications with a US sculptor Stirling Calder and his bust of WSC; [1st] Lord Camrose [earlier Sir William Berry], High Commissioner for Canada [in the United Kingdom] Vincent Massey, Chilean Ambassador [to Great Britain] Manuel Bianchi, and Prime Minister of Czechoslovakia [later Czech Republic and Slovakia] Jan Sramek, on WSC's health problems; Sir...
Dates: Jan 1943 - Jun 1944
Conditions Governing Access: Open

Public and Political: General: Personal Office correspondence, E-G., Jan 1942 - Dec 1942

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 2/442
Scope and Contents Correspondents include: Charles Eade [Editor] of the Sunday Dispatch (3) and Lovat Dickson [Director] of MacMillan and Company (2) on subjects including Eade going to Egypt and WSC binding copies of his works for him; Sir Crisp English on WSC's acute appendicitis in 1922; Michael Foot, [Acting] Editor, Evening Standard, on Low's cartoon "Winterton's Nightmare"; [Sir Alexander] Erskine-Hill congratulating WSC on his speech of 23 April; Wilfred Fish [WSC's dentist]; [Alan] Hodge [Assistant...
Dates: Jan 1942 - Dec 1942
Conditions Governing Access: Open

Public and Political: General: Personal Office correspondence, E-G., Jan 1943 - Jan 1944

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 2/465
Scope and Contents Correspondents include: Charles Eade [editor] of the Sunday Dispatch and Leslie Graham-Dixon thanking WSC for gifts of his books; Admiral Sir Edward Evans [later 1st Lord Mountevans] sending a book for WSC; General Dwight Eisenhower (2) on receiving a picture of WSC and WSC's illness; James Forrestal [Under Secretary of the United States Navy] on WSC's recovery; "B B" [Brendan Bracken] on "Lee's Lieutenants" by Douglas Freeman; Arthur Grenfell on early flying experiences with WSC; Sir Edward...
Dates: Jan 1943 - Jan 1944
Conditions Governing Access: Open

Public and Political: General: Personal Office correspondence, T-Z., Jan 1942 - Dec 1942

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 2/447
Scope and Contents Correspondents include: Mavis Tate and Sir Reginald Wingate supporting WSC's leadership; Cecil Thomas, editor of the Daily Mirror, on his brother, [Sir] Shenton Thomas [Governor of Straits Settlements (later Singapore and part of Malaysia) and High Commissioner for the Malay States, later part of Malaysia] and Singapore; "Bendor", [2nd] Duke of Westminster, (4) on subjects including the landings in North West Africa, meeting WSC, and reminisces; Sir Courtauld Thomson on gifts of a desk once...
Dates: Jan 1942 - Dec 1942
Conditions Governing Access: Open

(Untitled), 24 Apr 1942

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 20/53C/208
Scope and Contents

Letter from WSC to Noel Coward thanking him for the copy of "Blithe Spirit".

Dates: 24 Apr 1942
Conditions Governing Access: From the File: Open

(Untitled), 27 Feb 1890

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 1/3/1
Scope and Contents

Letter from Frances, Duchess of Marlborough, [WSC's grandmother], 50 Grosvenor Square, to WSC, family news, visit to the Gaiety Theatre to see Ruy Blas by A C Torr, picture of Lord Randolph Churchill in "Punch", and Lord Randolph's Temperance Bill.

Dates: 27 Feb 1890
Conditions Governing Access: Open

(Untitled), [19] [Sep] [1890]

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 28/17/52-53
Scope and Contents

Letter from WSC ([Harrow School, Middlesex]) to "Mummy" [Lady Randolph Churchill] in which he expresses approval for a play at the Adelphi theatre [London] called "An English Rose" [by George Sims and Robert Buchanan]. Illustrated with a drawing of a Harrow schoolboy surrounded by luggage.

Dates: [19] [Sep] [1890]
Conditions Governing Access: From the Fonds: The Churchill Papers are made available to researchers using Churchill Archives Centre and worldwide in digital format. The digital edition of the Churchill Papers is published by Bloomsbury Academic and is available online to subscribing institutions at The Churchill archive is freely available in our reading rooms and onsite at Churchill College (via the Churchill College wireless network). Researchers can download images of documents directly from and so are encouraged to consider bringing a laptop or other device for this purpose. For conservation reasons, the fragile originals are no longer issued to researchers. This digital edition is open to researchers unless otherwise marked in the catalogue. Some material has been closed by the Cabinet Office or by Churchill Archives Centre in accordance with data protection legislation.