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Trade unions

Subject Source: UK Archival Thesaurus

Found in 395 Collections and/or Records:


Public and Political: General: Political: Correspondence S-Z., Oct 1950 - Oct 1951

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHUR 2/117A-B
Scope and Contents Correspondents include: "Bobbety" [5th Lord Salisbury, earlier Robert Gascoyne Cecil and Lord Cranborne] and Leo Amery on Cabinet positions in the event of a Conservative election victory; Sir Arthur Salter; Duncan Sandys on his visit to Yugoslavia [later Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia, and Slovenia] and Marshal Tito; 1st Lord Woolton [earlier Frederick Marquis, Chairman, Conservative and Unionist Central Office] (10); Sir Geoffrey Shakespeare,...
Dates: Oct 1950 - Oct 1951
Conditions Governing Access: Open

Public and Political: General: Political: Correspondence T-Z., Jan 1949 - Dec 1949

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHUR 2/86A-B
Scope and Contents Correspondents include: Ernest Taylor; Patrick Buchan-Hepburn [later 1st Lord Hailes, Conservative Chief Whip] on Ivor Thomas [later Ivor Bulmer-Thomas]; James Thomas [later 1st Lord Cilcennin, Vice-Chairman of Conservative and Unionist Party] (4); Sir Herbert Thompson on the Indian civil service and police; R Robinson, Lord Mayor of Cardiff, on matters including the Tonypandy riots [Glamorgan, Wales] and naming a road after WSC (7); representatives of the Conservative Research Department...
Dates: Jan 1949 - Dec 1949
Conditions Governing Access: Open

Public and Political: General: Political: Correspondence T-Z., Jan 1950 - Dec 1950

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHUR 2/102A-B
Scope and Contents Correspondents include: Patrick Buchan-Hepburn [later 1st Lord Hailes, Conservative Chief Whip] (3); James Thomas [later 1st Lord Cilcennin, Vice-Chairman of Conservative and Unionist Party] (6); various representatives of Conservative and Unionist Central Office including George Christ (14); 1st Lord Woolton [earlier Frederick Marquis, Chairman, Conservative and Unionist Central Office] (11); Sir [James] Clifford Tozer on Plymouth [Devon] Fair; Moss Turner-Samuels; Julius Holmes [Minister,...
Dates: Jan 1950 - Dec 1950
Conditions Governing Access: Open

Public and Political: General: Political: Correspondence T - Z., 15 Jan 1951 - 12 Feb 1961

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHUR 2/131
Scope and Contents Correspondents include: Geoffrey Drewe [Assistant to Honorary Treasurers, Conservative and Unionist Party] on WSC's expenses; Kenneth Thompson; John Hare, Vice-Chairman, Conservative and Unionist Central Office, on subjects including the local election at High Wycombe [Buckinghamshire] (2); Sir Edward Bridges, [Permanent Secretary], Treasury, on WSC's salary and Prime Minister's pension (2); Sir Edward Beddington-Behrens [Vice-Chairman, European Movement] on WSC's speech at a European...
Dates: 15 Jan 1951 - 12 Feb 1961
Conditions Governing Access: Open

Public and Political: General: Political: statement of Conservative Party policy: correspondence, proofs, and pamphlets., May 1949 - Jul 1949

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHUR 2/88
Scope and Contents Correspondents include: Sir David Maxwell Fyfe [later 1st Lord Kilmuir]; Harold Macmillan [later 1st Lord Stockton]; R A Butler (3); Ralph Assheton [later 1st Lord Clitheroe]; Sir Hubert Henderson (2). Also includes note and copy of correspondence from secretaries Chips Gemmell and Jane Portal [later Lady Williams of Elvel].Includes: galley proofs with annotations of the draft statement of policy with sections on economic affairs, management and labour, nationalisation, the countryside,...
Dates: May 1949 - Jul 1949
Conditions Governing Access: Open

Public and Political: General: Private and Personal: Correspondence N - P., 08 Jan 1951 - 15 May 1962

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHUR 2/195A-B
Scope and Contents Correspondents include: Enoch Powell; Christopher Soames; Diana, Lady Norwich [earlier Lady Diana Cooper] on the death of [1st Lord Norwich, earlier Duff Cooper] (2); 2nd Lord Norwich [earlier John Julius Cooper]; "Fudd" [1st Lord Norwich] (2); Bryce Nairn, British Consul-General, Lourenco-Marques, Portuguese East Africa [later Mozambique]; 13th Lord Napier and Ettrick; 6th Lord Nelson [earlier Lord Trafalgar]; Oscar Nemon on his bust of WSC (8); Sir Alan Lascelles [Private Secretary to...
Dates: 08 Jan 1951 - 15 May 1962
Conditions Governing Access: Open

Public and Political: General: Private and Personal: Correspondence with Sir Anthony Eden and Clarissa, Lady Eden., 12 Apr 1952 - 14 Jun 1958

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHUR 2/216
Scope and Contents Correspondence between WSC and Eden [later 1st Lord Avon, Foreign Secretary and Prime Minister] on subjects including gifts from WSC, [the dismissal of] Lavrenti Beria [head of Soviet Ministry of International Affairs], the timing of the 1955 General Election, the 4-Power summit at Geneva [Switzerland], United States policy on the Middle East, rail and docks strikes, the Suez Crisis [Egypt], Eden's health, the Canadian elections, the Canadian and American attitude to Suez, supplying arms to...
Dates: 12 Apr 1952 - 14 Jun 1958
Conditions Governing Access: Open

Public and Political: General: The British Gazette: souvenirs., 05 May 1926 - 13 May 1926

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 2/148
Scope and Contents

Includes a souvenir volume of the British Gazette published during the General Strike and a photograph of a luncheon of those involved in publishing the newspaper.

Dates: 05 May 1926 - 13 May 1926
Conditions Governing Access: Open

Public and political: papers relating to trade union political levies., c 1927

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 2/155
Scope and Contents From the Series: The papers in this class relate to WSC's activities as a person in public life other than those as MP for a particular constituency or as a Minister, and the class inevitably forms a miscellany of papers of widely differing kinds and value. They include notes and correspondence with colleagues, acquaintances, and the general public, on topics of contemporary general interest, on party political matters, and on appointments to various positions, together with invitations to speak at meetings...
Dates: c 1927
Conditions Governing Access: From the Fonds: The Churchill Papers are made available to researchers using Churchill Archives Centre and worldwide in digital format. The digital edition of the Churchill Papers is published by Bloomsbury Academic and is available online to subscribing institutions at The Churchill archive is freely available in our reading rooms and onsite at Churchill College (via the Churchill College wireless network). Researchers can download images of documents directly from and so are encouraged to consider bringing a laptop or other device for this purpose. For conservation reasons, the fragile originals are no longer issued to researchers. This digital edition is open to researchers unless otherwise marked in the catalogue. Some material has been closed by the Cabinet Office or by Churchill Archives Centre in accordance with data protection legislation.

Records of the New Museums Club, 1891 - 1951

Reference Code: GBR/0265/UA/Min.IX.23-38, 54-5
Scope and Contents From the Sub-Management Group:

Records in this category - Minutes of University associations and clubs, occasionally with related records - cover staff social and trades union associations, University fund-raising bodies and research groups, and student clubs.

Dates: 1891 - 1951
Conditions Governing Access: From the Management Group: The University Archives are generally freely available to the holder of a reader's ticket for the Manuscripts Reading Room at Cambridge University Library, West Road, Cambridge CB3 9DR. Restrictions on access are imposed on certain categories of sensitive record: financial, governmental and personal, by order of the originating body or under data protection legislation. Access information, including opening hours and how to obtain a reader's ticket, appears as part of the Library's web site (

"Russian Money", 11 Jun 1926

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 22/96/4-15
Scope and Contents

Memorandum by the Home Secretary, Sir William Joynson-Hicks [later 1st Lord Brentford], on the influx of Soviet money and State companies into London. Subjects covered include: possible expulsion of the Russian embassy and state institutions because of actions during the General Strike and prevention of influx of money from the Soviet Union; political and financial connections between the Communist Party and Trade Unions in Great Britain. Typescript with pencil annotations.

Dates: 11 Jun 1926
Conditions Governing Access: Open

Scottish Trades Union Congress Speech, 1988-04-20

Reference Code: GBR/0014/KNNK 26/2/59
Scope and Contents From the Sub-Series:

Includes: recordings from radio interviews with NK and other members of the Shadow Cabinet; recordings from press conferences and Labour Party events, particularly election rallies and Party Conferences; recordings taken from newspaper interviews; recordings of various speeches by NK.

Dates: 1988-04-20
Conditions Governing Access: From the Sub-Series: Access copies available.

Shadow Cabinet Papers, 1966-05 - 1968-04

Reference Code: GBR/0014/POLL 3/2/1/8
Scope and Contents Leader's Consultative Committee papers and minutes on subjects including: powers to control incomes, by [Leonard] Robert Carr and Iain Macleod; regional government; Greater London Council rent policy; the effects of devaluation, by Iain Macleod; family poverty, by [Irene] Mervyn Pike; the Speaker's Conference on electoral reform, by the Chairman of the Conservative Party [Anthony Barber], and also by Edward du Cann; redistribution of seats, by [Anthony Barber] and also by Edward du Cann;...
Dates: 1966-05 - 1968-04
Conditions Governing Access: From the Fonds: The majority of the collection is open for consultation by researchers using Churchill Archives Centre, Churchill College, Cambridge. Please see individual files for details.

"Shadow Papers", being circulated papers for an all day meeting of the Leader’s Consultative Committee (Shadow Cabinet) on 13 February 1976, 1976

Reference Code: GBR/0014/THCR 2/6/1/158A
Scope and Contents Includes MT’s handwritten notes Also includes circulated Conservative Research Department briefing notes on the Conservative Party's submission to Lord Houghton's Committee on the financing of political parties (27 November 1975 & 3 December 1975); "The economic situation in its historical context" (11 February 1976); "The political prospect and strategy" (10 February 1976); paper by Mr [James] Prior MP, "Employment policy: the trades unions and industrial...
Dates: 1976
Conditions Governing Access: Opened in November 2003 It may be possible to access a digital version of the file in PDF format at Churchill Archives Centre. Advance notice is essential so please contact us to make a request.

Speech ideas papers: trades unions, 1975-78, 1975-07 - 1978-08

Reference Code: GBR/0014/THCR 5/1/3/23
Scope and Contents

Includes: handwritten annotations by MT
Includes: correspondence with Fred Hardman (Chairman, Conservative Trade Unionists), with a copy of CTU’s "A plan for Government" forwarded to MT, July 1978

Dates: 1975-07 - 1978-08
Conditions Governing Access: Opened in July 2009 It may be possible to access a digital version of the file in PDF format at Churchill Archives Centre. Advance notice is essential so please contact us to make a request.

Speeches, 1901-02-18 - 1903-02-07

Reference Code: GBR/0014/BRDW I Press 5
Scope and Contents

Cuttings of WSC’s speeches on Boer War, Education, Budget, Trade Unions.

Dates: 1901-02-18 - 1903-02-07
Conditions Governing Access: Available as digital surrogates only, to protect the fragile original.

Speeches, 1908-04-03 - 1909-12-06

Reference Code: GBR/0014/BRDW I Press 17
Scope and Contents

Cuttings of WSC’s speeches in Dundee [Scotland]: issues of Ireland, Licensing Bill, Coal Crisis, Trade Unions and Unemployment, Fiscal policy, reform of House of Lords.

Dates: 1908-04-03 - 1909-12-06
Conditions Governing Access: Available as digital surrogates only, to protect the fragile original.

Speeches, 1957-11 - 1965-09

Reference Code: GBR/0014/POLL 4/1/1
Scope and Contents Annotated texts of speeches by JEP on subjects including: defence; the Labour Government's National Economic Plan (1965); price increases under Labour; strikes; National Savings; providing incentives in industrial and commercial life; Labour transport policy on roads, rail and London commuter rail services; inflation; the British view of the United States; immigration; taxation; Labour incomes and prices policy; the Budget (1965); the balance of trade; Labour public spending; renewing...
Dates: 1957-11 - 1965-09
Conditions Governing Access: From the Fonds: The majority of the collection is open for consultation by researchers using Churchill Archives Centre, Churchill College, Cambridge. Please see individual files for details.

Speeches, 1966-07 - 1975-07

Reference Code: GBR/0014/POLL 4/1/3
Scope and Contents Annotated texts of speeches by JEP on subjects including: relations between politicians and the press; free speech, particularly adverse reactions to JEP's speeches and intolerance shown by universities; Rhodesia [later Zambia and Zimbabwe]; housing policy; the world monetary system; the balance of payments deficit; reform of the House of Lords; Labour prices and incomes policy; taxation; nationalisation, particularly of the railways; Conservatism since 1951; trade union law; national unity,...
Dates: 1966-07 - 1975-07
Conditions Governing Access: From the Fonds: The majority of the collection is open for consultation by researchers using Churchill Archives Centre, Churchill College, Cambridge. Please see individual files for details.

Speeches, 1977-01 - 1978-12

Reference Code: GBR/0014/POLL 4/1/12
Scope and Contents Annotated texts of speeches by JEP on subjects including: the Common Market, including the European Monetary System, the views of David Owen, Foreign Secretary, on the Common Agricultural Policy, a directly elected European Parliament, fisheries policy and human rights policy; the Gospels; the Orange Order; the marriage of the heir to the throne to a Catholic; North Sea gas and oil; the representation of Northern Ireland in government, its constitution, the use of the Irish currency,...
Dates: 1977-01 - 1978-12
Conditions Governing Access: From the Fonds: The majority of the collection is open for consultation by researchers using Churchill Archives Centre, Churchill College, Cambridge. Please see individual files for details.

Speeches, 1965-09 - 1967-04

Reference Code: GBR/0014/POLL 4/1/2
Scope and Contents Annotated texts of speeches by JEP on subjects including: Labour prices and incomes policy; Conservatism; responsibility of the press; the wreck of the oil tanker Torrey Canyon; trades union closed shop policy and intimidation; Labour economic and housing targets; relations between the Labour Government and the unions; the nuclear deterrent; selection in education; the balance of payments deficit; Vietnam and Britain's role in South East Asia; North Sea gas and Labour's National Economic...
Dates: 1965-09 - 1967-04
Conditions Governing Access: From the Fonds: The majority of the collection is open for consultation by researchers using Churchill Archives Centre, Churchill College, Cambridge. Please see individual files for details.

Speeches, 1969-01 - 1969-12

Reference Code: GBR/0014/POLL 4/1/5
Scope and Contents Annotated texts of speeches by JEP on subjects including: Labour economic policy, particularly price and income policy and savings policy; the extension of higher education; the coverage of race issues by the press and BBC; industrial relations, trade union law and strikes, including the teachers' strike; Britain's entry into the Common Market and the effects of the Market on Germany; immigration; the balance of payments and the exchange rate; housing; Training Boards; pension policy;...
Dates: 1969-01 - 1969-12
Conditions Governing Access: From the Fonds: The majority of the collection is open for consultation by researchers using Churchill Archives Centre, Churchill College, Cambridge. Please see individual files for details.

Speeches: House of Commons and Non-House of Commons: Speech notes and source material., 11 Aug 1950 - 19 Sep 1950

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHUR 5/37A-D
Scope and Contents Speech notes, typescript and transcript of WSC's speech (11 August, Consultative Assembly of the Council of Europe, Strasbourg [France]) entitled "European Unity and a European Army" on subjects including: the need for a European Assembly to remain in close contact with European governments and parliaments; the gradual process of building up the European Parliament; guidance to be given to governments on issues such as the Schuman Plan [for the European Coal and Steel Community]; support for...
Dates: 11 Aug 1950 - 19 Sep 1950
Conditions Governing Access: Open

Speeches: House of Commons and Non-House of Commons: Speech notes and source material., 26 Feb 1949 - 29 Dec 1950

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHUR 5/38A-C
Scope and Contents Danish proofs for WSC's speeches (9 - 11 October, Copenhagen [Denmark]). Also includes letter from Paul Monrad, publisher of the speeches in Denmark.Speech notes for WSC's speech (10 October, Copenhagen University) entitled "Honorary Degree Conferment" (of WSC's honorary doctorate of philosophy) on Britain's debt to the ancient Danes, WSC's own perseverance after the academic failures of his youth, the privilege of university education, the balance between sciences and arts, the advantages...
Dates: 26 Feb 1949 - 29 Dec 1950
Conditions Governing Access: Open

Speeches: House of Commons and Non-House of Commons: Speech notes and source material., Apr 1951 - 28 Sep 1951

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHUR 5/42A-C
Scope and Contents Speech notes for WSC's speech (3 July, Grosvenor House Hotel [London]) at the English Speaking Union dinner for General Dwight Eisenhower, on the English Speaking Union as a foundation for peace and an advance towards a united Europe.Speech notes and typescript for WSC's speech (10 July, Royal College of Physicians [London]) entitled "Lord Moran" (for the presentation of his portrait to 1st Lord Moran [earlier Charles Wilson, former President, Royal College of Physicians]), on subjects...
Dates: Apr 1951 - 28 Sep 1951
Conditions Governing Access: Open