Found in 317 Collections and/or Records:
(Untitled), 30 Apr 1926
(Untitled), 13 May 1926
(Untitled), 18 May 1926
(Untitled), 20 May 1926
(Untitled), 06 Sep 1926
(Untitled), 05 Nov 1926
(Untitled), 06 Nov 1926
(Untitled), 08 Nov 1926
(Untitled), 11 Nov 1926 - 12 Nov 1926
(Untitled), [Aug 1907]
(Untitled), 14 Jun 1942 - 15 Jun 1942
Telegram from WSC to 17th Lord Derby [earlier Lord Stanley] sending "Hearty Congratulations" [on winning the Derby]; with reply, and letter from Derby condemning unpatriotic strikers.
(Untitled), 17 Aug 1911
Letter from Sir William Granet (General Manager's Office, Midland Railway, 16 Great George Street, Westminster [London]) to Edward Marsh enclosing a report of the railway strike [not present]. He provides an explanation of an interview published in the Daily Mail in which his words were distorted and which has made him "grieved and ashamed". Signed manuscript.
(Untitled), 15 Aug 1911
Letter from Sir William Granet (General Manager's Office, Midland Railway, Derby) to WSC marked "secret" enclosing information about money coming from abroad [to fund the strike in Liverpool] via a German agent called Bebel who has distributed the money amongst various unions. Signed manuscript. See CHAR 12/10/77.
(Untitled), 15 Aug 1911
Transcript of a letter from Sir William Granet (General Manager's Office, Midland Railway, Derby) to WSC marked "secret" enclosing information about money coming from abroad [to fund the strike in Liverpool] via a German agent called Bebel who has distributed the money amongst various unions. Manuscript in the hand of Edward Marsh. See CHAR 12/10/76.
(Untitled), 11 Jul 1911
(Untitled), 10 Jul 1911
Copy of the order given to Major-General Cecil Macready [Director of Personal Services, War Office] by the Mayor and Chief Constable to withdraw the troops [from Salford, Lancashire]. Typescript. See CHAR 12/12/1-3.
(Untitled), [Jul] [1911]
Copy of a confidential memorandum detailing the principles by which the military should assist the civil authorities during the strikes at Salford [Lancashire] including efforts which to avoid confrontation between the military and strikers, and the circumstances under which the military are to be deployed. Typescript. See CHAR 12/12/1-3.
(Untitled), 10 Jul 1911
Letter from F S Phillips (Mayoralty of Salford [Lancashire]) to WSC asking for an appointment to thank him for his assistance during the strikes at Salford and for the action of Major-General [Cecil] Macready [Director of Personal Services, War Office]. Signed manuscript.
(Untitled), 11 Jul 1911 - 18 Jul 1911
Pamphlet entitled "Settlement of Labour Disputes" which includes articles reprinted from the Times and the Manchester Guardian describing a scheme proposed by Sir Charles Macara for a new department to which industrial disputes might be referred. See CHAR 12/12/9.
(Untitled), [1911]
Notes concerning the widespread industrial unrest including observations on the following subjects: the threat posed by trade unionism; the concepts of sympathetic strikes and the general strike; and the lack of control in the event of a railway strike. Suggestions are made for a meeting between the Prime Minister [Herbert Asquith] and large industrial employers or the establishment of a committee. Manuscript on the notepaper of the Board of Trade.
(Untitled), 21 Jul 1911
Newspaper cutting of an article from the Times entitled "Wages in the Coal Trade: a Dangerous Situation".
(Untitled), 23 Jul 1911
Letter from Sir George Askwith [Comptroller General Commercial, Labour and Statistical Departments] (Board of Trade) to [WSC] enclosing a memorandum [see CHAR 12/12/15-20] concerning proposals to deal with the problem of industrial unrest. Signed manuscript.
(Untitled), [Jul] [1911]
Memorandum prepared by [Sir George Askwith, Comptroller General Commercial, Labour and Statistical Departments, Board of Trade] concerning proposals to deal with the problem of industrial unrest. He discusses proposals for: a meeting between the Prime Minister [Herbert Asquith] and industrial employers (suggested names are included); and the establishment of a conciliation department. He provides answers to possible objections to this scheme. Manuscript. Covering letter at CHAR 12/12/14.
(Untitled), 10 Aug 1911
Letter from Colonel Sir Douglas Dawson (Medmenham Abbey, Marlow [Buckinghamshire]) to WSC describing the "peaceful picketing" taking place at Paddington Station which he says is preventing goods from being taken out of the station. Signed manuscript.
(Untitled), [Aug] [1911]
Draft telegram from WSC to King George V including a report from the Chief Constable of Liverpool which describes the deterioration of the dock strike and the rioting in Liverpool. WSC includes details of the troops which have been sent to Liverpool and to areas close to Manchester and London. Typescript. Copy at CHAR 12/12/67, draft at CHAR 12/12/30-34.