Found in 418 Collections and/or Records:
(Untitled), 09 Dec 1924
Letter from [WSC] to [Ethel] Lady Desborough on a tax question relating to a charity with which Lady Desborough is connected. Carbon typescript copy.
(Untitled), 31 Dec 1924
(Untitled), 1929
Suggested reply for Conservative candidates to a question on exemptions from income tax of contributions to widows' and orphans' endowment funds.
(Untitled), 19 Jan 1924
Letter from W M Pressly (Hawthorn Bank, Scarcroft Road, York) to WSC outlining the policies of his proposed "Progressive Party",including penny postage, cheaper foodstuffs and reduced income tax funded by a tax on betting and national and Empire lotteries.
(Untitled), 31 Jan 1925
Edition of "John O'London's Weekly" including article by Lord Riddell [earlier Sir George Riddell] on the views of Secretary of the United States Treasury on taxation.
(Untitled), [1925]
Leaflet published by the United Committee for the Taxation of Land Values: "What the Chancellor of the Exchequer has said", containing previous statements by WSC in favour of the taxation of land values.
(Untitled), 20 Mar 1926
Cutting from the "Yorkshire Observer": speech by Sir John Simon [later Lord Simon] criticising Government policy on taxation and public spending and the obstructed negotiations for the admission of Germany into the League of Nations. Sent with CHAR 2/147/62.
(Untitled), 05 Nov 1925
Letter from George Lambert [later Lord Lambert] (35 Grosvenor Road, Westminster, [London]) to WSC reporting that he blessed him when he paid his super tax but noting that press reaction has been hostile. Approves the appointment of Edward Wood [later Lord Irwin and Lord Halifax] as Viceroy of India.
(Untitled), 28 Jan 1935
Letter from Ian Colvin, (the Morning Post, Tudor Street, London), to WSC, giving the source of a quotation by Austen Chamberlain [former Secretary of State for India] about how foolish Lancashire would be to "boggle at a paltry four per cent India tariff against cotton imports", which was said in the House of Commons, 14 March 1917.
(Untitled), 29 Jan 1935
Letter from Ian Colvin, (the Morning Post, Tudor Street, London), to WSC, on the Times report of a deputation from Lancashire which met Austen Chamberlain, [former Secretary of State for India], 13 March 1917 on the subject of Indian duties on cotton.
(Untitled), 08 May 1935
Letter from Katharine, Duchess of Atholl, (98 Elm Park Gardens, London SW10) to WSC, enclosing a memorandum written after the Burma debate in the House of Commons, on the continuation of high duties on British cotton goods in Burma [later Myanmar], in spite of the proposed separation from India.
(Untitled), 30 Mar 1935
(Untitled), 09 May 1935
Letter from Harold Robinson, [Chairman, Lancashire Group, India Defence League], to WSC, enclosing a reprint of his article from the Oldham Chronicle, 30 March 1935, "Lancashire Demands a Square Deal - Remove the Surcharges in Indian Tariff on Cotton Goods"; reporting that the article had been issued to all Lancashire MPs.
(Untitled), 14 Nov 1928
(Untitled), 1930
Amendments and explanatory memoranda relating to the Finance Bill.
(Untitled), 1930
The Finance Bill.
(Untitled), 1929
Suggested reply for Conservative candidates to a question on the taxation of land values.
(Untitled), 1929
Suggested reply for Conservative candidates to a question on rating relief for amateur cricket and sports club grounds.
(Untitled), 1929
Suggested reply for Conservative candidates to a question on the abolition of the entertainments tax.
(Untitled), [May] [1929]
Table showing the changes in rateable values and rates between 1928/9 and 1929/30 in various county boroughs and county districts.
(Untitled), 03 May [1929]
Minute by Sir Alfred Hurst to James Grigg on the proposed scheme of rating reform, particularly as it would effect London and parishes in the Epping Division of Essex.
(Untitled), 03 May 1929
Note from [WSC] to [James Grigg] asking for clarification of figures on the rating of places in his constituency [Epping, Essex] produced by Sir Alfred Hurst.
(Untitled), 23 Feb 1929
Letter from Lord Derby (Derby House, Stratford Place, [London]) to WSC urging him to reconsider the matter of the betting tax because it is doing the Conservatives great electoral damage.
(Untitled), 27 Feb 1929
Letter from WSC to "Eddie" [Lord Derby] on the political difficulties caused to the Government by the betting tax. Typescript copy. Carbon copy at CHAR 2/164/7.
(Untitled), 01 Mar 1929
Letter from Lord Derby (Derby House, Stratford Place, [London]) to WSC agreeing that the Labour Party have acted foolishly in welcoming the support of the bookmakers over the betting tax and expressing confidence that WSC will do his best to deal with the unpopularity of the tax among the Government's supporters.