Legal procedure
Found in 203 Collections and/or Records:
(Untitled), 30 Jun 1925
Account from Nicholl, Manisty & Co. for legal services in connection with action of Douglas v. The Morning Post Ltd., 1923, and also concerning articles published in Dundee newspapers and the Manchester Daily Despatch, 1924.
(Untitled), 22 Jul 1925
Letter from Nicholl, Manisty & Co. to Sir Edward Marsh, on WSC's position as a Trustee of Lord Thurso's Childrens' Settlement.
(Untitled), 03 Dec 1910
Letter from Sir Charles Mathews (Director of Public Prosecutions Department) to WSC enclosing and commenting on a memorandum relating to the charge against Hugh Franklin of assaulting WSC [see CHAR 2/46/98-100].
(Untitled), [Dec 1910]
Memorandum by Archibald Bodkin on the means of obtaining sureties for the good behaviour of Hugh Franklin should he be convicted of assaulting WSC and then released pending an appeal. Typescript. Sent with CHAR 2/46/97.
(Untitled), 05 Dec 1910
Complaint by WSC praying that Hugh Franklin be required to find sureties for his good behaviour towards WSC. Typescript.
(Untitled), 05 Dec 1910
Summons to Hugh Franklin to appear at the Bow Street Police Court [London] to answer the complaint of WSC that Franklin be required to find sureties for his good behaviour towards WSC. Typescript.
(Untitled), 28 Nov 1910
Letter from Hugh Franklin (Bow Street Police Station [London]) to WSC asking him to give evidence when Franklin answers the charge of having assaulted WSC.
(Untitled), [Dec 1910]
Depositon by WSC describing the assault on him on a train returning from a meeting in Bradford [Yorkshire] by Hugh Franklin, a supporter of women's suffrage. Mentions other disturbances in which Franklin was involved in 1910. Typescript.
(Untitled), 14 Dec 1910
(Untitled), 24 Feb 1911
Letter from [an official in the Public Prosecutions Department] to Edward Marsh enclosing "the notes from Bow Street [Police Court]" [see CHAR 12/9/63-79]. Typescript annotated by Sidney Harris "[Sir Charles] Mathews [Director of Public Prosecutions] says you can keep these but doesn't think you had rather send them to Bradford [Yorkshire]".
(Untitled), 15 Feb 1911
(Untitled), 28 Nov 1910
Copy notes of evidence given at Bow Street Police Court [London] at the hearing of Hugh Franklin, a supporter of women's suffrage, who was charged with unlawfully assaulting WSC on 26 November 1910. Includes transcriptions of evidence given by Joseph Sandercock, Edward Parker, WSC, Edward Marsh and Hugh Franklin. Manuscript. Covering letter at CHAR 12/9/60.
(Untitled), 04 Mar 1911
Letter from Sir Edward Troup [Permanent Under Secretary of State, Home Office] to Sir Charles Mathews [Director of Public Prosecutions] enclosing newspaper cuttings from the Times [see CHAR 12/9/92]. He reports that WSC would like to know whether Christabel Pankhurst or the Times could be prosecuted for criminal libel. Signed manuscript.
(Untitled), [Dec] [1923]
Letter from Charles Masterman (46 Gillingham Street, [London]) to WSC congratulating him on [the result of the criminal libel proceedings against Lord Alfred Douglas] and expressing regret at his defeat in Leicester.
(Untitled), 14 Dec 1923
Letter from H Hackett (354 Fosse Road North, Leicester) to WSC expressing regret at WSC's defeat in Leicester and stating that it did not surprise him because the Liberals, unlike Labour, have done little or no educational work in the constituency. Deplores the fact that public men like WSC should be open to such scandalous accusations as that made by [Lord Alfred Douglas].
(Untitled), 14 Dec 1923
Letter from Major D Cope Harris (144 High Street, Merthyr Tydfil, [Glamorgan, Wales]) to WSC congratulating him on the result [of the libel proceedings against Lord Alfred Douglas over his accusations about the Battle of Jutland] and asserting that WSC was right about Gallipoli and is being unjustly criticised.
(Untitled), 18 Dec 1923
Letter from ? Broughton (37 Park Street, Grosvenor Square, [London]) to WSC regretting that he (WSC) will not be in the House of Commons and congratulating him on his defeat of "a noble degenerate" [Lord Alfred Douglas].
(Untitled), 20 Jul 1923
Letter from Lord Alfred Douglas (16 Draycott Place, [London]) to Patrick Hastings vehemently attacking his conduct of the defence in Douglas's action against the Morning Post and warning that all the issues will be raised again during his action against the Jewish Guardian. Typescript copy. Other copies at CHAR 2/127/17 & 20.
(Untitled), 04 Aug 1923
Letter from Lord Alfred Douglas (16 Draycott Place, [London]) to WSC challenging him to appear in the witness box to answer the questions Douglas will put when his against the "Jewish Guardian" is heard, enclosing CHAR 2/127/21 and reporting the results of the meeting which it advertised.
(Untitled), 10 Aug [1923]
Letter from Sir Douglas Hogg [later 1st Lord Hailsham] (Haddo House, Aberdeen, [Scotland]) to WSC explaining why he does not think Lord Alfred Douglas should be prosecuted for criminal libel at present.
(Untitled), 26 Oct 1923
Part of a letter from [WSC] to Lord Balfour [earlier Arthur Balfour] congratulating him on the improvement in his health, stating his determination that Lord Alfred Douglas should be proceeded against for criminal libel, and sending Balfour the second volume [of "The World Crisis"] The central part of this letter is not present.
(Untitled), 29 Oct 1923
Letter from Lord Balfour [earlier Arthur Balfour] (Whittingehame, Prestonkirk, Scotland) to WSC thanking him for the second volume [of "The World Crisis"] and considering the prosecution of Lord Alfred Douglas for criminal libel and Douglas's ability to pay for another action.
(Untitled), 09 Nov 1923
Letter from Sir Archibald Bodkin, Director of Public Prosecutions, to WSC (2 Sussex Square) on a forthcoming meeting with Sir Richard Muir to discuss Muir's draft indictment [of Lord Alfred Douglas].
(Untitled), 19 Nov 1923
Letter from [WSC] to Sir Richard Muir, barrister (3 Temple Gardens, London) drawing his attention to the "improper and unjustified reference" in the Morning Post to the communiques on the Battle of Jutland. Carbon copy.
(Untitled), 13 Dec [1923]
Letter from "Sunny" [9th Duke of Marlborough] (15 Great College Street, [London]) sympathising with him at having to be cross-examined and hoping that [Lord Alfred Douglas] gets sent to gaol.