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Found in 317 Collections and/or Records:


Official: Cabinet: papers 401 - 429., 24 Oct 1924 - 21 Oct 1925

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 22/43
Scope and Contents Includes papers from various individuals on various subjects, including: the Board of Trade Advisory Council's monthly review of the trade outlook; 1st Lord Birkenhead [earlier F E Smith], Secretary of State for India, on the position at Canton [later Guangzhou, China]; Austen Chamberlain, Foreign Secretary, on Turkey's position over the Iraq frontier, and the German attitude to security negotiations; Joseph Caillaux, the French Minister of Finance, on the French war debt to Britain; William...
Dates: 24 Oct 1924 - 21 Oct 1925
Conditions Governing Access: Open

Official: Cabinet: papers 430 - 459., 02 Apr 1925 - 09 Nov 1925

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 22/44
Scope and Contents Includes papers from various individuals on various subjects, including: 1st Lord Balfour, Chairman of the Committee on Civil Research, on the British Dye Industry, and, as Lord President of the Council, on the Rosyth [Fife, Scotland] Dockyard; 1st Lord Haldane on the dye industry; Sir Philip Cunliffe-Lister [earlier Sir Philip Lloyd-Greame, later 1st Lord Swinton], President of the Board of Trade, on subjects including the Finance Bill (Safeguarding of Industries); the Board of Trade...
Dates: 02 Apr 1925 - 09 Nov 1925
Conditions Governing Access: Open

Official: Cabinet: papers 460 - 484., 29 Jul 1925 - 19 Nov 1925

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 22/45
Scope and Contents Includes papers from various individuals on various subjects, including: Sir William Joynson-Hicks [later 1st Lord Brentford], Home Secretary, on the Representation of the People (Economy Provisions) Bill, the award of the Irish Boundary Commission, International Labour Conference conventions on workmen's compensation, and the draft Police Pensions Bill; a draft of the Representation Bill; Sir Arthur Steel-Maitland, Minister of Labour, on emergency arrangements in case of strikes; a Ministry...
Dates: 29 Jul 1925 - 19 Nov 1925
Conditions Governing Access: Open

Official: Cabinet: papers 485 - 519., 07 Sep 1925 - 09 Dec 1925

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 22/46
Scope and Contents Includes papers from various individuals on various subjects, including: Sir Philip Cunliffe-Lister [earlier Sir Philip Lloyd-Greame, later 1st Lord Swinton], President of the Board of Trade, on subjects including paper duty; reports of Safeguarding of Industries committees on various industries; WSC, Chancellor of the Exchequer; the conclusions of the Standing Committee of Civil Research on the iron and steel industry; Leo Amery, Secretary of State for the Colonies; a Colonial Office...
Dates: 07 Sep 1925 - 09 Dec 1925
Conditions Governing Access: Open

Official: Cabinet: printed papers., 02 Feb 1911 - 31 Aug 1911

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 21/26
Scope and Contents Cabinet papers on various subjects including: the deposition given by the Sultan of Zanzibar [Tanzania]; an "all British" route between the United Kingdom and Canada; legal precedents relating to the King appearing in court as a witness [relating to a libel case involving King George V]; the mental infirmity bill; report on national expenditure; the treatment of the feeble minded; labour exchanges and the Dominions; unemployment insurance; a new Science Museum in South Kensington [London];...
Dates: 02 Feb 1911 - 31 Aug 1911
Conditions Governing Access: Open

Official: Cabinet: Scotland Yard reports on revolutionary organisations in the United Kingdom: 315 - 321., 20 Jul 1925 - 10 Sep 1925

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 22/82
Scope and Contents Typescript reports on Communist organisations including industrial crisis; the industrial alliance between unions; the Communist Party in Britain; the National Minority Movement; the Young Communist League; Irish Revolutionary activities in Britain; National Fascisti; propaganda among the Armed Forces; International Class War Prisoners' Aid; Workers' International Relief; International Red Aid; the British delegation of Labour MPs to the Soviet Union; the unofficial seamen's strike; the...
Dates: 20 Jul 1925 - 10 Sep 1925
Conditions Governing Access: Open with the exception of folio 52 (3 pages) which has been closed on Cabinet Office instructions under S23 of the Freedom of Information Act. Review 2032.

Official: Cabinet: Scotland Yard reports on revolutionary organisations in the United Kingdom: 340 - 350., 15 Apr 1926 - 12 Aug 1926

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 22/148
Scope and Contents

Typescript reports on Communist organisations, including: the Independent Labour Party; the National Minority Movement; Communist propaganda in the Armed Forces; the Young Communist League; the Communists and the General Strike; May Day demonstrations; Anglo-Soviet Trade Union unity.

Dates: 15 Apr 1926 - 12 Aug 1926
Conditions Governing Access: Open

Official: Cabinet: Scotland Yard reports on revolutionary organisations in the United Kingdom: 362 - 369., 04 Nov 1926 - 30 Dec 1926

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 22/150
Scope and Contents

Typescript reports on Communist organisations, including: the Communists and the coal dispute; the Communist Party in Britain; the Young Communist League; the National Minority Movement; Class War Prisoners' Aid.

Dates: 04 Nov 1926 - 30 Dec 1926
Conditions Governing Access: Open

Official: Cabinet: Supply and Transport Committee: conclusions 11 - 34., 29 Apr 1926 - 27 Jul 1927

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 22/128
Scope and Contents

Subjects include: the support of civil power during the General Strike; emergency mobilisation; the emergency electricity and food supply; special constables; emergency fuel supplies; dock arrangements; picketing; volunteer labour; coal imports; a review of Emergency Organisation after the General Strike.

Dates: 29 Apr 1926 - 27 Jul 1927
Conditions Governing Access: Open

Official: Cabinet: Supply and Transport Committee: papers 22 - 28., 16 May 1926 - 27 May 1929

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 22/129
Scope and Contents Includes papers by various individuals on the General Strike, including: James Grigg [Principal Private Secretary to the Chancellor of the Exchequer, WSC]; George Lane-Fox, [later 1st Lord Bingley] Secretary for Mines, on the import of foreign coal; Sir Philip Cunliffe-Lister [earlier Sir Philip Lloyd-Greame, later 1st Lord Swinton], President of the Board of Trade, on subjects including food prices; a report on the capacity of ports for taking coal imports; interim reports on Emergency...
Dates: 16 May 1926 - 27 May 1929
Conditions Governing Access: Open

Official: Colonial Office: correspondence, much on South African affairs., 01 Nov 1906 - 30 Nov 1906

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 10/17
Scope and Contents Correspondents include: Sir Charles Eliot asking to be considered as successor to Sir Frederick Lugard as [High Commissioner and Commander in Chief of Northern Nigeria]; 9th Lord Elgin and Kincardine [Secretary of State for the Colonies] (3) on subjects including honours in Natal [South Africa], WSC's comments on departmental minutes and Colonel Sir Percy Girouard; Mackenzie King [Deputy Minister of Labour, Canada] sending a memorandum on strike breakers being brought into Canada from Great...
Dates: 01 Nov 1906 - 30 Nov 1906
Conditions Governing Access: Open

Official: Colonial Office: correspondence, much on South African affairs., 02 May 1907 - 29 May 1907

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 10/25
Scope and Contents Correspondents include: Louis Botha [Premier of Transvaal, South Africa] (3) on subjects including his stay in London; Salvatore Zammit on Maltese affairs; Josiah Wedgwood MP and ?Charles Strachey on taxation in northern Nigeria; 4th Lord Grey [Governor-General and Commander-in-Chief of Canada] on subjects including Canadian affairs; Francis Hopwood [later 1st Lord Southborough, Permanent Under-Secretary for the Colonies] (4); Sir Walter Hely-Hutchinson [Governor and Commander in Chief, Cape...
Dates: 02 May 1907 - 29 May 1907
Conditions Governing Access: Open

Official: Home Office: Newport Strike: South Wales Riots. Correspondence and papers., 1910 - 1911

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 12/6
Scope and Contents From the Series: INTRODUCTION TO CHAR 12: THE HOME OFFICE: GENERAL The Home Office papers contain correspondence, printed material and papers which were created or accumulated as a result of WSC's activities as Home Secretary. The papers have been arranged into correspondence and subject-based files. The Home Office papers form a departmental sub-class of the official class of the Chartwell Papers which was divided according to the various offices held by WSC. Files containing varying numbers of items were...
Dates: 1910 - 1911
Conditions Governing Access: From the Fonds: The Churchill Papers are made available to researchers using Churchill Archives Centre and worldwide in digital format. The digital edition of the Churchill Papers is published by Bloomsbury Academic and is available online to subscribing institutions at The Churchill archive is freely available in our reading rooms and onsite at Churchill College (via the Churchill College wireless network). Researchers can download images of documents directly from and so are encouraged to consider bringing a laptop or other device for this purpose. For conservation reasons, the fragile originals are no longer issued to researchers. This digital edition is open to researchers unless otherwise marked in the catalogue. Some material has been closed by the Cabinet Office or by Churchill Archives Centre in accordance with data protection legislation.

Official: Home Office: Strikes and Labour Disputes: Correspondence, papers and newspaper cuttings., 1910 - 1911

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 12/12
Scope and Contents From the Series: INTRODUCTION TO CHAR 12: THE HOME OFFICE: GENERAL The Home Office papers contain correspondence, printed material and papers which were created or accumulated as a result of WSC's activities as Home Secretary. The papers have been arranged into correspondence and subject-based files. The Home Office papers form a departmental sub-class of the official class of the Chartwell Papers which was divided according to the various offices held by WSC. Files containing varying numbers of items were...
Dates: 1910 - 1911
Conditions Governing Access: From the Fonds: The Churchill Papers are made available to researchers using Churchill Archives Centre and worldwide in digital format. The digital edition of the Churchill Papers is published by Bloomsbury Academic and is available online to subscribing institutions at The Churchill archive is freely available in our reading rooms and onsite at Churchill College (via the Churchill College wireless network). Researchers can download images of documents directly from and so are encouraged to consider bringing a laptop or other device for this purpose. For conservation reasons, the fragile originals are no longer issued to researchers. This digital edition is open to researchers unless otherwise marked in the catalogue. Some material has been closed by the Cabinet Office or by Churchill Archives Centre in accordance with data protection legislation.

Official: Munitions., Mar 1917 - 31 Dec 1917

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 15/106
Scope and Contents L (Labour) Various papers including voluntary registration of men between the ages of 18 and 61 under the National Service Scheme; papers on coal strike at Ebbw Vale, South Wales; correspondence with Sir Stephenson Kent, particularly on the recruitment of munitions workers for the Army; minutes of meeting of the Psychological Committee on causes of national unrest; papers on agreement between the Minister of Munitions and the Executive Council of the Cumberland Iron-Ore Miners and Kindred...
Dates: Mar 1917 - 31 Dec 1917
Conditions Governing Access: Open

Official: Munitions., 01 Jan 1918 - 31 Dec 1918

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 15/107
Scope and Contents L (Labour) Various papers including cuttings of articles by Alex Thompson [acting editor of the Clarion] on the labour situation; Ministry of Munitions Labour Department Special Report on Labour; report on visit to National Aircraft Factory at Croydon, where 2500 men were on strike; memoranda on responsibilities of the seven Government departments dealing with Labour; Cabinet Paper by WSC on the labour Position in the munitions industries; correspondence with Sir Auckland Geddes, Department...
Dates: 01 Jan 1918 - 31 Dec 1918
Conditions Governing Access: Open

Official: Munitions., [Dec] 1917 - Feb 1918

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 15/111
Scope and Contents

L (Labour) Papers on payment of 12.5% bonus to skilled munitions and shipbuilding workers on time rather than piece rates, with list of impending and existing strikes.

Dates: [Dec] 1917 - Feb 1918
Conditions Governing Access: Open

Official: Munitions., [Jan] 1918 - Jul 1918

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 15/118
Scope and Contents

L (Labour) Correspondence and papers on strikes in the aircraft manufacturing industry, including: note on the sheet metal workers' strike; ; memo by Sir William Weir on position created by strike of aircraft sheet metal workers in the London area; memo on strike at the Waring and Gillow factory in Hammersmith, caused by the dismissal of a female Shop Steward in the Varnish Room: papers on strike at Alliance Aircraft Company works.

Dates: [Jan] 1918 - Jul 1918
Conditions Governing Access: Open

Official: Munitions., Mar 1917 - Sep 1918

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 15/119
Scope and Contents

M (Materials) Various papers including: papers on the organisation of the Materials Department by Lionel Phillips and Sir Leonard Llewellyn; papers on the Railway Strike, Sep 1918, including Board of Trade Bulletins on the progress of the strike and memorandum on "Railwaymen's Unrest" by A H Stanley (later Lord Ashfield), President of the Board of Trade;.

Dates: Mar 1917 - Sep 1918
Conditions Governing Access: Open

Official: Munitions., Jan 1918 - Dec 1918

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 15/132
Scope and Contents

R (Requirements and Statistics) Papers on Guns and Ammunition including copy of the Gun Ammunition Programme for 1918; letter from William Page to the War Office on the effect of strikes on gun output; report on state of wear of guns in the field; tables of expenditure and stocks of gun ammunition in France; memorandum by William Page on efforts to achieve greater efficiency with Artillery.

Dates: Jan 1918 - Dec 1918
Conditions Governing Access: Open

Official: Munitions., Aug 1917 - Dec 1917

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 15/136
Scope and Contents

S (Steel and Iron) Various papers including correspondence on demand for steel from France, Italy and Russia; memo by Robert Horne, Director of Materials and Priority on meeting with WSC on supply of steel to the Admiralty; memo by Sir Arthur Duckham on steel production; minute from WSC to Sir Arthur Duckham expressing disquiet about the Steel Department and its organisation; papers on strike by iron ore miners in Cumberland.

Dates: Aug 1917 - Dec 1917
Conditions Governing Access: Open

Official: Mutinous., Sep 1917 - Oct 1917

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 15/108
Scope and Contents

L (Labour) Papers on Engineers' Strike including papers on recruitment of artificers for the Army; memorandum on the Engineering Amalgamation Committee and the Industrial Workers of the World; memoranda by the Ministry of Munitions Intelligence and Record Section on "History of the Strike of the Amalgamated Society of Engineers" in May 1917; the "Shop Stewards Movement" and the "Sequel of the Engineers' Strike".

Dates: Sep 1917 - Oct 1917
Conditions Governing Access: Open

Official: Treasury, 1924 - 1929

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 18
Scope and Contents The Treasury papers contain correspondence, minutes, tables, printed reports, and other papers which were created or accumulated as a result of WSC's activities as Chancellor of the Exchequer, a position held from November 1924 to June 1929. The papers have been divided into general correspondence, WSC's outgoing minutes, and subject-based files and are arranged chronologically.The Treasury material covers WSC's ministerial duties as Chancellor, including the annual production of the budget,...
Dates: 1924 - 1929
Conditions Governing Access: From the Fonds: The Churchill Papers are made available to researchers using Churchill Archives Centre and worldwide in digital format. The digital edition of the Churchill Papers is published by Bloomsbury Academic and is available online to subscribing institutions at The Churchill archive is freely available in our reading rooms and onsite at Churchill College (via the Churchill College wireless network). Researchers can download images of documents directly from and so are encouraged to consider bringing a laptop or other device for this purpose. For conservation reasons, the fragile originals are no longer issued to researchers. This digital edition is open to researchers unless otherwise marked in the catalogue. Some material has been closed by the Cabinet Office or by Churchill Archives Centre in accordance with data protection legislation.

Official: Treasury: correspondence., 11 Jan 1926 - 16 Jul 1926

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 18/27
Scope and Contents Correspondents include: Walter Guinness [later 1st Lord Moyne, Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries] (2) including one on agricultural policy; Sir Robert Burton-Chadwick [Parliamentary Secretary, Board of Trade]; Sir James Craig [later 1st Lord Craigavon, Prime Minister of Northern Ireland] and Hugh Pollock [First Minister of Finance for Ulster, Ireland] (2) on the Northern Irish unemployment fund; Air-Marshal Sir Hugh Trenchard [Chief of the Air Staff] on air force economies; Neville...
Dates: 11 Jan 1926 - 16 Jul 1926
Conditions Governing Access: Open

Official: Treasury: correspondence., 19 Jun 1926 - 31 Dec 1926

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 18/28
Scope and Contents Correspondents include: Sir Philip Cunliffe-Lister [earlier Sir Philip Lloyd-Greame, later 1st Lord Swinton, President of the Board of Trade] on the level of trade; Abe [Bailey]; Admiral Sir Roger Keyes (6) on subjects including his tax position, the naval officers' marriage allowance, and Admiralty matters; Stanley Baldwin [Prime Minister]; 1st Lord Birkenhead [earlier F E Smith, Secretary of State for India] (2) including one on Indian financial matters; Walter Runciman; Frederick Guest;...
Dates: 19 Jun 1926 - 31 Dec 1926
Conditions Governing Access: Open