Found in 4012 Collections and/or Records:
Correspondence between E.M. Forster and Giles Lytton Strachey, 1913 - 1931
This sub-series contains two files of correspondence. One consists of letters to E.M. Forster, the other consists primarily of correspondence from E.M. Forster.
Correspondence between E.M. Forster and Giles Lytton Strachey, 1913 - 1931
1 autograph letter, signed, to E.M. Forster. 28 Aug. 1928.
Photocopies of 45 autograph letters, signed, and 13 autograph postcards, signed, from E.M. Forster. 1913-31. Enclosing 1 autograph letter, signed, from John Maynard Keynes to E.M. Forster. 26 May 1923.
To request this envelope, please use the following call mark: 18/Strachey, G.L.
Correspondence between E.M. Forster and Goldsworthy Lowes Dickinson, 1894 - 1932
Correspondence between E.M. Forster and Harold Barger (d. 1989), 1918 - 1971-05-21
Correspondence between E.M. Forster and Henry Festing Jones, 1910 - 1947
This sub-series contains two files of correspondence, one consisting of originals; the other, photocopies.
Correspondence between E.M. Forster and Hsiao Chien (Xiao Qian), 1941 - 1944
2 autograph letters, signed, to E.M. Forster. 1943.
Typescript transcripts of 47 letters from E.M. Forster and Alice Clara Forster, with editorial comments by Hsiao Chien. Given title by Hsiao Chien, 'Friendship Gazette vol. I-IV'. 1941-4.
To request this envelope, please use the following call mark: 18/Hsiao Chien
Correspondence between E.M. Forster and Hugh Walpole, 1908 - 1939
5 autograph letters, signed, to E.M. Forster. 1924-30.
To request these documents, please use the following call mark: vol. 8/24
Photocopies of 3 autograph letters, signed, and typescript transcripts of 23 letters (including the 3 autograph letters, signed, listed) from E.M. Forster. 1908-39.
To request this envelope, please use the following call mark: 18/Walpole
Correspondence between E.M. Forster and H.W. Nevison, 1934 - 1942
This sub-series contains two files of letters, one to E.M. Forster and one from E.M. Forster.
Correspondence between E.M. Forster and Imogen Holst, 1958 - 1966
1 autograph letter, signed, to E.M. Forster. 22 June 1966.
4 autograph letters, signed, 2 autograph postcards, signed, and 4 envelopes from E.M. Forster. 1958-[66].
To request this envelope, please use the following call mark: 18/Holst
Correspondence between E.M. Forster and James Kirkup, 1942 - 1971
Photocopy of a manuscript draft letter to E.M. Forster. 1942.
Photocopy of 1 autograph letter, signed, from E.M. Forster. 1942.
1 typed letter, signed, from James Kirkup to P.N. Furbank concerning the originals. 1971.
To request this envelope, please use the following call mark: 18/Kirkup
Correspondence between E.M. Forster and Joe Ackerley, 1922 - 1966
This sub-series contains one file of original letters from Joe Ackerley to E.M. Forster and eleven files of photocopied letters from E.M. Forster to Joe Ackerley.
Correspondence between E.M. Forster and John Bayley, 1962
1 autograph letter, signed, to E.M. Forster. [1962].
2 autograph manuscript drafts of letters from E.M. Forster. [1962].
To request this envelope, please use the following call mark: 18/Bayley
Correspondence between E.M. Forster and John Lehmann, 1935 - 1964
2 autograph postcards, signed, to E.M. Forster. 1944 and 1957.
Photocopies of 57 autograph letters, signed, 2 typed letters, signed, 4 autograph postcards, signed, and 2 envelopes from E.M. Forster. 1935-64.
Photocopy of 1 typed letter, signed, from an unknown person to E.M. Forster. 13 Apr. 1955.
To request this envelope, please use the following call mark: 18/Lehmann, J.
Correspondence between E.M. Forster and John Maynard Keynes, 1914 - 1933
Photocopies of 7 autograph letters, signed, 2 typed letters, signed, and 2 autograph postcards, signed, from E.M. Forster. 1914-33
1 typed letter, signed, from Daniel MacMillan to John Maynard Keynes. 1933.
1 carbon typed letter, signed, from John Maynard Keynes to Daniel MacMillan. 1933
2 carbon typed letters, signed, from John Maynard Keynes to E.M. Forster. 1933
To request this envelope, please use the following call mark: 18/Keynes, J.M.
Correspondence between E.M. Forster and John Meade, 1939 - 1968
Correspondence between E.M. Forster and John Middleton Murry, 1920 - 1956
This sub-series contains two files of letters, one to E.M. Forster and one from E.M. Forster.
Correspondence between E.M. Forster and John Saltmarsh, 1937 - 1939
Correspondence between E.M. Forster and John S.L. Gilmour, 1963 - 1973
1 autograph letter, signed, to E.M. Forster. 10 May 1965.
1 autograph letter, signed, from John Gilmour to Patrick Wilkinson. 2 Feb. 1973.
Photocopies of 6 autograph letters, signed, (1 in hand of Eric Fletcher) and 1 autograph postcard, signed, from E.M. Forster. 1963-6 and undated.
To request this envelope, please use the following call mark: 18/Gilmour
Correspondence between E.M. Forster and Kenneth and Jane Clark, 1944 - 1969
3 autograph letters, signed, 2 autograph postcards, signed, and 1 newscutting to E.M. Forster. 1962, 1965 and undated.
Photocopies of 14 autograph letters, signed, and 3 autograph postcards, signed, from E.M. Forster. 1944-69 and undated.
To request this envelope, please use the following call mark: 18/Clark
Correspondence between E.M. Forster and Kenneth Pritchard Harrison, 1950 - 1964
Correspondence between E.M. Forster and Lady Ottoline Morrell, 1909 - 1932
1 autograph postcard, signed, to E.M. Forster. [Before 1925].
Photocopies of 41 autograph letters, signed, 1 typed letter, signed, and 5 autograph postcards, signed, from E.M. Forster. 1909-32.
To request this envelope, please use the following call mark: 18/Morrell
Correspondence between E.M. Forster and Lance Sieveking, 1966 - 1969
Correspondence concerning the dramatisation of 'A Room with a View' and 'Howards End'.
To request this envelope, please use the following call mark: 18/Sieveking
Correspondence between E.M. Forster and Leonard Woolf, 1912 - 1969
Photocopies of 72 autograph letters, signed, 1 typed letter, signed, 12 autograph postcards, signed, and typescript transcripts of 16 autograph letters, signed, and 1 autograph postcard, signed, from E.M. Forster. 1912-[69].
Photocopy of 1 typescript transcript of reply to E.M. Forster. 1 Apr. 1949.
To request this envelope, please use the following call mark: 18/Woolf, L.
Correspondence between E.M. Forster and Lincoln Kirstein, 1936 - 1952
Photocopy of 1 telegram to E.M. Forster. 1949.
Photocopies of 22 autograph letters, signed, and 4 autograph postcards, signed, from E.M. Forster. 1936-52.
Photocopy of 1 autograph letter, signed, from Bob Buckingham to Lincoln Kirstein. 24 June [Late 1940s].
Photocopy of 1 autograph letter, signed, from May Buckingham to Lincoln Kirstein. [p.m. 17 July 1951].
To request this envelope, please use the following call mark: 18/Kirstein
Correspondence between E.M. Forster and Lionel Jackson, 1948 - 1965
Photocopies of 26 autograph letters, signed, 17 autograph postcards, signed, and 29 envelopes to/from E.M. Forster. 1948-65. Photocopy of 1 autograph letter, signed, from Eric Fletcher to Lionel and Mary Jackson, 10 Apr. 1961.
To request this envelope, please use the following call mark: 18/Jackson, L.