Borneo (island)
Found in 291 Collections and/or Records:
[Jesselton Sports 1 Jan 1909]. Sack race, 1909-01-01
Landscape format. [Near the finish].
[Jesselton Sports 1 Jan 1909]. The finish of the 1/4 mile, 1909-01-01
Landscape format. Trimmed. Makaralli, a Pathan, winning.
[Jesselton Sports 1 Jan 1909] . The high jump, 1909-01-01
Landscape format.
[Jesselton Sports 1 Jan 1909]. The high jump, 1909-01-01
Landscape format. Note Roman Catholic Archbishop - red sash on white dress. [Archbishop also carries parasol].
[Jesselton Sports 1 Jan 1909]. The long jump, 1909-01-01
Landscape format. [Governors house on hill behind].
Jungle cleared for rubber planting, 1909
Quarter-plate (landscape format). And young plants from nursery ready for planting.
[Junk], 1903
Showing a junk sailing along an ‘unidentified river.
Kampong Wasai; Ulu Tuaran, 1904
A view looking over a settlement of thatched houses towards distant jungle covered forest.
Kanowit women weaving rattan baskets, Rajang River area, Sarawak, [? 1950s], 1950 - 1959
205 x 153 mm. As captioned.
Kapuan Island, 1909
Quarter-plate (landscape format). '35 lepers [people affected by leprosy there now: mostly Chinese'. [Distant view of island from the sea].
Kaung. Ulu Tempasuk, 1904
Showing a woodland scene with a house partially visible in the background.
Kota Belud Court day. Litigants and witnesses, 1903
Showing a large gathering of men and women grouped for their photograph.
Kota Belud Karban Corps, 1903
Showing a group of uniformed and armed Borneo police mounted on bullocks.
Kota Belud mounted police. Bunyan and Genang, 1903
Showing an armed and uniformed policeman on a horse.
Kuching, Sarawak, 1960
251 x 168 mm. General view of the harbour and waterfront area of Kuching, the capital of Sarawak, with mountains in the distance.
Kuching, Sarawak : Gunong Matang in the distance, 1904 - 1910
General view looking along the Sarawak River towards the town, with Gunong (mountain) Matang in the distance.
Kudat, 1909
The Resident coming out in his boat. [Showing sailing boat with land in the distance].
Land Dyak longhouse, Kampong Pichin, Sarawak, 1960s, 1960 - 1969
158 x 107 mm. View looking along the extended, atap roofed house.
Land just prepared for tobacco planting, 1909
Quarter-plate (landscape format). [A closer view than previous print].
Loading the Borneo, N.D.L., with timber at Sandakan, 1909
Landscape format. [Using hook and chain pulley]
Looking up a newly prepared valley, 1909
Quarter-plate (landscape format). [Fields marked out though a few tree trunks remain].
Making a drain beside a road, 1909
[Showing Chinese labourer digging the drain].
Making a road through a jungle, 1909
Landscape format. Chinese coolies.
Malaysia Day celebrations at Kuching, 1968
154 x 104 mm. A view looking down on the Padang with figrues spelling out the word Merdaka (independence) across the stadium.
Malaysia Day celebrations at Sibu, Sarawak [1960s], 1960 - 1969
154 x 105 mm. Showing the Chief Minister taking the salute at a march past.