Legal procedure
Found in 203 Collections and/or Records:
(Untitled), 05 Dec 1922
Particulars of paragraphs 3 & 4 of the statemen of the defence of the Jewish Guardian Ltd and J Alexander & Co against the claim of Lord Alfred Douglas arising from the statement in the Jewish Guardian that Douglas invented "vile insults" against the Jews.
(Untitled), 13 Nov 1923
Indictment of Lord Alfred Douglas for criminal libel arising from his claim that WSC misreported the Battle of Jutland to allow Jewish interests led by Sir Ernest Cassel to profit on the stock market. Typescript draft.
(Untitled), 27 Nov 1923
Plea of justification of Lord Alfred Douglas in answer to the indictment against him for criminal libel. Carbon copy.
(Untitled), [Nov] [1923]
Answers by [WSC] to the points made by Lord Alfred Douglas in his plea of justification in answer to the indictment against him for criminal libel arising from his claim that WSC misreported the Battle of Jutland to allow Jewish interests led by Sir Ernest Cassel to profit on the stock market.
(Untitled), 14 Oct 1915
Page from the Times including marked article describing the naval attack in the Dardanelles as "a legitimate war gamble". [Retained in connection with the proceedings against Lord Alfred Douglas arising from his claim that WSC misreported the Battle of Jutland to allow Jewish interests led by Sir Ernest Cassel to profit on the stock market].
(Untitled), 01 May 1916 - 13 Sep 1916
Statement of WSC's bank account with Lloyd's Bank (Cox's Branch). [Copy made in connection with the proceedings against Lord Alfred Douglas for criminal libel arising from his claim that WSC misreported the Battle of Jutland to allow Jewish interests led by Sir Ernest Cassel to profit on the stock market].
(Untitled), 1900 - 1917
Statement of WSC's share dealing account with Sir Ernest Cassel. [Copy sent with CHAR 2/127/1 in connection with the legal proceedings in 1923 arising from Lord Alfred Douglas's claim that WSC misreported the Battle of Jutland to allow Jewish interests led by Sir Ernest Cassel to profit on the stock market].
(Untitled), 02 Jan 1924
Letter from Sir Richard Muir (30 Campden House Court, [London] to WSC reporting that Lord Alfred Douglas vowed at his trial to "give them hell" when he came out of prison.
(Untitled), [Oct] [1933]
Report of allegations of record tampering against the Chief Presidency Magistrate of Calcutta [Sri Krishna Sinha] in a case of illegal selling of tickets for the Irish Sweep. Sent with CHAR 2/196/34-35.
(Untitled), [Oct] [1933]
Questions for the Secretary of State for India [Sir Samuel Hoare, later Lord Templewood] alleging malpractice against the Chief Presidency Magistrate of Calcutta, Sri Krishna Sinha. Sent with CHAR 2/196/34-35.
(Untitled), Aug 1933
Newspaper cuttings: reports of allegations of malpractice against Sri Krishna Sinha, Chief Presidency Magistrate of Calcutta. Sent with CHAR 2/196/34-35.
(Untitled), 09 Jul 1934
Letter from E Roderick Dew, Lewis and Lewis, Solicitors, London, to WSC, acknowledging receipt of his cheque for 148l 7s 2d, for professional services relating to Breach of Privilege Case, also cheque for 182l 12s for Cyril Asquith's fees.
(Untitled), Jun 1934
Statement by Lewis and Lewis, Solicitors, of fees payable to Barristers, Terence O'Connor and Cyril Asquith for work on WSC's case before the Committee of Privileges, 182l 12s.
(Untitled), 30 Jul 1934
Letter from WSC to E Roderick Dew, Lewis and Lewis, Solicitors, sending cheques in settlement of legal bills (148l 7s 2d to Lewis and Lewis and 182l 12s to Cyril Asquith), for Breach of Privilege Case [carbon].
(Untitled), 11 May 1908
Copy of a letter from [Lord] Northcliffe [formerly Alfred Harmsworth] (22 St James' Place [London]) to WSC [concerning WSC's libel action against the Manchester Guardian] in which he expresses surprise that WSC has taken his and J L Garvin's criticisms personally, assures him that he has not been annoyed by WSC's criticisms of himself in Parliament and invites him to take a walk with him to "thrash the matter out". Top copy at CHAR 1/72/74. See also CHAR 28/117/26.
(Untitled), 14 May 1908
Copy of a letter from WSC (Board of Trade) to [Lord] Northcliffe [formerly Alfred Harmsworth] marked private in which he assures him that he does not believe that Northcliffe was involved in libellous statements made by the Manchester Courier, discusses the libel cases and recommends that he should talk to F E Smith [later Lord Birkenhead]. See also CHAR 1/72/75-76.
(Untitled), 15 May 1908
Copy of a letter from [Lord] Northcliffe [formerly Alfred Harmsworth] to WSC in which he says that he does not intend to discuss [WSC's action against] the Manchester Courier further and that he would like to avoid talking to F E Smith [later Lord Birkenhead] as Smith is acting against him.
(Untitled), 24 Jun 1908
Copy of a letter from WSC (Board of Trade) to [Lord] Northcliffe [formerly Alfred Harmsworth] informing him that his libel action against the Manchester Courier has been settled.
(Untitled), 03 Apr 1916
Letter from Sir George Lewis (Lewis and Lewis, Ely Place, Holborn [London]) to Lady Randolph Churchill in which he says that he has had an interview with the solicitors acting for George Cornwallis-West over his bankruptcy and is going to discover whether the latter intends to cite Lady Randolph as a reason for his financial difficulties.
(Untitled), 1914
Public Record Office certified copy of the deed poll in which Lady Randolph Churchill renounced her claim to the surname Cornwallis West and reverted to using Lady Randolph Churchill.
(Untitled), 06 Apr 1914
Extract from the Registry of the Probate, Divorce and Admiralty Division of the High Court of Justice certifying the dissolution of the marriage between Lady Randolph Churchill and George Cornwallis West on grounds of adultery and desertion on the part of the latter.
(Untitled), 18 Jun 1914
Transcript of the judgement reached in the High Court of Justice Chancery Division before Mr Justice Sargant between Lady Randolph Churchill, WSC and John S Churchill concerning the position of Lady Randolph Churchill under the terms of the will of Lord Randolph Churchill in the event of her remarrying. Typescript.
(Untitled), 14 Mar 1913
Letter from F E [Smith, later Lord Birkenhead](70 Eccleston Square [London]) to Mrs West [Lady Randolph Churchill] in which he says that her case [her divorce from George Cornwallis West] would not have attracted attention but for public interest in her personality and wishes her success with her play ["The Bill"].
(Untitled), 18 Nov [1896]
(Untitled), 21 Oct [1896]
Letter from WSC (Bangalore [India]) to "Mamma" [Lady Randolph Churchill] in which he discusses the legal action to be taken over a fraud [perpetrated on them by James Cruickshank], comments on [Henry Dupre] Labouchere and [James] Welldon's opinions [about a scandal in the 4th Hussars in which WSC was implicated], describes his daily routine at Bangalore and says that he is looking forward to a shooting expedition with Hugo [Baring].