Purcell, Victor, 1896 - 1965 (historian and sinologist)
Found in 36 Collections and/or Records:
Copy of a letter from Joseph Needham to Sherwood Taylor of the Science Museum, London, about a collection of Chinese ship models presented to the Museum by Sir Frederick Maze, and related documents, 1949-12-12 - 1953-03-31
The related documents comprise a note from Victor Purcell, drawing Needham's attention to the collection; Taylor's reply, copy of a further letter from Needham to Taylor.
Copy of a review by L. Carrington Goodrich published in the 'Journal of the American Oriental Society', (82.3 (1962)), 1962 - 1963-10-23
The review was sent to Joseph Needham by V.P [Victor Purcell] and the documents include his covering note.
Copy of the jacket of Victor Purcell's 'The Boxer Uprising, A Background Study' including an advertisement for the 'Science and Civilisation in China' series on the reverse, 1962 - 1965
This section includes prospectuses, brochures and advertisements. It also includes files of reviews for each published volume and correspondence relating to those reviews.
Correspondence with John Mills in Switzerland, about his work on Ma Huan [馬歡], and other matters, 1965-05-25 - 1965-06-24
The correspondence comprises 2 letters from Mills; copy of 1 letter from Joseph Needham.
Other matters discussed include the death of Victor Purcell; the progress of the 'Science and Civilisation in China' project; a visit by Needham and Lu Gwei-Djen to Switzerland.
Correspondence with Prof. W. K. C. Guthrie, Master of Downing College, Cambridge about his joining the 'Friends of the ['Science and Civilisation in China'] Project Committee', 1960-04-01 - 1960-04-25
The correspondence includes a letter from Guthrie to Victor Purcell, agreeing to join the group and expressing concern about the increasing size of the 'Science and Civilisation in China' volumes; copy of a letter from Purcell to Guthrie advising him that his comments would be passed to Joseph Needham; Joseph Needham's reply to Guthrie addressing the query relating to growing volume size and discussing collaboration on the project; Joseph Needham's draft of the letter to Guthrie.
Cutting of a letter from Charles Harris to the editor of the 'Observer' about the flying gallop and attached note from Victor Purcell of Cambridge, 1960-11-19
The 'Contacts Chapter' refers to Section 7 of 'Science and Civilisation in China, Volume 1', entitled 'Conditions of travel of Scientific Idea and Techniques Between China and Europe'.
Cutting of a review by Victor Purcell published in 'The New Stateman and Nation', 1954-09-11
Many of the reviews came to Joseph Needham via Cambridge University Press and are accompanied by an explanatory compliments slip.
Cutting of a review by Victor Purcell published in the 'New Statesman and Nation', 1954-09-11
Many of the reviews came to Joseph Needham via Cambridge University Press and are accompanied by an explanatory compliments slip.
Cutting of a 'Times' article entitled 'Catamarans' Rise in Popularity: New Craft on Show at Olympia', 1958-01-02
The article is accompanied by a photograph of a twin-hulled catamaran which appeared at the National Boat Show in 1958. The cutting has been pasted onto a sheet of paper which has comments by Victor Purcell, including mention of the use of catamrans by Ceylonese fishermen.
Joseph Needham's notes on the Arab traveller, Ibn Battutah, who was in China in 1347, 1949-12-12 - 1959
Most of the notes are from S. Lee, 'The Travels of Ibn Battutah', (London, 1829). The notes also include a note from Victor Purcell concerning the 'Yuloh, sweep or oar'.
Letter from K. R. Gilbert of The Newcommen Society asking for information on 'a letter from the Emperor of China in about 1840 to the British Government replying to the British demand to re-open Chinese harbours..' and copy of reply from Victor Purcell, 1963-02-28 - 1963-03-04
Joseph Needham forwarded the letter to Purcell 'as this enquiry falls within my particular province'.
Letter from V. P. [Victor Purcell] of Cambridge about Palagius and Mencius, 1951-03-28
This series contains files on each topic set out in Joseph Needham's grand plan for 'Science and Civilisation in China'.
Letter from Victor Purcell at the Athenaeum, Pall Mall, London, about the medical herb 白頭翁 [Pai Tou Weng / Bai Tou Weng / white-haired elder] and related document, 1955-03-21
The related document is a copy of 'Time' article refering to the history and use of the drug.
Letter from Victor Purcell of Cambridge, about a reference to the use of paddle boats in the Opium Wars from Sir John Francis Davis, 'China during the war and since the peace', (London, 1852), and attached notes by Joseph Needham, 1951-11-15
This series contains files on each topic set out in Joseph Needham's grand plan for 'Science and Civilisation in China'.
Letter from Victor Purcell of Cambridge about publications on secret societies and related Joseph Needham notes, 1958 - 1962
This series contains files on each topic set out in Joseph Needham's grand plan for 'Science and Civilisation in China'.
Letter from Victor Purcell of Cambridge, commenting on the draft of Joseph Needham's paper entitled 'The Past in China's Present: A Cultural, Social and Philosophical Background for Contemporary China', 1960-02-14
The paper was published in two parts in the 'Centennial Review of Arts and Sciences', (Spring and Summer, 1960) and in French translation in 'Comprendre'.
Letter from Victor Purcell of Cambridge forwarding a cutting of a newspaper article by C. S. Wong entitled 《漢字存廢問題》, 1958-01-01
At the top of the article there is a note 'To Dr. V. Purcell, with compliments from C.S. Wong'.
Letter from Victor Purcell of Cambridge forwarding a letter he received from [?] Blythe of Dunsfold, Surrey about the origin of the 'great plan' concept and Taoism, 1960-11-08 - 1960-11-10
The letters refer to the 洪範 [Hung Fan / Hong Fan] setion of the 《書經》 [Shu Ching / Shu Jing].
Letter from Victor Purcell of Cambridge listing points about Chinese science, 1949-12-12
Pucell lists the points 'in case any of them, by some chance, have escaped your attention'. Examples from the list include references to 'Roman knowledge of Chinese science'; Chinese methods of planting pepper; Chinese methods of cotton growing; Chinese grass-cloth; Chinese plough; Chinese junks; paper.
Letter from Victor Purcell of Cambridge making points following his proofreading of part of 'Science and Civilisation in China, Volume 1', 1953-11-22
Purcell makes a specific note about the transmission of the 'rotary winnowing machine'.
Letter from Victor Purcell of Cambridge, providing references relating to the Roman trade with Asia, 1960-11-27
This series contains files on each topic set out in Joseph Needham's grand plan for 'Science and Civilisation in China'.
Letter from Victor [Purcell?] of Lyndewood Road, Cambridge about his article 'written for Derek Bryan on SCC' and Joseph Needham's 'planetarium talk to Sir Julian Huxley the Master of Downing' [Downing College, Cambridge], 1961-10-06
This section includes prospectuses, brochures and advertisements. It also includes files of reviews for each published volume and correspondence relating to those reviews.
List of books and articles on the Taiping Rebellion, 1964-02-12
The list was prepared by V.P. [Victor Purcell?] 12/2/64'. Attached is a related note by Joseph Needham.
Memorandum from Victor Purcell to Joseph Needham commenting on the draft of the section of 'Science and Civilisation in China, Volume 4, Part 3' entitled 'The seas they sailed', 1961-05-15
This series contains files on each topic set out in Joseph Needham's grand plan for 'Science and Civilisation in China'.
Note from Victor Purcell about the 'Flow of Chinese manufactured goods to Southeast Asia and Mexico via the Philippines', 1949-12-12
This series contains files on each topic set out in Joseph Needham's grand plan for 'Science and Civilisation in China'.