Found in 429 Collections and/or Records:
Writings of Sir Thomas Littleton, early sixteenth century
The manuscript consists of two parts; firstly an unfinished copy of Littleton's treatise on tenures, extending only to 'Breve de intrusione'; secondly his treatise 'De natura brevium'.
Writings on courts and the practice of an attorney, Seventeenth century
(1) 'Of the courts of this realme'; (2) 'Certaine briefe noates and instructions necessarie for such as are towards practise of an attourney in the Comon Pleas or Court of Comon Pleas with the rules and orders incident to the same courte, and alsoe what manner of accons such an attorney may pleade'; this section is on leaves numbered 1 to 64, but appears to be supplementary to (1).
Writings on nobility and heraldry, Seventeenth century
(1) An account of the persons that are noble, and their ranks; and a few remarks on heraldry; (2) 'A consideracion of the office and duty of a herauld in England drawn out of sundry observacions by John Doddridge the kinges Solicitor Generall at the instance of H. Earle of Northampton in August 1605'; (3) 'A catalogue of the nobility of England according to their creations, temp. Jac. I.'
Writings on the court of Star Chamber, Seventeenth century
(1) ‘Annotationes nonnullæ regulæ et feoda, Cameræ Stellatæ curiæ concernentes brevissime collectæ’; a short analysis, in English, of the forms of proceeding in the Star Chamber; (2) ‘An exact compendium of the whole course of the court of Starr Chamber', by [Isaac Cotton]. Other copies of this work, with differing titles) are in Ll.04.10 and Add.3105.