Found in 429 Collections and/or Records:
Political: Constituency: Oldham [Lancashire]: correspondence., 28 Jan 1902 - 04 Dec 1902
Political: Constituency: Oldham [Lancashire]: Correspondence and newspaper cuttings relating to the Trades Disputes Bill., 22 Apr 1903 - 22 May 1903
Correspondents include: John Clynes and A H Smethurst [Joint Secretaries of the Oldham Trade Union Law Committee](4).
Political: Constituency: Oldham [Lancashire]: correspondence and newspaper cuttings relating to WSC's attitude towards changes to Trade Union Law., 03 May 1902 - 31 Jan 1903
Correspondents include: John Clynes and A H Smethurst, Joint Secretaries of the Oldham Trade Union Law Committee (4).
Political: Constituency: Woodford [Essex]: Correspondence., 21 Dec 1959 - 14 Dec 1963
Political: Constituency: Woodford [Essex]: correspondence with or on behalf of constituents, A-L., Apr 1949 - Aug 1949
Proceedings for adultery, c 1692
Details of proceedings in the Spiritual Court, before Dr George Oxenden, against Thomas Hastings, for adultery.
Proceedings in bankruptcy, 1666-1667
Proceedings under a commission of bankruptcy awarded against Thomas Neave of Norwich, hosier, 1666. Also proceedings against Mathew Attmur, of Hockham in Norfolk, grocer, 1667.
Proceedings in the Prerogative Court, 1666
The case is between John Owsley and Robert Wilcox, relative to the will of Mary Owsley.
Public and Political: General: Patronage: Correspondence, L -M., Jul 1956 - Nov 1964
Public and Political: General: Private and Personal: Correspondence Su - Th., 17 Jan 1951 - 29 Oct 1960
Reading on laws concerning sewers, Early seventeenth century
A reading on the statute 23 Henry VIII cap. 5, and other laws concerning sewers. At the end is a copy of a letter from Sir John Popham to Sir Thomas Lambert, about the draining of the Isle of Ely, dated Littlecott, 7th [no month or year]. The reading may be Popham's, who served as chief justice of the King's Bench.
Readings and commentaries on canon law, sixteenth century
Readings and commentaries (called theoriæ and postillæ) on various portions of the canon law, by Martinus Navarrus.
Readings on statutes, c 1596
Readings on various statutes delivered in the Middle Temple by Weston, Bowyer, Savyle, Ross, Johnson, Sherley, Harris, Agmundesham, Gibbes, Williams, Ewens, Marston and Phillips, all of whom, according to Dugdale, were the readers appointed between 1585 and 1596, which years correspond with the dates given in the manuscript. The pages of the last reading, according to a later note, are misplaced: 'This reading is continued at f. 87, and concluded at f. 78'.
Readings on statutes, c 1620
Records of the Faculty of Law, 1960 - 1996
The category - Teaching, learning and research records - comprises records relating to curriculum delivery and examination, further research and the award of degrees; also such adjuncts to study as laboratories, the Botanic Garden and University Library.
Register of the acts of the court of the Lord-Commissioners in causes ecclesiastical, Seventeenth century
Contains entries from Michaelmas term 1631 to Hilary term 1633.
Regulations and decrees of the court of wards and liveries, with related writings, Late sixteenth or early seventeenth century
(1) Regulations and decrees of the court of wards and liveries; (2) 'A brief discourse of the descents and genealogies of all the kings and princes of England from the conquest' to the reign of Queen Elizabeth I; (3) 'Questions and answeres tending to discover the impedyments that doe hinder and decay the making and the profitts of the queen's majestie's liveries'.
Repertorium sive Elenchus Parliamentorum, 1600 - 1649
'Repertorium sive Elenchus Parliamentorum de Annis Edw. III., Ric. II., Hen. IV., Hen. V., Hen. VI., et Edw. IV.' An alphabetical index of the subjects of the statutes passed in those reigns. On the back of the title-page is a list of the sovereigns of England from Henry III. to Charles I.
Report of a case in chancery, Mid sixteenth century
'The case in chancery of conveying a park [Ridmarley] and mill in Worcestershire, by Bishop Ridley, Bishop of London'; the title is in a more recent hand than the report, which has been headed by the scribe 'Shepside pl. Mountjoye Serle and Stone d[eff.]. A parke called Ridmerly and a mill joyning thereto'. On three waste leaves at the end are a lawyer's bill, some notes relating to the above case, and other memoranda.
Reports of Cases adjudged in the Common Bench from Easter Term 1 James I. to Mich. Term 22 James I, Seventeenth century
There is a hiatus from Hil. 3 to Hil. 4, and from Easter 6 to Hil. 6, James I.
Reports of Cases adjudged in the Common Bench from Easter Term 3 to Easter Term 4 Charles I, 1628 - 1700
The book is imperfect in some places, and the several Terms have not been properly arranged
Reports of cases adjudged in the Star Chamber, and Instructions for the Master of Wards and Liveries, Seventeenth century
Reports of cases argued in the Court of Session in Scotland, 1630 - 1642
Reports of Cases argued in the Court of Session in Scotland from February, 1630, to July, 1642. At the end, written with the book reversed, are, a Case and Opinion on a question of marriage, an Act of the Generall Assemblie at Montrose in 1595, two Acts of the same at Edinburgh, in 1650 and [?], and an Order in Council for the administration of justice in 1655.
Reports of Cases decided in the King's Bench and Common Bench between Mich. Term, 38 Hen. VIII. and Trin. Term, 27 Eliz., Seventeenth century
The arguments are sometimes given at considerable length, with the names of the arguers. On ff. 145-148, 'Lectura touchant Coppiholds.'
Reports of cases decided in the King's Bench from Easter Term, 1 Charles I., to Hilary Term, 3 Charles I., Seventeenth century
Reports of cases decided in the King's Bench from Easter Term, 1 Charles I., to Hilary Term, 3 Charles I., with the Case of the King v. Eaton in the Duchy of Lancaster Chamber, Hil. 2 Charles I., and the Cases of Sir Edmund Bacon, and Whitmore v. Porter, in the Exchequer, Mich. 3 Charles I., at considerable length.