Congo (general region)
Found in 50 Collections and/or Records:
Lakes Tanganyika and Nyasa Expedition, 1925-02 - 1929-03-29
Diaries and notes written by Christy during his leadership of the British Museum exploring and zoological expedition to Lakes Tanganyika and Nyasa.
Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine Sleeping Sickness Expedition to the Congo, 1903-09-25 - 1903-12-30
Diary (circa 60 pages) recording the progress of the expedition, which includes medical notes.
Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine Sleeping Sickness Expedition to the Congo, 1904-01-01 - 1904-03-14
Diary (circa 25 pages) recording the progress of the expedition, which includes medical notes.
Lutete Expedition, 1903-11-04 - 1904-02-01
Diary (circa 70 leaves) describing the progress of the expedition, including medical notes on sleeping sickness. Lutete [or Gombe-Lutete] is in the Democratic Republic of the Congo; the Baptist mission station of Wathen was located at Lutete.
Mangbettu ? (Dungu), 1934
Portrait of a young woman.
Maps of Africa, 1902 - 1921
33 maps
Notes on fishes, 1926 - 1927
36 leaves describing the fish collected from Lake Tanganyika and the locations where they were found.
On the distribution of Filaria perstans and of enlarged glands (cervical and parotid) in equatorial East Africa, 1904-11-04
A report (46 leaves) by Christy discussing the findings of his research, including charts of data and a map.
On the distribution of Filaria perstans in Uganda and elsewhere in tropical Africa, 1903
Two annotated copies of a report by Christy discussing the findings of his research, including charts of data and a map.
On the Rutshura river, 1939 - 1941
130 x 95 mm. General view of the river and far bank. There are largely submerged hippopotamus in the foreground.
On the Rutshura river, 1939 - 1941
115 x 85 mm. General view of the river and far bank. There are largely submerged hippopotamus in the foreground.
On the Rutshura river, 1939 - 1941
90 x 120 mm. General view up the river. There are two largely submerged hippopotamus in the foreground.
Poissons recueillis au Congo Belge par l'expédition du Dr C. Christy, 1920
Book describing the fish collected by Christy for the Museum of the Belgian Congo.
Publications and reports, 1903 - 1929
Works written by Christy or collected by him relating to medicine, zoology and travel.
Research notes on the Uganda-Congo boundary Commission in relation to Lake Albert, 1970 - 1978
15 sheets.
Review of 'Zwischen Weissem nil und Belgisch-Kongo' by Hugo Adolf Bernatzik, 1929
Annotated proofs of a review written by Christy for an unidentified journal.
Robert Maddocks Collection
Maddocks has written many articles on postal history, the majority reflecting his primary interest in the history of the Cameroons, particularly during the colonial period. He is the author of a monograph examining postal arrangements during the conquest of German Kamerun by the British and French during the First World War. His works also cover Nigeria, West Africa, Gambia, Zambia, German East and South West Africa, Togo, Ascension, St. Helena, Papua New Guinea, Jamaica and Barbados.
St Salvador, 1817 - 1866
'The bansa, or residence of the King of Kongo called St Salvador', an undated print of an engraving by G. Child from a picture by Olfert Dapper, 'Plate 188, No. 108, Vol. 2, p. 400'.
Sudan Sleeping Sickness Commission letter book, 1915-02-10 - 1916-01-29
Copies of letters (100 leaves) written by Christy during his work for the Sudan Sleeping Sickness Commission. Some also relate to the specimens he collected during the Congo Zoological Mission. An alphabetical index of recipients is included.
Sudanese diary, 1915-02-12 - 1915-10-26
The diary (300 pages) records regional sleeping sickness inspection tours and the mapping of the Nile-Congo boundary for the Sudanese Government. It includes considerable zoological notes, and descriptions of the terrain, missionary stations, and the African peoples that Christy encountered. In many entries, Christy has underlined key words in the text or written summaries in the margins.
Sudanese papers, 1915-02-10 - 1915-10-26
Diary and letters written by Christy during his work for the Sudanese Government.
Taken from Kipia, looking towards Kinete. The morning mists are still lying in the folds of the hills, 1934
The Rutshuru River, 1939 - 1941
125 x 125 mm. A view looking along the river, with thick vegetation either side.
Three year old lava, 1941
120 x 75 mm. A view of Mrs Hebbert sat on the hardened lava flow.
Typical village between Lubero and Butembo, 1939 - 1941
185 x 90 mm. A view of huts on top of a hill.