International Astronomical Union
Found in 37 Collections and/or Records:
Circular on I.A.U. Symposium, 1969-11-08
A circular letter to authors regarding the proceedings of the International Astronomical Union Symposium No. 38: 'The Spiral Structure of Our Galaxy'.
Correspondence of O.J. Eggen, 1958-02-04 - 1962-09-05
Correspondence on a travel grant, 1964-04-27 - 1964-05-12
A letter from A.D. Thackeray to Sir Richard Woolley, 27 April 1964, regarding his need for a grant in order to travel to the United Kingdom for an International Astronomical Union meeting, and a copy of Woolley's reply of 12 May on the possibility of getting the grant from the I.A.U. or Royal Society.
Correspondence on an I.A.U. lunch, 1968-09-19 - 1970-02-18
Correspondence regarding an International Astronomical Union lunch, including correspondence with O. Heckmann, Direktor der Hamburger Sternwarte and President of the I.A.U.; R.C. Pennefather; and D.W. Barrett.
Correspondence on the Government Grant Committee, 1940 - 1948
Correspondence relating to the Government Grant Committee, including letters concerning the war-time activities of the International Astronomical Union, 1946; correspondence regarding an grant application from E.M. Lindsay for a Schmidt telescope for South Africa, 1945; correspondence concerning meetings of the Government Grants Board to consider grant applications, new members, etc., 1941-1942; and general correspondence regarding applications for grants, 1940.
Correspondence on the I.A.U. lunch, 1970-04-07 - 1970-08-26
Correspondence on the International Astronomical Union, 1961
Correspondence on the Royal Society, 1961 - 1963
Correspondence with miscellaneous societies, 1916 - 1929
Correspondence with miscellaneous societies, including the League of Nations, regarding a resolution on analytical bibliography; the International Research Council; the National Committee for Geodesy and Geophysics, regarding invitees to an international meeting at Madrid, 1924; and the International Astronomical Union, regarding payments of the French Government.
Correspondence with Richard Woolley, 1964-12-15 - 1964-12-21
A copy of a letter from Redman to Richard Woolley, 15 December 1964, asking if he is to be an Anglo-Australian Telescope representative at the International Astronomical Union symposium at Tucson and Pasadena in April 1965, and whether there will be money for his expenses, with Woolley's reply of 21 December stating that he doesn't know what the position is.
Correspondence with R.L. Waterfield, 1969-10-28 - 1979-11-28
Correspondence with the British National Committee for Astronomy, 1959 - 1961
Letter from A.D. Thackeray, 1966-01-26
A letter from A.D. Thackeray to Sir Richard Woolley regarding whether he (Thackeray) and M.W. Feast can both attend the International Astronomical Union conference.
Letter to D.C. Martin, 1961-01-04
A copy of a letter to D.C. Martin regarding proposing M.P. Candy and B.G. Marsden for membership of the International Astronomical Union.
Miscellaneous correspondence, 1961 - 1972
Miscellaneous correspondence, largely between Dr R.H. Stoy and Francis P. Scott, Director of the Seven Inch Transit Circle Division of the U.S. Naval Observatory, with other letters from Dr B.D. Yallop, Doctor I.J. Shapiro and Dr W.A. Rasmussen. The subjects covered include proposals for a reorganisation of the International Astronomical Union; the preparation of a catalogue of Southern Reference Stars; the FK4 Star List; and general matters relating to work on these programmes.
Miscellaneous papers, 1944 - 1967
Papers for the British National Committee meeting, 1974
Papers of the 1974 conference, 1974
Papers on Chief Assistants' meetings, 1964 - 1966
Papers regarding Chief Assistants' meetings, including a list of the Royal Greenwich Observatory membership of the International Astronomical Union; progress reports on 'Royal Observatory Bulletins'; a preliminary outline of lectures for the N.A.T.O. Summer School to be held at Herstmonceux on 16 August - 3 September 1965; and a report of an H.M. Treasury Committee of Review titled 'The Organisation of the Scientific Civil Service'.
Papers on I.A.U. astronomical constants, 1962 - 1976
Papers regarding the International Astronomical Union system of astronomical constants.
Papers on I.A.U. commissions, 1937 - 1948
Papers on I.A.U. grants, 1961
Correspondence and other papers regarding grants from the International Astronomical Union for members of the British National Committee for Space Research for attendance at meetings and for other causes.
Papers on the I.A.U. Executive Committee, 1964 - 1967
Correspondence and other papers relating to the International Astronomical Union Executive Committee.
Papers on the International Astronomical Union, 1923 - 1938
Papers on the International Astronomical Union, 1963 - 1968
Correspondence and papers relating to officials and members of the International Astronomical Union and its commissions, including material on arrangements for symposia, correspondence with commission presidents, correspondence with the Admiralty on participation in the I.A.U. General Assemblies, papers on the approval for staff to travel to I.A.U. meetings, and material on travel arrangements for staff attending the Prague assembly.
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