Trinidad (island)
Found in 40 Collections and/or Records:
1st Bn. Trinidad Vols. 1938, 1938
229 x 140 mm. Showing the march past of the battalion, on parade in Trinidad. A pencil annotation reads 'First B parade - march past'. Photograph by Guardian Photonews, Trinidad.
2nd Reserve Bn. Trinidad Volunteers, 1940, 1940
230 x 154 mm. Group portrait of officers of the Trinidad Volunteers. An ink annotation on the reverse reads 'centre in white [3 illegible words]' and appears to be identifying on of the people in the photograph. Photographer unknown.

Album of coastal profiles
Asphalt Company's Shipping pier (from Lake a mile inland), Trinidad, BWI [British West Indies], 1890
239 x 183 mm. Showing barrels of asphalt moving along the pier on a cable car towards a waiting sailing ship.
Asphalt Lakes, Trinidad
A collection of photographs mounted on card, measuring approximately 205 x 155 mm., with brief typed captions pasted to the mounts. The collection shows stages in the extraction, transportation and refining of pitch from the asphalt lake at La Brea, in the south-west corner of the Island. Raleigh used the pitch from this lake to caulk his ships as early as 1585, declaring it to be the best he had ever used.
Breaking Cocoa, Trinidad natives, 1890
211 x 167 mm. Showing a group of plantation workers sitting around a large pile of cocoa pods. Most of the group are Indian immigrants rather than Trinidadians.
Caribbean tour, 1954 - 1958
Albums of black and white photographs from the tour of 1954 interleaved with typescript details of the itinerary and inserted press cuttings, postcards, maps and other items.
Cocoa propagation in Trinidad, 1940 - 1959
146 x 115 mm. View looking along rows of seedlings growing under cover. The caption on the reverse reads 'La Pastora has 40 propagating units consisting of sand-tanks for cutting and potting areas. There are 100 Imperial College selections there, about 15,000 plants, and 12,000 disease resistant plants from South America. A hundred people work at the centre'.
Colonial Office probationers: Cambridge 1954-54 & Trinidad 1954-55, 2003-11
Colonial Office probationers: Cambridge 1954-54 & Trinidad 1954-55, 2003-11
East Indian in Trinidad, B.W.I [i.e. British West Indies], 1900 - 1909
79 x 135 mm. Full length portrait of an Indian man standing in front of a tree. West India Committee photograph.
Female labourer on the march, Mayaco, Trinidad, 1900 - 1909
82 x 139 mm. Full length portrait of a woman walking along a road with a load on her head. A note on the reverse of the print gives details of the colouring of her costume: 'Bright scarlet jacket, white petticoat'. West India Committee photograph.
Fire Brigade Station, Trinidad, BWI [British West Indies], 1890
232 x 181 mm. Showing the stone fire brigade buildings with a square tower at one corner and arched recesses for the fire engines.
Government House, Tobago, BWI, 1906
77 x 49 mm. Showing the side of Government House from the lawn.
Island scenery, 1910
Postcard booklet with the above title. A series of views depicting 'the attractive Island life of Trinidad.' Printed in Vandyck Photogravure.
Lieut Lee Lum, OC [Officer Commanding] Light A.A. Battery, Trinidad 1940, 1940
71 x 110 mm. Full length uniformed portrait of Lieutenant Lee Lum. Photographer unknown.
Life in Trinidad
Collection of colour 35 mm transparencies given by the High Commission for Trinidad in August 1982. When planning the exhibition 'Commonwealth in Focus' the library requested material from Commonwealth Governments and these slides were sent in response. A continuous slide show was prepared to portray contemporary aspects of the countries of the Commonwealth and nine of these slides were copied for inclusion. The image descriptions are copied from the list supplied with the slides.
Local transport, Trinidad Volunteers, 1939, 1939
248 x 179 mm. View looking across the parade ground towards the spectators, with units of the Trinidad Volunteers driving past the Governor's entourage in lorries with mounted guns. The Governor, seated on his horse at the left of the print, would be Major Sir Hubert Winthrop Young (1885-1950), Governor of Trinidad and Tobago 1938-42. Photograph by Guardian Photonews, Trinidad.
Market shed, Scarborough, Tobago, BWI, 1906
Showing a roofed market shed at Scarborough.
Modern Colonial Hospital, nearing completion in Trinidad, B.W.I. [British West Indies], 1954
'Nelson's Isle' Recruiting Depot for new arrived immigrants from India, Five Islands, Gulf of Paria, Trinidad, BWI [British West Indies], 1890
239 x 189 mm. Showing this tiny island with its recruiting depot for newly arrived immigrants from India. The Five Islands lie in the narrow strip of water which separates the north-western tip of Trinidad from the Venezuelan mainland.
New Public Buildings facing Brunswick Square, Trinidad, BWI [British West Indies], 1890
253 x 202 mm. Duplicate of the preceding plate.
New Public Buildings, Trinidad, BWI [British West Indies], 1890
245 x 195 mm. A view from the street showing the imposing stone public buildings, designed by Robert Bridgens, Head of the Public Works Department. The foundation stone of the buildings was laid in 1844 and the buildings completed in 1848.
Officer, Trinidad Light Horse, 1896, 'A Typical Yeoman', 1960 - 1980
106 x 124 mm. Portrait of a mounted member of the Trinidad Light Horse. The annotation continues 'Nov. 1896 N. and A. JU' and then details the uniform. Another annotation, in a different hand and ink, appears to give instructions to a printer as to how this photograph should be subtitled in a publication.
Palms, Botanic Gardens, Trinidad, BWI [British West Indies], 1890
196 x 243 mm. Showing an avenue of palms in the Botanic Gardens, Port of Spain.