Ministry of Information
Found in 28 Collections and/or Records:
Letters from Duff Cooper to his son John Julius Cooper [later 2nd Lord Norwich], 1940-02 - 1941-11
Literary: Sunday Dispatch articles by WSC: 3., 12 Apr 1942 - 10 May 1942
Ministry of Information, 1939 - 1943
The papers cover every aspect of Lord Noel-Baker's very full and varied career and include constituency papers, Labour Party material, extensive sections on domestic and international affairs, peace and disarmament, sport, books and articles, speeches and correspondence.
Official: War Cabinet: Prime Minister's Directives., 06 Mar 1941 - 12 Dec 1941
Public and Political: General: correspondence with or about Emery Reves [earlier Imre Revesz]., Sep 1939 - Sep 1941
Public and Political: General: Personal Office: Correspondence C - D., 11 Sep 1914 - 29 Dec 1939
Public and Political: General: Personal Office correspondence, L-M. [please note that most material dates from 1941]., Feb 1941 - Feb 1943
Speeches and broadcasts, 1940-05 - 1948-08
Mainly broadcasts made by Duff Cooper as Minister of Information, on subjects including: Winston Churchill; counteracting rumours; the war in France; Italy’s entry into the war; the fall of France; German propaganda; the role of the Empire; victory in Libya; Joan of Arc; the Atlantic Charter; avoiding the mistakes made after the First World War; survey of the Munich Crisis, 1948 (see also 8/1/20); Westminster Abbey.
(Untitled), 19 Apr 1941
Letter from WSC to [Alfred] Duff Cooper [Minister of Information, later 1st Lord Norwich advising him to avoid spending so much time away from London as comments have been passed on his "trying to run the Ministry of Information from Bognor" [Sussex]. [See CHAR 20/25/105 for a further copy].
(Untitled), 01 Jun 1941 - 30 Jun 1941
(Untitled), 11 Dec 1940
Prime Minister's Personal Memorandum M.402 to the Minister of Information [Alfred Duff Cooper, later 1st Lord Norwich] drawing attention to J B Priestley's remarks in a BBC broadcast describing life in England as "wildly and solidly abnormal"; believes Priestley's popularity could be turned against the Government.
(Untitled), 16 Dec 1940 - 22 Feb 1941
(Untitled), 18 Jun 1941
Letter from J Alfred Spender [author; former Editor of the Westminster Gazette] to WSC expressing concern over relations between the younger journalists in the National Press and the Government, quarrelling with the Ministry of Information. [Manuscript and typescript copy].
(Untitled), 22 Jul 1941 - Aug 1941
Correspondence between Leslie Rowan [Private Secretary to WSC], WSC and the Ministry of Information, including Brendan Bracken [Minister of Information], discussing an appropriate response to J Alfred Spender [former Editor, Westminster Gazette] and how to deal with press issues raised by him.
(Untitled), 19 Apr 1941
Letter from WSC to [Alfred] Duff Cooper [Minister of Information, later 1st Lord Norwich] advising him to avoid spending so much time away from London as comments have been passed on his "trying to run the Ministry of Information from Bognor" [Sussex]. [See CHAR 20/21/203 for a further copy].
(Untitled), 29 Mar 1941
Note by "J R C" [John Colville, Prime Minister's Private Secretary] to WSC explaining why a Life magazine article on the Queen [Elizabeth] was passed by the censors. Manuscript.
(Untitled), 31 Mar 1941
Letter from Martin Russell (Ministry of Information) to [John] Colville [Prime Minister's Private Secretary] (10 Downing Street) explaining why a Life magazine article on the Queen [Elizabeth] was passed by the censors. Signed typescript.
(Untitled), 03 Jul 1941
Letter from WSC to J Alfred Spender on improvements in the Ministry of Information and the Prime Minster's role.
(Untitled), 18 Jul 1941
Letter from WSC to Harold Nicolson asking him to vacate his Office as Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Information and become a member of the Board of Governors of the BBC instead.
(Untitled), 13 Nov 1941
Letter from WSC to 2nd Lord Elibank informing him that lectures supplying information about the war are already being arranged by the Ministry of Information.
(Untitled), 29 Jul 1940
Letter from Anthony Bevir [Private Secretary to WSC] to 6th Lord Hood [Private Secretary to Minister of Information], enclosing a letter [copy] from Arthur Woodburn criticising the Ministry; suggests it should broadcast a more positive message instead of concentrating on defeatists and treachery, also "better to have two ministers complementing each other, one with working class knowledge and experience and the other with the Eton outlook". [Manuscript original and copy].
(Untitled), 09 Jul 1940
Note from Anthony Bevir [Private Secretary to WSC] on independent action taken by the Minister of Information [Alfred Duff Cooper, later 1st Lord Norwich] over the announcement of the appointment of the Duke of Windsor [earlier King Edward VIII and Edward, Prince of Wales]; suggests that such behaviour undermines authority.
(Untitled), [Oct 1940]
Letter from Margot, Lady Oxford and Asquith [earlier Margot Asquith] to WSC asking for promotions for Sir Walter Monckton [Director-General, Ministry of Information] and Cyril Radcliffe [Ministry of Information]. [Manuscript and copy].
(Untitled), 22 Jul 1940
Letter from [Alfred] Duff Cooper [Minister of Information, later 1st Lord Norwich] to WSC on finding employment for 2nd Lord Lytton: possible role as Chairman in reorganisation of the British Council which shares functions of Ministry of Information; suggests giving it authority over the arts to improve British cultural projects such as state-subsidised orchestras to compare with German operas. [Copy].
(Untitled), 01 Mar 1945 - 31 Mar 1945
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- Second World War (1939-1945) 5
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