Nord-Ouest, Province du (province)
Found in 119 Collections and/or Records:
Mbem wedding, 1940-02-09
35mm neg. Bridesmaids washing and applying the red cam wood to their bodies.
Mbem wedding, 1940-02-08
35mm neg. Bridesmaids washing and applying the red cam wood to their bodies.
Mbem wedding, 1940-02-08
35mm neg. Bridesmaids washing and applying the red cam wood to their bodies.
Mbem wedding, 1940-02-08
35mm neg. Bridesmaids washing and applying the red cam wood to their bodies.
Medicine grove, Bafut, 1941-10-19
62 x 40 mm. Bafut vied with Laroku in the number of Jujus one found all over the place as well as the number of Medicine groves. Here under a shady tree is another sacred area with a large monolith of seven sided stone.
Medicine grove, Bafut, 1941-12-11
62 x 40 mm. A scene of one of the numerous medicine groves around Bafut, one of the peculiar seven sided monoliths is seen at the junction of bush paths leading to the town.
Menang Jujus, Bamessing, 1942-01
62 x 40 mm. Menang Jujus on the road to Bamessing on their way to a Meeting.
Message girls, Akwato, 1940-03-04
64 x 108 mm. Two little Message girls sit and gossip at market, they have all got long crooked walking sticks.
Message women, Akwato, 1940-03-04
62 x 40mm. Three message women with their necklaces of iron chatter at the market.
Mfumte girls, Lus, 1940-02-14
84 x 56 mm. neg. and 114 x 84 mm. print. Two cheery little Mfumte ladies with their masses of nose sticks.
Mfumte girls, Lus, 1940-02-14
56 x 84 mm. A pretty little Mfumte girl with her ring earrings, iron lip ornaments and necklaces.
Milk and butter seller, Lassim, 1940
56 x 84 mm. A fullani milk and butter seller at Lassim. Came from the encampment about 10 miles away up on the mountains to the west of Lassim.
Mistresses of a chief, 1934
Portrait of two women from the waist up.
Mvwe coiffure, 1940-02-10
56 x 84 mm. A rather attractive style in bush coiffure on a little Mvwe girl. Great skill and ingenuity is sometimes shown in the cutting of the woolly crop.
Mvwe coiffure, 1940-02-10
56 x 84 mm. Another style of hairdressing, this style involves rolling the hair into small tails and anointing it with oil from a particular tree. The whole head shines with the oil.
Mvwe woman, 1940-02-10
56 x 84 mm. One of the old Mvwe ladies who adheres to the iron rings on her necklaces, Mvwe market.
Mvwe woman, 1940-02-10
56 x 84 mm. neg and 84 x 113 mm. print. The old Mvwe lady showing the mass of iron bracelets, necklaces and rings on iron cables round her neck.
Njari cicatrization, Mbande, 1940-03-01
62 x 40 mm. Three Njari women at Mbande showing their cicatrizations on the back and stomach.
Old man at Kumbo, 1934
Cameroon, smoking pipe.
Old woman, Bali, 1941-10-30
51 x 40 mm. An old Bali woman carrying home her water supply in a calabash from the village stream. Women work to a ripe old age.
Patients waiting for medicine at Mvwe Market, 1940-02-10
109 x 61 mm. neg. and contact print.
[Public celebrations], 1934
Showing some of the participants. Bamenda, Northwest Cameroon.
[Public celebrations], 1934
Showing a man pointing a rifle at a large model elephant. The caption reads: 'This man is just about to fire a blank into this elephant! Public celebrations at Bamenda, B. Cameroons'.
[Scene on day of public celebrations], 1934
Showing some of the crowd watching the celebrations.
[Scene on day of public celebrations], 1934
Showing some of the participants and watching crowd.