Cameroon (nation)
Found in 506 Collections and/or Records:
Mungo River, 1938-02-12
62 x 40 mm.
Musician, Ako, 1940-02-29
61 x 79 mm. neg. and 85 x 111 mm. print. A boy playing a home made Mbembe fiddle made from a calabash, goat skin and palm fronds.
Mvwe coiffure, 1940-02-10
56 x 84 mm. A rather attractive style in bush coiffure on a little Mvwe girl. Great skill and ingenuity is sometimes shown in the cutting of the woolly crop.
Mvwe coiffure, 1940-02-10
56 x 84 mm. Another style of hairdressing, this style involves rolling the hair into small tails and anointing it with oil from a particular tree. The whole head shines with the oil.
Mvwe girl, 1940-02-11
56 x 84 neg. and contact print. A cheery little Mvwe girl who is very proud of all her modern finery.
Mvwe girl, 1940-02-11
56 x 84 mm. neg. and 84 x 111 mm. Little Miss Mfumte sees a joke despite the White Man's madness in Europe.
Mvwe woman, 1940-02-10
56 x 84 mm. One of the old Mvwe ladies who adheres to the iron rings on her necklaces, Mvwe market.
Mvwe woman, 1940-02-10
56 x 84 mm. neg and 84 x 113 mm. print. The old Mvwe lady showing the mass of iron bracelets, necklaces and rings on iron cables round her neck.
My camp in Kim village. And my carriers resting, 1934
My house, Banso, 1939-06
62 x 40 mm. My house at Banso-evening. From the front garden looking from the north. The new plinth I have built is seen at the far end of the house.
My house, Banso, 1939-06
62 x 40 mm. My house, from the front garden. The rose trees leading to the front steps and the new plinth on the right. My chair is out for afternoon tea on the verandah. The new wireless pole is also seen erected. The window on the right is my bedroom window.
My house, Banso, 1939-06
62 x 40 mm. My house looking from the south of the garden with the new plinth and bamboo wireless mast I erected. The covered way leads to the bathroom.
My sitting room, Banso, 1939-10
62 x 40 mm. My sitting room in the Banso House. The door on the right leads to the bedroom.
Native canoe, Cameroons, 1870 - 1889
173 x 85 mm.
Native made fish hooks used to catch big fish, Pirate Isles, 1938-09
62 x 40 mm. It was this hook that caught the whale.
Newscuttings on Africa and South East Asia
The principal part of the collection is a set of thirteen scrapbooks of newscuttings relating to East Africa, particularly Kenya and Tanganyika. The rest of the collection consists of a volume of cuttings relating to post-war trading opportunities in Nigeria and three scrapbooks concerning rubber and mining in South East Asia.
Ngam, the tarantula, Banso, 1939-06-09
62 x 40 mm. Ngam walks round the enclosure and stops at each bamboo, at times fingering one, this is said by the people to be his method of contemplating whether that particular person is the guilty one or not.
Ngam, the tarantula, Banso, 1939-06-09
62 x 40 mm. Ngam has passed round the enclosure and has turned one of the pieces of bamboo to point in the opposite way to the others, the person this piece represents is the guilty person.
Ngam, the tarantula, Banso, 1939-06-09
62 x 40 mm. Having made his decision Ngam now returns to his lair and the Ngangam has only to decide on the gravity of the crime and whether the person committing it was intending to do so or whether it was just that she, or he, was influenced by some other evil spirit who caused them to do this thing quite unintentionally and perhaps unknowingly. Some people are regarded as always having a bad influence wherever they go.
Ngam, the tarantula, emerging, Banso, 1939-06-09
62 x 40 mm. The stage having all been set, the watchers see a slight movement of the earth round the hole leading to the spider's lair, gradually two long hairy legs appear and then out comes the spider, it rests a moment and then starts in an uncertain manner to walk round its lair.
Njari cicatrization, Ako, 1940-02-28
46 x 109 mm. neg. and contact print. Cicatrization on two young girls. A well done cicatrization extending from the shoulders to the gluteal fold. Most Njari women have cicatrization performed when adolescent.
Njari cicatrization, Mbande, 1940-03-01
62 x 40 mm. Three Njari women at Mbande showing their cicatrizations on the back and stomach.
Njari girl's coiffure, Banso, 1939-06
Neg. and contact print 75 x 104 mm. Head of Njari girl showing the style of hairdressing they affect.
Njari girls, Nkungie - Berabi track, 1940-02-26
62 x 40 mm. Three Njari girls chatting whilst one applies cam wood to her body preparatory to visiting another town.
Njari women, Nkungie, 1940-02-26
65 x 64 mm. Another picture of the three Njari women chatting during the dance - perhaps they saw the joke in the dress of the dancers.