Kenya (nation)
Found in 1507 Collections and/or Records:
Appeal judgement on the land claims of the three tribes of Mombasa by Bonham-Carter; 1913, 1950 - 1970
Published and unpublished works on African history written by Gray, accompanied by research notes from archives and secondary sources.
Approaching Kedowa, 1900
205 x 157 mm A duplicate of Y30468I/21.
Approaching the wells in a dry river bed near Garba Tulla [i.e. Garba Tula], 1940 - 1949
Arap Kipkoske and a helper thatch the house he has built from the trees planted only five years ago, 1940 - 1949
Arap Kipkoske gathers wattle seed ready for planting, 1940 - 1949
Arap Kipkoske tending his young trees, 1940 - 1949
Archbishop and Mrs Fisher at St. Paul’s United Theological College near Limura, with Peter Kariuki, cousin of Bishop Kariuki, 1955
205 x 152 mm. glossy print.
Archbishop at St. Paul’s United Theological College near Limura, talking to Rev. Samuel Mukoro, 1955
202 x 153 mm. glossy print.
Archbishop Makarios baptising Kenyan children, 1970-01
Photograph taken during Archbishop Makarios' visit to Kenya.
A.R.H. Mann Collection, 1935
Articles from 'The Field'
A.S. Rogers and the Liwali of Lamu, 1890 - 1905
122 x 174 mm. A view showing A.S. Rogers and an Arab, possibly the Liwals of Lamu (see Y30468A/45-46), seated on the ground with a soldier standing behind them.
A.S. Rogers, British Residency Pier, Lamu, 1890 - 1905
122 x 174 mm. A view showing A.S. Rogers and an unidentified figure seated on a bench at the end of a pier, probably at Lamu.
A.S. Rogers’ Residence, Witu, 1890 - 1905
173 x 119 mm. A view looking across a courtyard towards a bungalow on the verandah of which stands an unidentified figure, possibly A.S. Rogers.
Asian shops and residences in Mombasa, 1933 - 1950
140 x 150 mm. Showing people in a busy street.
Asian social welfare in Kenya, 1940 - 1959
151 x 107 mm. The caption on the reverse reads 'Asian Girl Guide units are well established throughout Kenya, and the movement is particularly strong in Nairobi. The Girl Guide Movement is divided between Europeans, Asians, and Africans for linguistic, not racial purposes. The Guides of all races meet together regularly for all kinds of Guide work. This picture shows Brownies (the Junior movement) receiving instruction on knot making'.
At Bishop's Court, Mombasa, 1901 or 1902 (same place as wedding reception of T.B.R. and Mrs Westgate given by Mrs Peel), 1901 - 1902
161 x 118 mm. Group portrait of missionary women and African (? servants). Identified on the reverse are: Mrs Pickthall, Mrs W.C. Peel, Miss Brewer, (?)Mrs English, (?)Miss Gedge, Miss Austin (?Agnes) English, Henrietta Westgate, Mrs Burns, Kathleen Crawford, Agneta Peel.
At M'Kunumbi [i.e. Mkunumbi] the cattle sleep upstairs, 1934
A view showing a wooden construction, on stilts, with a ramp leading up to it. A number of animals can be seen within the construction.
At the wells. Jelo pours the water into the natural drinking trough, 1940 - 1949
Showing a group of Borans at the wells. The location of this photograph is noted as Garba Tula in the typescript catalogue.
Attempt at doing view from our tent door, Railhead Camp, 1900-02-27
'Pouring rain. Cook's shelter under corrugated pent-house.'
Augering; the instrument is the starter of a Banker drill, 1934
40 x 65 mm.
‘B. Jacksoni’, Turquell, 1890-01-07
152 x 108 mm. (modern print from RGS negative). Showing a recently shot antelope. See Gedge diary for 7th January 1890.
Back view of our tents, 1900-02-26
'Attempt at sketching terminus of Uganda railway and our four tents.' The watercolour shows railway sheds and trucks, and identifies which missionaries slept in the individual tents.
[Bamboo Forest - Mau Summit], 1928
87 x 137 mm.
Bamboo Forest - Mau Summit (9000 feet), 1928
98 x 139 mm.