Cameroon (nation)
Found in 506 Collections and/or Records:
Chief William Nfoni, Ndu, 1940-01-09
56 x 84 mm. neg. and contact print, and 75 x 109 mm. print. Chief William Nfoni with his hat of porcupine quills and leopard tooth necklace. Expelled from R.C.M. as when becoming Chief married father's wives.
Chief's sister begging for food, Jiggajeri, 1940-01-10
84 x 56 mm. neg.
Chief's sister dancing, Jiggajeri, 1940-01-10
84 x 56 mm. neg. and contact print.
Chief's wife at the door of her house, Laroku, 1940-11-13
40 x 62 mm.
Children with the remains of the whale, Pirate Isles, 1938-09
62 x 40 mm.
Christy collection of photographs on Africa
Chum dancers, Mbem, 1941-01-26
62 x 40 mm. The Chum dancers rush into the ring whistling like birds whilst all spectators crouch.
Cicatrices on woman's arm, 1938-06
56 x 84 mm. Turtle or lizard design on an old woman's arm at Nbeno. It is formed by raised weals the operation being done in her youth. Fertility sign or totem.
Cicatrization on two young girls, Ako, 1940-02-28
40 x 62 mm.
Cleared stream bank, location unknown, 1938-06
62 x 40 mm. Ineffectual attempts at clearing the stream bank to stop tse-tse breeding. 500 yds. on either bank should be cleared. Cost?.?.?.
Close-up of cocoa growing at Ndoi, 1938-01
40 x 62 mm.
Cloth merchants, Jijjajeri, 1941-02-11
62 x 40 mm. Cloth merchants and sellers of jewellery made from tin and odd bits of brass do well in this thriving Hausa town.
Cloth sellers, Jijjajeri, 1941-02-11
62 x 40 mm. The pagan girls cannot resist the bright colours of the cloths laid out to lure them and do all they can to become the possessor of a yard or so which they drape round their shoulders.
Coiffure of girl at Ngu, 1941-01-19
76 x 89 mm. neg. and 84 x 114 mm. print. The girls of the area seem to cultivate different hair styles, this young lady favours the severe style in a straight line from the top of the forehead to the ears with a small triangle in front.
Commencement of the ceremonial drinking of Mimbo, Banso, 1937
84 x 56 mm. The Juju man is seen between the two chindas in their ceremonial regalia. His garb is clearly seen and consists of a deep red gown reaching to his knees and a wooden mask carved as a grotesque face stuck on top of his head. The Mimbo is poured from the long necked calabashes into the artistically worked earthenware pot.
Compound scene, Ngu, 1941-02-03
62 x 40 mm. A compound scene so typical of Mbaw. Heat, dirt, grime, disease and nothing to do all day.
Consulting Ngam, the tarantula, Banso, 1939-06-09
62 x 40 mm. Ngam - A Tarantula. It has powers of judging the evil one and is in many cases consulted, the man who understands what it says is called Ngangam in Banso. Four pieces of banana tree trunk are placed round the hole leading to the lair of Ngam. Then pieces of split bamboo representing the names of the suspected persons are put in the space radiating from the hole.
Corner of village, Shi, 1940-02-11
62 x 40 mm. A corner of the village with the excited groups meeting to discuss the arrival of the Doctor.
Court house, Mouambong, 1938-02-07
84 x 57 mm. The Old Bailey at Mouambong - the Native Court House.
Cowrie skirt, Mbem, 1940-02-06
40 x 62 mm. neg and 79 x 111 mm. contact print. Close-up of the little 'kilts' the girls wear - this is the fashionable and much prized dress of the ladies of the Mbem area.
Cowrie skirt, Mbem, 1940-02-06
40 x 62 mm. neg and 79 x 111 mm. contact print.
Crossing a river in flood to Kakala which is on the far bank, 1934
The caption reads: 'Adverse (my mongrel dog) just going in on the extreme right'.
Crossing stream, en route to Bole, 1938-01-26
60 x 42 mm. We cross a stream by means of a derelict canoe as there was no bridge or tree trunk, and enter a bamboo forest en route Bole from Mbonge.
Crossing the Nzungli Plateau, en route Lassin-Ngonzim, 1940-03-09
85 x 58 mm. neg. and contact print. The carriers crossing the Nsungli plateau on the way home.
Dance at Banso, 1940-09
62 x 40 mm. The excitement rose as the drums boomed out the beats of the Samba and the Kebais whirled and gyrated faster and faster in company with the lesser beings who mingled with them.