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Found in 429 Collections and/or Records:


Arguments of the counsel and judges in the case of ship money, mid or late seventeenth century

Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS Ii.05.30
Scope and Contents Contains the arguments of Mr St John; Sir Edward Littleton, solicitor-general; Mr Holborne; Sir John Banks, attorney-general; Mr Justice Weston; Mr Baron Crawley; Mr Justice Berkley; Mr Baron Trevors; Mr Baron Vernon; Mr Justice Croke; Mr Justice Jones; Mr Justice Hutton; Mr Baron Denham; Chief Baron Davenport; Chief Justice Finch; and Chief Justice Brampston. See MSS Ii.05.19 and Ii.05.27. Prefixed is the case upon the record, against John Hampden, to which are attached the names of Robert...
Dates: mid or late seventeenth century
Conditions Governing Access: From the Collection: Unless restrictions apply, the collection is open for consultation by researchers using the Manuscripts Reading Room at Cambridge University Library. For further details on conditions governing access please contact Information about opening hours and obtaining a Cambridge University Library reader's ticket is available from the Library's website (

Arraignment of the earl of Somerset, c. 1645

Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS Ee.04.12
Scope and Contents

An account of the trial of Robert Carr, Earl of Somerset, 25 May 1616.

Dates: c. 1645
Conditions Governing Access: From the Collection: Unless restrictions apply, the collection is open for consultation by researchers using the Manuscripts Reading Room at Cambridge University Library. For further details on conditions governing access please contact Information about opening hours and obtaining a Cambridge University Library reader's ticket is available from the Library's website (

Articles of canon law, Early seventeenth century

Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS Dd.09.29
Scope and Contents

Concerning the election and consecration of bishops, the vacating of benefices, dispensations, etc.

Dates: Early seventeenth century
Conditions Governing Access: From the Collection: Unless restrictions apply, the collection is open for consultation by researchers using the Manuscripts Reading Room at Cambridge University Library. For further details on conditions governing access please contact Information about opening hours and obtaining a Cambridge University Library reader's ticket is available from the Library's website (

Assizes and legal reports, Sixteenth century

Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS Dd.10.37
Scope and Contents

(1) Assizes, in forty chapters; (2) law reports of the reigns of King Henry VIII and Queen Elizabeth I.

Dates: Sixteenth century
Conditions Governing Access: From the Collection: Unless restrictions apply, the collection is open for consultation by researchers using the Manuscripts Reading Room at Cambridge University Library. For further details on conditions governing access please contact Information about opening hours and obtaining a Cambridge University Library reader's ticket is available from the Library's website (

Book of practicks, 1660

Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS Kk.05.04
Scope and Contents

'My lord Hadingtoune his booke of practicks alphabeticallie digested into titles'. It contains decisions of the lords of Council and Session in Scotland, from about 1606 to 1624. With an index.

Dates: 1660
Conditions Governing Access: From the Collection: Unless restrictions apply, the collection is open for consultation by researchers using the Manuscripts Reading Room at Cambridge University Library. For further details on conditions governing access please contact Information about opening hours and obtaining a Cambridge University Library reader's ticket is available from the Library's website (

Breife declaration concerning the use of the lawe, c 1630

Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS Gg.01.35
Scope and Contents

Wrongly attributed to Francis Bacon, Viscount St Albans. See also Ff.04.16.

Dates: c 1630
Conditions Governing Access: From the Collection: Unless restrictions apply, the collection is open for consultation by researchers using the Manuscripts Reading Room at Cambridge University Library. For further details on conditions governing access please contact Information about opening hours and obtaining a Cambridge University Library reader's ticket is available from the Library's website (

Calendar of the patent rolls, seventeenth century

Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS Ii.05.42
Scope and Contents

Entries run from the first year of King Edward III to the last year of King Richard II.

Dates: seventeenth century
Conditions Governing Access: From the Collection: Unless restrictions apply, the collection is open for consultation by researchers using the Manuscripts Reading Room at Cambridge University Library. For further details on conditions governing access please contact Information about opening hours and obtaining a Cambridge University Library reader's ticket is available from the Library's website (

Cartulary of lands in Essex, Sixteenth century

Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS Dd.09.08
Scope and Contents A cartulary of lands in Alwithly (Aveley) and Wennington in Essex, which were the property of John Barett, gentleman, in the reign of King Henry VIII. The documents are 158 in number, and are not arranged in any certain order. Three of them, which are not dated, appear to belong to the reign of King Edward I; the others form a nearly, if not quite, complete series of the deeds relating to the property, the latest of them being dated in the second year of the reign of King Henry VIII. A full...
Dates: Sixteenth century
Conditions Governing Access: From the Collection: Unless restrictions apply, the collection is open for consultation by researchers using the Manuscripts Reading Room at Cambridge University Library. For further details on conditions governing access please contact Information about opening hours and obtaining a Cambridge University Library reader's ticket is available from the Library's website (

Catalogue of books / law precedents, Late seventeenth century

Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS Dd.02.15
Scope and Contents A catalogue of books, arranged according to authors' names, from Mei to Zui, with the place and date of publication and the size of each work. The first part of this catalogue is in Dd.09.45. At the other end of the book reversed are a series of law precedents, written in various hands: (1) 'An indenture tripartite of covenauntes to lease uses of a fine and recoverie with divers provisoes and limitations therein conteyned'; (2) Bargain and sale of lands, preliminary to suffering a recovery;...
Dates: Late seventeenth century
Conditions Governing Access: From the Collection: Unless restrictions apply, the collection is open for consultation by researchers using the Manuscripts Reading Room at Cambridge University Library. For further details on conditions governing access please contact Information about opening hours and obtaining a Cambridge University Library reader's ticket is available from the Library's website (

Certified copy of the last Will and Testament, with seven Codicils, of Peter Gunning, Bishop of Ely, and of the Probate thereof, 1685 - 1701

Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS Oo.07.31
Scope and Contents The Will is dated 25 Aug., 1679; the first of the seven Codicils, 26 Aug. 1679, and the last, 26 June, 1684. Proved in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury 26 July, 1684, William Saywell, D.D., [Prebendary of Ely,] sole executor. This copy appears to have been made for the purpose of taking Counsel's opinion upon the legacies bequeathed to William Gunning, the testator's cousin, which is endorsed upon the last sheet and signed George Gifford, 24 Nov., 1686. Bishop Gunning died 6 July, 1684....
Dates: 1685 - 1701
Conditions Governing Access: From the Collection: Unless restrictions apply, the collection is open for consultation by researchers using the Manuscripts Reading Room at Cambridge University Library. For further details on conditions governing access please contact Information about opening hours and obtaining a Cambridge University Library reader's ticket is available from the Library's website (

Cherhill court rolls, Seventeenth century

Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS Dd.03.01
Scope and Contents

Court rolls of the royal manor of Cherhill, in Wiltshire, from 17 Jac. I to 2 Car. I.

Dates: Seventeenth century
Conditions Governing Access: From the Collection: Unless restrictions apply, the collection is open for consultation by researchers using the Manuscripts Reading Room at Cambridge University Library. For further details on conditions governing access please contact Information about opening hours and obtaining a Cambridge University Library reader's ticket is available from the Library's website (

Collection of decrees, seventeenth century

Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS Hh.03.01
Scope and Contents ‘Un breife collection de touts tiels decrees fait in le court de gards, queux decidunt ascune doubte in ley, ou autrement expresse ou explaine ascun matter necessary pur ester conus daver lexperience de mesme le court. Les queux decrees remaine encorde et enter in les livers appell les livers de decrees del dit court, hors de queux livers est fait cet collection. Et cest coppie est escriete hors del mesme collection, que fuit escriet par l’author, John Hare, que fuit escriet par sa maine...
Dates: seventeenth century
Conditions Governing Access: From the Collection: Unless restrictions apply, the collection is open for consultation by researchers using the Manuscripts Reading Room at Cambridge University Library. For further details on conditions governing access please contact Information about opening hours and obtaining a Cambridge University Library reader's ticket is available from the Library's website (

Collection of decrees in the Court of Wards, seventeenth century

Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS Ii.05.17
Scope and Contents

'Un breif collection de touts tiels decrees fayt in le Court de Gards queux decydent ascuns doubt in ley'; it commences with Trinity Term, 7 Edw. VI, and ends with Michaelmas Term, 10 James I.

Dates: seventeenth century
Conditions Governing Access: From the Collection: Unless restrictions apply, the collection is open for consultation by researchers using the Manuscripts Reading Room at Cambridge University Library. For further details on conditions governing access please contact Information about opening hours and obtaining a Cambridge University Library reader's ticket is available from the Library's website (

Collection of legal decrees, Early seventeenth century

Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS Dd.03.09
Scope and Contents 'Un briefe collection de touts tiels decrees fait in le court de gards queux decident ascun doubt in loy ou auterment a expresse ou explayne ascun matter necessary pur estre conus d'aver experience de mesme le court les queux decrees remayne en roll et enter en le livres de decrees del dit courte hors de queux livers jes aye fait cesty collextion pur mon experience de mesme. Incipiunt termino Trin. anno regni regis Edwardi Sexti 7mo et ensuit.' The entries are brought down to 'Mich. 7 Jac.'....
Dates: Early seventeenth century
Conditions Governing Access: From the Collection: Unless restrictions apply, the collection is open for consultation by researchers using the Manuscripts Reading Room at Cambridge University Library. For further details on conditions governing access please contact Information about opening hours and obtaining a Cambridge University Library reader's ticket is available from the Library's website (

Collection of legal documents, Seventeenth century

Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS Dd.06.36
Scope and Contents

Includes charges, instructions, presentations, warrants, etc., relating to the court of Waltham Forest, in the time of King James I and King Charles I. It contains also copies of the 'Charta de foresta, edita anno 9 Hen. III.', and of the 'Ordinatio forestæ', 34 Edw. II. (1306).

Dates: Seventeenth century
Conditions Governing Access: From the Collection: Unless restrictions apply, the collection is open for consultation by researchers using the Manuscripts Reading Room at Cambridge University Library. For further details on conditions governing access please contact Information about opening hours and obtaining a Cambridge University Library reader's ticket is available from the Library's website (

Collection of legal reports and related documents, Late sixteenth or early seventeenth century

Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS Dd.06.39
Scope and Contents

(1) Extracts from the year books of King Henry III, years 1-47; (2) law cases abridged and arranged under several titles; no dates or references; (3) ‘Modus cirographandi’; (4) ‘Vetera placita que placitantur in itinere’; (5) table of reports from Hen. III. to Rich. II., wherein the cases which Fitzherbert has abridged under several titles, are placed according to the years in which they were treated on.

Dates: Late sixteenth or early seventeenth century
Conditions Governing Access: From the Collection: Unless restrictions apply, the collection is open for consultation by researchers using the Manuscripts Reading Room at Cambridge University Library. For further details on conditions governing access please contact Information about opening hours and obtaining a Cambridge University Library reader's ticket is available from the Library's website (

Collection of legal tracts, Early seventeenth century

Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS Dd.09.22
Scope and Contents

(1) Arguments upon the case of Ship Money in 1638; (2) a continuation of, and partly written in the same hand as, ‘The arguments and opinions concernynge the case of shippe money, of Sir John Brampston, knight, lord chief justice of the King’s Bench, in the Exchequer Chamber ...’ (see MS Dd.03.86, no. 5); (3) 'Causes in Chancerie gathered by Sir George Carye, one of the Masters of the Chancerie, anno 1601'.

Dates: Early seventeenth century
Conditions Governing Access: From the Collection: Unless restrictions apply, the collection is open for consultation by researchers using the Manuscripts Reading Room at Cambridge University Library. For further details on conditions governing access please contact Information about opening hours and obtaining a Cambridge University Library reader's ticket is available from the Library's website (

Collection of legal treatises and miscellaneous writings, seventeenth century

Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS Gg.03.26
Scope and Contents The items collected are written in different hands of the seventeenth century. Contains: (1) ‘Instructions for the mr of or wards and lyveries for the better authorisinge and directinge of him in the execucon of his office and performance of our service’, from the reign of King James I, in a contemporary hand; (2) a treatise on tenures, and ‘breifly of wardships, premier seisin, livery’, etc., in the same hand as no. 1; (3) ‘Curia wardorum’, being notes of cases in the court of wards,...
Dates: seventeenth century
Conditions Governing Access: From the Collection: Unless restrictions apply, the collection is open for consultation by researchers using the Manuscripts Reading Room at Cambridge University Library. For further details on conditions governing access please contact Information about opening hours and obtaining a Cambridge University Library reader's ticket is available from the Library's website (

Collection of miscellaneous documents, mostly concerning the sale of land, Seventeenth century

Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS Dd.08.30
Scope and Contents (1) Copy of a letter of Peter Bertius to William Barlow, bishop of Lincoln, dated Lugd. Bat. Sept. anno 1612; certain theological theses are appended; (2) the case between baronets and the younger sons of viscounts and barons for precedency, containing the arguments on both sides and the king’s decision, related and set down by Mr Hackwill of Lincoln’s Inn, who was of the counsel of the barons; (3) an account of common land sold at Ovenden, Skircoate, Shelfe, Stainband, Thurleston, Eland,...
Dates: Seventeenth century
Conditions Governing Access: From the Collection: Unless restrictions apply, the collection is open for consultation by researchers using the Manuscripts Reading Room at Cambridge University Library. For further details on conditions governing access please contact Information about opening hours and obtaining a Cambridge University Library reader's ticket is available from the Library's website (

Collection of pleadings, Mid-sixteenth century

Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS Dd.03.19
Scope and Contents

Transcripts of pleadings from the time of King Henry VI, including a record of a 'placitum detentionis syngraphi obligatorii'. The whole work is apparently a transcript from the Rotuli placitorum, preserved in the Public Records.

Dates: Mid-sixteenth century
Conditions Governing Access: From the Collection: Unless restrictions apply, the collection is open for consultation by researchers using the Manuscripts Reading Room at Cambridge University Library. For further details on conditions governing access please contact Information about opening hours and obtaining a Cambridge University Library reader's ticket is available from the Library's website (

Collection of tracts, Sixteenth to eighteenth centuries

Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS Dd.03.85
Scope and Contents (1) ‘Of the prerogative of parliament’, in a dialogue between a councillor of state and a Justice of the Peace, by Sir Walter Raleigh; (2) ‘The Lord Arlington’s case, Thursday, January the 15th, 1673’; (3) ‘Mr Harrington’s argument in Banco Regis on a quare impedt.’ (in a case involving the bishop of Exeter, Hayman and Hele), with explanations, the point discussed being the power of a bishop to refuse institution on account of insufficiency of learning in the clerk presented; (4) ‘A...
Dates: Sixteenth to eighteenth centuries
Conditions Governing Access: From the Collection: Unless restrictions apply, the collection is open for consultation by researchers using the Manuscripts Reading Room at Cambridge University Library. For further details on conditions governing access please contact Information about opening hours and obtaining a Cambridge University Library reader's ticket is available from the Library's website (

Collection of tracts, Late sixteenth and/or early seventeenth centuries

Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS Dd.05.78
Scope and Contents

(1) 'Francis Junius his lectures upon the prophet Jonah', with many corrections; it is apparently a translation of the Latin treatise, Opp. Genevæ, 1593, volume I, p. 1330; (2) notes taken at lectures on civil law, during the reign of King Charles I; (3) removed from the volume and described separately.

Dates: Late sixteenth and/or early seventeenth centuries
Conditions Governing Access: From the Collection: Unless restrictions apply, the collection is open for consultation by researchers using the Manuscripts Reading Room at Cambridge University Library. For further details on conditions governing access please contact Information about opening hours and obtaining a Cambridge University Library reader's ticket is available from the Library's website (

Collection of tracts, Sixteenth and seventeenth centuries

Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS Dd.03.86
Scope and Contents (1) ‘Sir Robert Cotton’s treatise concerning the meanes how the kinge maie levey monies’, imperfect; (2) declaration of the Duke of Norfolk regarding those things omitted in his examinations touching proceedings with Mary Queen of Scots, 10 November 1571; (3) inventory of ‘goods, stuf, plate, juels, and quyk catell’ belonging to Thomas, Duke of Norfolk, remaining in Framlingham Castle and thereabouts in the county of Suffolk, taken by John Seint-clere, appreciator general to Thomas,...
Dates: Sixteenth and seventeenth centuries
Conditions Governing Access: From the Collection: Unless restrictions apply, the collection is open for consultation by researchers using the Manuscripts Reading Room at Cambridge University Library. For further details on conditions governing access please contact Information about opening hours and obtaining a Cambridge University Library reader's ticket is available from the Library's website (

Collection of tracts and law cases, seventeenth century

Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS Ff.04.18
Scope and Contents (1) ‘A learned exposition of certayne of Spencer’s verses concerninge the soule and body of Man, made by Sir Kenelme Digby, knight, at the request of Sir Edward Easterling’ (see also MS Dd.03.85, no. 12); (2) ‘The bishopp of Armagh’s resolucon to both howses of parliament concerning the lithurgie and episcopall government, being by them thereunto required’; (3) ‘A breviate of the arraignement of Anne Turner, widdowe, who was arraigned at Westmr, nono die, Novembris, Ao dni 1615’; (4) ‘The...
Dates: seventeenth century
Conditions Governing Access: From the Collection: Unless restrictions apply, the collection is open for consultation by researchers using the Manuscripts Reading Room at Cambridge University Library. For further details on conditions governing access please contact Information about opening hours and obtaining a Cambridge University Library reader's ticket is available from the Library's website (

Collection of tracts and other writings, Sixteenth to eighteenth centuries

Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS Dd.03.88
Scope and Contents (1)-(5) ‘Prælectiones Mosis Amyraldi professoris, in diversos locos SS. habitæ’, all apparently copied in the same hand, which is similar to that in MS Dd.10.40, (1) ‘In c. 24 Evang. S. Matth’, (2) ‘Expositio cap. 12 Evang. S. Matth’, also ‘In Marc. c. 9, v. 48. prælectio’, (3) ‘Prælectio in Apocal. cap. 22. v. 1.’ and other passages, bearing the date Jan. 1661 (4) ‘Prælectiones in capp. i. ii. Ep. ad Romanos’, bearing the date 25 May 1660, (5) ‘Explicatio divv. locorum in primâ ad Corinth....
Dates: Sixteenth to eighteenth centuries
Conditions Governing Access: From the Collection: Unless restrictions apply, the collection is open for consultation by researchers using the Manuscripts Reading Room at Cambridge University Library. For further details on conditions governing access please contact Information about opening hours and obtaining a Cambridge University Library reader's ticket is available from the Library's website (