KwaZulu-Natal, Province of (province)
Found in 347 Collections and/or Records:
Botanical Gardens, Durban, 1879 - 1880
193 x 134 mm. A view looking along a tree shaded path in the botanical Gardens, situated in the north-western section of the town.
Botanical gardens, Durban, Natal [i.e. KwaZulu-Natal], 1875 - 1880
201 x 132 mm. A view looking across a shrub lined path in the botanical gardens with a family group posed in front of a small house (partially obscured) in the background.
Burchell's zebra (South Africa), 1920 - 1929
Collection of monochrome postcards printed in collotype showing stuffed animals in the Natal Museum, Pietermaritzburg. Accompanying the postcards is a four page printed leaflet by the Director of the Natal Museum, Ernest Warren, dated April 1924 and entitled 'The need for the International protection of the African fauna.' All photographs by C Akerman except no. 73, which is by 'F. Teschner'.
Burial ground, Lower Tugela, Natal [i.e. KwaZulu-Natal], 1879 - 1880
Camp, Bennett’s Drift, Newcastle, natal, 1881
199 x 137 mm. Distant view of an encampment of tents at Bennett’s Drift.
Camp of Naval Brigade of H.M.S. 'Active', 1879 - 1880
205 x 133 mm. A view looking over scrubland towards the Tugela River with the tents of the Naval Brigade overlooking the river. Not visible in this print is Fort Pearson, beyond the tents. In the foreground small kraals dot the countryside. The print is stamped 'Lloyd Artist Natal.' [James Lloyd]
Canteen stores, Chieveley, 1900
119 x 95 mm. Showing a group of soldiers posed on and beside a loaded ox-wagon. The print is numbered '8507'.
Cape Province, 1965 - 1967
Cathedral, Pietermaritzburg, 1875 - 1880
165 x 109 mm. A view from the road showing the small stone church. Exact location unidentified.
Cathkin Peak, Drakensberg, Natal [KwaZulu-Natal], 1925
152 x 202 mm. A view looking across rocky gorges to the distant flat-topped Cathkin Peak.
Charlestown, 1955 - 1965
Correspondence; negatives; press cuttings; reports; Chairman's address to the Liberal Party's Annual Congress, 1955; Alan Paton, 'The Charlestown story', a 26 page pamphlet on the African land issue; notices of eviction; questions and answers in the House of Assembly.
Chief Tetelaka's band, Natal [i.e. KwaZulu-Natal], 1880 - 1889
269 x 240 mm. A group portrait of the large band of musicians and dancers, with the huts of Tetelaka's kraal in the background. The location of the kraal has not been identified, nor has any information about Tetelaka himself been found. The print itself has the caption: 'Chief Tetelaka's band, Natal', and is numbered '157.'
Children's paddle pool, Beach, Durban, 1920 - 1929
Photograph by Sapsco Real Photo.
Children's paddling pond, Beach, Durban, 1920 - 1929
Photograph by A.R.
Christmas 1900 Umzinto, 1900
101 x 74mm. Showing a group of 17 people (15 European) in a woodland setting. No identifications have been made, but the white-bearded figure lying on the ground at the right looks similar to the man standing beside the buggy in the preceding print and this may be Robert Armstrong.
Church Street, Pietermaritzburg, 1875 - 1880
170 x 106 mm. A view looking SW along Church Street.
Church Street, Pietermaritzburg, Natal [i.e. KwaZulu-Natal], 1888
191 x 125 mm. A view looking south west along Church Street from its junction with Commercial Road, with St. Peter's Church and the Zulu War memorial in the left foreground.
Church Street, Pietermaritzburg, Natal [KwaZulu-Natal], 1925
203 x 151 mm. A view looking south west along Church Street from its junction with Commercial Road. In the left foreground can be seen the Cenotaph, with the tower of St. Peter's Church beyond.
Circumcision dance, Amanguba Tribe, Natal [i.e. KwaZulu-Natal], 1880 - 1889
201 x 161 mm. Showing young men of this Bantu tribe smeared all over with white clay and dressed in grass skirts and grass headdresses which conceal their faces. During this period they are known as Abakweta or 'white boys', the ceremonies connected with the circumcision rites lasting several weeks.
Coaling plant on the Bluff, Durban, Natal [KwaZulu-Natal], 1925
197 x 151 mm. Showing piles of coal, cranes and railway track on a wharf on the Bluff, the spit of land situated at the southern entrance to the Bay of Natal.
Coast Foliage, Natal [i.e. KwaZulu-Natal], 1879 - 1880
198 x 113 mm. Showing a clearing in dense woodland on the KwaZulu-Natal coast. The print is unsigned but is probably by Caney.
Colenso, Natal [KwaZulu-Natal] - Main power station for the supply of electricity to the Natal [KwaZulu-Natal] main line. On the Tugela River, 1925
203 x 140 mm. Showing the power station buildings (erected in 1924) with the Tugela River in the foreground.
Commissariat Stores, Lower Tugela, Natal [i.e. KwaZulu-Natal], 1879 - 1880
203 x 136 mm. Showing tents, boxes and sacks of stores on the bank of the Tugela River below Fort Pearson, with a group of soldiers posed for the photographer in the foreground.
Court House, Pietermaritzburg, 1875 - 1880
158 x 111 mm. Showing the solid brick building of the old Court House.
Crossing a drift, road to the Umzinto, Natal [i.e. KwaZulu/Natal], 1888
192 x 125 mm. Showing an ox-drawn wagon crossing a drift on a small river on the Umzinto road.