Found in 429 Collections and/or Records:
Cranworth Law Society, 1934-[1983]
Records of Classical Society, Cranworth Society, Debating Society, Doughty / Literary Society, Maitland Historical Society, Medical Society, Scientific and Danby Societies.
Dictionary of law terms, Early seventeenth century
English and French is given in parallel columns; the English entries run from 'Abate' to 'Yard land'.
Digest book, or index to the law reports, Seventeenth century
Arranged alphabetically from 'Abatement' to'Waste'. The volumes are paged throughout, but irregularly, many leaves being interspersed unpaged, some blank, some bearing entries. At the end a table or alphabetical index has been begun, but only one page is completed.
Discourse on the authority of parliament, c 1600
'A discourse of the high court of parliament and of the authority of the same, collected out of the common lawes of the land and other good authors'. See also MS Ee.02.32, no. 3, where the work is attributed to Raphe Starkey.
Discourse, treatise and queries, c 1600-1630
(1) 'A discourse upon the comission of Bridewell', by Francis Bacon; (2) 'A treatise concernant le Ley', attributed to R. Zouch; (3) '30 queries of parsons and of parsonages'.
Discourses and notes on legal subjects, 1611-1614
'Divers and uncertayne discourses del ley', together with notes of several readings, from 2 March 1611 to 6 August 1614. On the first page is written 'By mee Thomas Wateridge'. About the middle of the book are 12 pages headed 'Joco seria. Of divers subts.'; these consist of anecdotes related by members of the Inn, in the year 1611.
Discourses on the marriage of Edward Seymour, earl of Hertford, and Lady Catherine Grey, 1562
Documents and treatises, seventeenth century
A collection of documents, legal, historical, and copies of letters, in fourteen hands.
Documents relating to nobility, privileges and legal cases, c 1612
Doggett Rolls of the Court of Common Pleas, in the reign of Charles II, Mid to late seventeenth century
Dominium Monasterii de Furneis, 1603 - 1625
'Computa omnium et singulorum Firmariorum et aliorum ministrorum Jacobi Regis computabilium omnium et singulorum maneriorum, terrarum, &c., in dicto Dominio, a Festo S. Michaelis, 2 Jacobi, usque ad idem Festum, 3 Jacobi.'
Excerpts from the rolls, seventeenth century
Copies from the rolls of the time of King Henry III. On f. 2 is a short list of books in Latin and Spanish printed mostly at Venice, 1534-1644, in the hand of Bishop John Moore. On f. 87v is a list of books lent, also in Bishop Moore's hand.
Expositio in Justiniani Digesta, seventeenth century
'Expositio in Pandectas Justiniani': imperfect at the end, the last nine chapters of Book L. being wanting.
Extracts from public rolls, Early seventeenth century
Extracts from the public rolls concerning pleas of the forest in the county of Oxford, taken before W. le Breton, 40 Hen. III.
Extracts from the rolls, sixteenth or seventeenth century
Extracts from the rolls in the tower concerning the tenure of lands in the counties of Dorset and Berkshire, extending from the reign of King Edward II to Queen Elizabeth I.
Forest laws and ordinances from Canute to Henry VIII, Late sixteenth century
The only article in English is the charter of King Edward the Confessor beginning 'Iche Edward kinge have given of my forest keepinge ...'. At the end of the volume is a folding leaf containing a table of the sovereigns of England from King Edward the Confessor to Queen Elizabeth I, giving the period of their respective reigns, date of their death, and location of their tomb.
Forms of instruments in ecclesiastical courts, Seventeenth century
A collection of forms of licences, citations, sequestrations and other instruments in the ecclesiastical courts; issued principally in the name of Robert King. The volume also contains a few notes of pleadings from the reign of King Charles I.
Forms of proceedings in ecclesiastical courts, Late sixteenth century
Many are in the name of John Whitgift, Archbishop of Canterbury. Incomplete.
Francis Bacon: Maxims of the law, 1630
A legal tract of Sir Francis Bacon, alternatively known as 'Rules and maxims of the common laws of England' (see also MS Hh.06.06). It has the two prefaces dedicated to 'Her sacred majestie'.
Francis Clerke, Praxis, c 1606
'De Curiis Ecclesiasticis, quæ celebrantur auctoritate Reverendissimi Cantuariensis Archiepiscopi, intra Civitatem Londinensem.' On the back of the fly-leaf at the end is a memorandum of the sale, on 9 Apr., 1606, by Haydon Waterson to Will. Edwards of Little Walsingham, Norf., Apothecary, of a tenement in that parish.
F.W. Maitland manuscripts, 1884 - 1920
Also with a scrapbook compiled by Fredegond Shove
Godfrye's Reports: the first part, seventeenth century
With an index of cases. They are cases adjudged in the K. B. and C. B. in the reign of Eliz. and the early part of James I.
Haddingtoune's Practicques, and a summary of Durie's Practicques, 1660
(1) ‘Haddingtoune's Practicques, from November, 1609, to 1613; and from Januarie, 1622, to the 30 July, 1623.' (2) 'Ane breife Summ or compend of [Sir Alexander Gibson of] Durie's two volumes of practicques, alphabeticallie digested into titles, etc.' (Contains decisions of the Lords of Council and Session from 2 July, 1621, to 16 July, 1642.)
History of Chinese Law (Mediaeval), 1948 - 1976-10
This series contains files on each topic set out in Joseph Needham's grand plan for 'Science and Civilisation in China'.