Found in 429 Collections and/or Records:
Index to matters contained in the statutes, early sixteenth century
Abridgement de la Ley. Arranged alphabetically, commencing with 'Chivaler' and ending with 'Staple', which is not complete. The manuscript is incomplete at the beginning, the leaves being numbered from 9 to 47. For a complete copy, see Ff.04.14.
Inquisitiones post mortem and other court and legal documents relating to Cambridgeshire and the locality, Seventeenth century
Inquisitions taken at Cambridge and Huntingdon, Mid seventeenth century
'A booke of inquisicons taken at Cambridge and Hunt.', concerning the estates of various people, in the years 1636-39 and 1644. At the end are inserted various forms for legal documents and 'fforma elegendi episc. Eliens'.
Inventories of the 'Auncient Courte Rolls ingrossed in Partchment of His Highnes' Mannors of Chertsey, Beamound, Thorpe, and Egham in the Countie of Surrey', 1603 - 1625
Mem. 2 is a duplicate of mem. 1. Attached to mem. 3 is a memorandum signed and sealed by Sir Tho. Neale, Auditor, that he had received from the Steward the Rolls mentioned in the Inventories, dated Nov. 17, 1606. The last mem. contains an Inventory of such Rolls as were remaining in the hands of John Hammond, M.D., and were delivered to the Commissioners of Revenue by Mary the Widow of the said Dr Hammond, June 8, 1618. At the foot is the autograph signature of Mary Hammond.
Justice Crook's argument in the case of John Hampden, c 1641
'A true coppie of Mr Justice Crook's argument XIIIo Aprilis anno dom. 1638 upon the case of the scire facias out of the exchequer against John Hampden esquire'.
Law cases, seventeenth century
From the reign of Queen Elizabeth I.
Law cases, seventeenth century
A notebook of various law cases between 24 Hen. VI and 39 Eliz. I. The points noticed are principally those bearing on pleading; the work itself is abruptly terminated. In one place is written 'Hors des repts de Sr Jo. Walter, kt'.
Law cases and readings, Seventeenth century
Law cases and readings from Finch, Stone, Weare, Trotman, Jorden, Prideaux and others from 1612 to 1615, and of Mownson, Egerton, Coke and Lea from the reign of Queen Elizabeth I. The five commencing folios appear to be a continuation of another volume. Between the two classes of readings is inserted an alphabetical index to the first set of readings, after which appears a Latin couplet headed 'My saviour'.
Law commonplace book, Seventeenth century
Contains extracts from statutes, etc.
Law commonplace book, early seventeenth century
Nearly the whole of the pages are blank.
Law commonplace book, Early seventeenth century
Contains extracts from statutes, under headings ranging from 'Accompt' to 'Villinage'. With an index. Five leaves are missing at the commencement.
Law commonplace book, Seventeenth century
Begins 'Patents grants le roy' and ends with 'Servants, apprentices'. Incomplete. The last ten pages are in darker ink, and appear to belong to another commonplace book, containing matter relating to 'Bridges, brewers, boaten, watermen and barges', in a more modern hand than the preceding matter.
Law commonplace book, Late sixteenth century
Contains entries from 'Abator' to 'Estoppele'. See also MS Dd.05.23.
Law commonplace book, c 1602
With an alphabetical table of contents; many of the leaves are blank. On the first leaf is a record of a money transaction between Edward Bullocke of Muche Wyborowe, Essex, and William Atwood, dated 1 May anno regni Elizabeth xxix. To f. 70 is affixed a letter of one Jos. Wood, dated 26 June 1599, begging a friend to discharge some debts. At the beginning is written a Latin distich.
Law commonplace book, Late sixteenth century
Alphabetically arranged from 'Abatement del bre.' to 'Gard, and gardein en chilry.' See also MS Dd.05.22.
Law commonplace book, Seventeenth century
Mostly blank.
Law commonplace book, late sixteenth century
The contents cover various points of common law. With an index.
Law commonplace book, Late sixteenth century
Contains an index.
Law commonplace book, late sixteenth century
Arranged alphabetically. A great many of the titles have no entries under them.
Law commonplace book, early seventeenth century
On the first 40 folios the articles are numbered, and followed by an index. Folios 90-153 are occupied with cases in the reign of Queen Elizabeth I. Throughout the book many of the titles have no entries under them. At the end is an index to the folios after 40.
Law commonplace book, Early seventeenth century
Alphabetically arranged, commencing with 'Abatement' and ending with 'Dutchie'.
Law commonplace book, seventeenth century
The first volume commences with 'Damages' and ends with 'Mortmayn'. The second commences with 'Nativo habendo' and ends with 'Waste'. The pages are ruled in red ink and each volume has its own index. In the printed catalogue of the manuscripts of John Moore it is said that the manuscript 'is believed to be made by the Lord Chief Justice Cooke, and to be written with his own hand'.
Law commonplace book, Late sixteenth century
The entries run from 'Abridgement de plaint' to 'Wreake'.
Law commonplace book, Sixteenth century
Arranged alphabetically from 'Abeyance' to 'Waiver des choses', and consisting of two parts, the second, from f. 220 to f. 374, being an appendix of omitted matter. There is a table of contents at the beginning.
Law commonplace book, Sixteenth century
Contains entries of adjournments of cases, capias issued, etc. The first 23 leaves are missing, as appears from an old paging.