Jamaica (nation)
Found in 404 Collections and/or Records:
Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting, Kingston, Jamaica, 1975: Wallace Rowling, Prime Minister of New Zealand, speaking, 1975
246 x 192 mm.
Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting, London, June 1977: Queen Elizabeth II with heads of government at Buckingham Palace, 1977
215 x 165 mm. colour print of CC/762.
Commonwealth in Focus Slides
Commonwealth Royal Tour, 1953-1954
The principal part of the collection is a set of programmes and guides prepared for the different legs of the Royal Tour. These are supplemented by related correspondence and papers compiled by the Royal Empire Society and others. The collection is in English with the exception of one item in English and Arabic.
[Commonwealth Universities], 1946 - 1986
Includes material on Universities throughout the Commonwealth of Nations.
[Commonwealth Universities], 1946 - 1991
Includes material on Universities throughout the Commonwealth of Nations. Many, though not all, of the slides were taken by Ian Maxwell.
Communications, commerce and industry, 1959 - 1982
A series of photographs relating, as the title suggests, to the areas of communication, commerce and industry. The title was chosen by the National Library of Jamaica, and is one of those based on the headings used for the sections of the 'Commonwealth in Focus' exhibition.
Constant Spring Hotel, 1900 - 1910
[Constant Spring Hotel], 1879 - 1913
Coolies cutting sugar-cane, Vere, Jamaica [historic title], 1879 - 1886
232 x 183 mm. A view showing Indian labourers harvesting cane with a European overseer in the centre of the print.
Cooperative's hillside plough in action, drawn by 2 [?]steers, 1940 - 1949
Corporal G.S. Gale, 1st West India Reg., Jamaica Section, 1879 - 1890
78 x 99 mm. A view showing Corporal Gale standing at attention facing the camera and wearing the uniform of the West India Regiment. This print is half of a stereoscopic view card.
Courthouse, Mandeville, Ja, 1900 - 1910
162 x 116 mm. Showing the front of the Court House at Mandeville, a building of similar design to that seen in Y3073B/10. Of square construction with two curving staircases leading to an entrance on the first floor and with an entrance at ground level directly beneath the stairs. This Court House is of a rather more elegant design, however.
Craigton Church, Port Royal Mountains, Jamaica, 1879 - 1886
234 x 182 mm. A view in the mountains showing a small church perched on the summit of a wooded hill, with a small bungalow in the foreground.
Crossing Bamboo Pond, near Morant Bay, Jamaica, 1900 - 1910
151 x 103 mm. Showing a horse and buggy crossing a river, with Jamaicans helping to push the vehicle through the water. Additional information on the back of the print states 'Travelling on the King's Highway. Emo's Buggy, 1904. Before the bridge was made. Crossing Bamboo Pond Johnstone River near Morant Bay, [signed] J.E.K.'.
Date Palm, 1879 - 1886
240 x 185 mm. A view showing a date palm at the left of the print in the foreground with a valley and hills beyond. Sugar estate buildings can be partially seen in the distance.
[Dedication by the Acting Bishop], 1922-11-11
165 x 105 mm. The Bishop, with upraised arms, is either dedicating the memorial or giving the final benediction. The Rt. Rev. David Williams Bentley (d. 1970) was appointed Assistant Bishop of Jamaica in 1919 and was Bishop of Barbados 1927-1945.
Dedication of Jamaica War Memorial 1922
Collection of uncaptioned photographs by Cleary and Elliott, Kingston, Jamaica. The Memorial, a cross of island stone in front of the East Block of the Public Buildings in Kingston, was unveiled and dedicated on Armistice Day, 11 November 1922. Details for each photograph are derived from an accompanying Order of Service and the Jamaica Annual Report 1922.
Depot for collection of eggs, ginger and other local products, 1940 - 1949
Devil Fish caught at Port Royal, 1879 - 1886
187 x 230 mm. A view showing fishermen posing beside a skate hanging on a winch at Port Royal. The caption continues ‘This huge member of the skate family was said to weigh more than a ton’.
‘Dildoes’ or giant cacti Kingston, Jamaica, 1879 - 1886
239 x 185 mm. A view showing an unsurfaced track surrounded on both sides by huge bushes of tall, cylindrical cacti, with two men standing on the road as an indication of scale.
‘Dildoes’ or giant cacti near Kingston, Jamaica, 1879 - 1886
240 x 186 mm. A similar view to Y3073D/40, this time with a top-hatted and suited man standing in the foreground.
Dr Thomas Lecky receiving the Order of Merit in 1978 from the Governor General of Jamaica in recognition of his outstanding work in the field of cattle breeding, 1978
250 x 200 mm. Photograph by Thomas Bryce.
Dry Harbour, St Anns [Parish] Jamaica, 1879 - 1886
230 x 180 mm. A view from the sea looking towards the jetty and houses of Dry Harbour.
Dunn’s River, St Ann’s, 1879 - 1886
234 x 183 mm. A view showing cascades on Dunn’s River in St Ann’s Parish, with jungle vegetation on the banks.