Found in 823 Collections and/or Records:
(Untitled), 13 Apr [1898]
(Untitled), 25 Apr 1898
Letter from WSC (Bangalore [India]) to "Mamma" [Lady Randolph Churchill] discussing financial affairs and his sympathy for her reduced income; the progress of his novel "Affairs of State" [published as "Savrola"]; the reception of ["The Story of the Malakand Field Force"]; planned literary projects and his future literary career. Envelope present.
(Untitled), 10 May [1898]
(Untitled), 16 May [1898]
(Untitled), 29 Nov [1898]
Letter from WSC (35a Great Cumberland Place [London]) to "Mamma" [Lady Randolph Churchill] discussing financial affairs and reporting that he has been modelled by [Emile] Fuchs.
(Untitled), 01 Dec [1898]
Letter from WSC (35a Great Cumberland Place [London]) to "Mamma" [Lady Randolph Churchill] in which he reports on a discussion with John Lane about financial affairs connected with the publication of a magazine.
(Untitled), 29 Dec 1898
Letter from WSC (4th Hussars [Bangalore] India) to "Mamma" [Lady Randolph Churchill] in which he discusses his progress with his book ["The River War"] which he says "grows in bitterness about [Sir Herbert] K[itchener]", arrangements for the serialisation of his novel ["Savrola"], financial affairs and their future poverty, the death of the wife and mother of Jacob [his servant] as a result of a plague and asks about the date of a meeting at the Albert Hall.
(Untitled), [Jul] [1898]
Instructions [from WSC to Lady Randolph Churchill] regarding financial, literary and political affairs and the possibility that his orders may be revoked by the War Office.
(Untitled), 05 Aug [1898]
Letter from WSC ("On the Nile near Luxor" [Egypt]) to Ernest Becket[t] asking him to stand surety for his liabilities incurred by a loan, describing his journey on the Nile and speculating on the likelihood of fighting. Envelope present.
(Untitled), 01 Jan 1899
Letter from WSC (4th Hussars [Bangalore] India) to "Mamma" [Lady Randolph Churchill] discussing financial affairs associated with the publication of a magazine [The Anglo-Saxon Review], which he considers would be an occupation and interest for her in the "latter part" of her life, the importance of employing a skilled sub-editor, the serialisation of his novel ["Savrola"] and progress with ["The River War"].
(Untitled), 11 Jan 1899
Letter from WSC (4th Hussars [Bangalore] India) to "Mamma" [Lady Randolph Churchill] discussing: the spread of plague; polo; the progress of his book ["The River War"]; politics; Joseph Chambelain's loss of popularity and his own political ambitions; financial affairs and a suggestion that they should leave London to save money.
(Untitled), 09 Mar [1899]
Letter from WSC (Manwar R[ailwa]y Station [India]) to "Mamma" [Lady Randolph Churchill] discussing: the magazine she hopes to publish; financial affairs; and [James] Welldon's approval of ["The River War"].
(Untitled), 23 Jul 1899
Letter from WSC (35A Great Cumberland Place [London]) to "Mamma" [Lady Randolph Churchill] in which he asks her to keep his secrets and those of others, not to bet or play cards as it will bring "the most terrible misery" and to organise a political dinner for him.
(Untitled), 22 Mar 1900
Letter from WSC (Ladysmith, South Africa) to "Mamma" [Lady Randolph Churchill] enclosing a letter [not present] and asking her to negotiate financial terms for a visit to the United States, commenting "o5,000 is not too much for such a labour and for making myself so cheap.".
(Untitled), 27 Oct 1900
Letter from WSC (105 Mount Street [London]) to "Mamma" [Lady Randolph Churchill] concerning arrangements for his lecture tour. He says that he hopes that [16th] Lord Derby will chair the Liverpool meeting, reports on the success of his lecture at Harrow [School, Middlesex] and details financial assistance provided for his election costs by "Sunny" [Charles, 9th Duke of Marlborough].
(Untitled), 01 Jan 1901
(Untitled), 16 Jan 1901
Letter from WSC (Chicago [United States] on the notepaper of 105 Mount Street) to George [Cornwallis-West] expressing pleasure at the news that George is to leave the army and describing the disadvantages of a career in the army. He comments on the lack of success of his lecture tour from which he has made o1,600 and on the fact that "Jack" [John S Churchill] is to continue living at 35A [Great Cumberland Place, London].
(Untitled), 23 Mar 1901
(Untitled), 26 Mar 1904
Letter from WSC (105 Mount Street [London]) to "Mama" [Lady Randolph Churchill] in which he explains that he has not been able to come and see her in Bournemouth as he has been invited to contest the Birmingham Central Division. He expresses concern for her health and for their finances.
(Untitled), 14 Sep 1904
Letter from WSC (Salisbury Hall, St Albans [Hertfordshire]) to "Mama" [Lady Randolph Churchill] marked "private" informing her of his decision not to leave for Scotland because of his progress with [his biography of Lord Randolph Churchill] and commenting on J[ohn] M[orley]'s encouragement with the book and his hopes to make 8-10,000 pounds from it.
(Untitled), 15 Nov 1904
Letter from WSC (Dalmeny House Edinburgh [Scotland]) to "Mama" [Lady Randolph Churchill] in which he says that he is glad she enjoyed herself at Sandringham, reports on the success of his speech in Glasgow [Lanarkshire, Scotland] and discusses financial affairs. Annotated "Five years since the armoured train!".
(Untitled), 17 Nov 1904
Letter from WSC (105 Mount Street [London]) to "Mama" [Lady Randolph Churchill] including: the success of his speech in Glasgow [Lanarkshire, Scotland]; financial affairs and his plans to see her before going to Manchester. Manuscript in the hand of Annette Anning signed by WSC.
(Untitled), 21 Jan 1905
Letter from WSC (105 Mount Street [London]) to "Mama" [Lady Randolph Churchill] in which he says that he has discussed her affairs with "Sunny" [Charles, 9th Duke of Marlborough] and asks her to write a letter authorising him to investigate the matter with Lumley, the solicitor. Manuscript in the hand of Annette Anning signed by WSC.
(Untitled), 26 Jan 1905
Letter from WSC (105 Mount Street [London]) to "Mamma" [Lady Randolph Churchill] in which he informs her that he will conduct the "Inquisition" [into her affairs] on 7 and 8 February and asks her to read the Manchester Guardian for reports of him and says that [5th Lord] Spencer has invited him to Althorp [Northamptonshire]. Manuscript in the hand of Annette Anning signed by WSC.
(Untitled), 03 Oct 1905
Letter from WSC (Blenheim Palace) to "Mama" [Lady Randolph Churchill] marked "private" inviting her to a meeting in Manchester at the Free Trade Hall at which Sir Edward Grey and Lord Durham are to speak and saying that he hopes to make a great deal of money [from his biography of Lord Randolph Churchill]. Envelope present.