South Africa (nation)
Found in 3622 Collections and/or Records:
View from the Country Club, Pretoria, 1928-07-03
Album of mostly 80 x 54 mm prints. There is a brief list describing items 1-98, which document the trip from Southampton to South Africa, travel in South Africa, and the visit to Southern Rhodesia. Many photos do not appear in the exact numerical order given in the listing. The rest of the images are uncaptioned, but their general locations have been identified by reference to the diary RCMS 353/1.
View from the rear of the train from Johannesburg to Rhodesia, 1935-08
Showing the front of the train curving round to the right, and people waving from the track side.
View from the top of Bain's Kloof (about south) looking to the left hand of the Pass and showing the last turn of the road towards the top. Jany 1867, 1867-01
283 x 237 mm. Showing a section of the road passing along steep hillside towards a sharp curve at the right of the print.
View from the top of Bain's Kloof - looking towards the village of Wellington about 10 miles off (looking West abt), 1867-01
295 x 229 mm. ‘Paarl Mountains partly seen on left side. January 1867.’ A view looking out over level farmland towards Wellington (not visible) from the top of Bain's Kloof. The Paarl Mountains, though largely faded, can be made out at the left of the print in the distance.
View from the top of Bain's Kloof. Showing part of the road up and Mountains above Wagon Makers Valley - looking South West about. January 1867, 1867-01
294 x 238 mm. Showing the road skirting along the hillside in Bain's Kloof, with mountains beyond.
View from top of G.P.O. Pietermaritzburg, Natal [KwaZulu-Natal], 1925
203 x 152 mm. A view looking north across Long Market Street from the General Post Office towards the city hall, with the seat of the Natal Provicial Administration in the left foreground, and the Supreme Court to its right.
View in Crocodile River Valley. Kilo 137 NZASM, 1900 - 1910
View in dining room, 1930
Collection of loose monochrome postcards of the Koopmans de Wet House in Cape Town. The house, originally lived in by Mrs Marie Koopmans de Wet, is a museum of South African national antiques.
View in Main Street, Port Elizabeth, 1865 - 1878
138 x 97 mm. Showing commercial premises in Main Street with a span of oxen drawing a wagon in the foreground, In the centre of the print are the premises of Peter Finlay, proprietor of the ‘Goose and Gridiron’ at the junction with Rodney Street.
View in the Drakensberg Mountains, 1910 - 1911
82 x 140 mm (loosely mounted on foolscap paper with notes beneath the photograph). Showing a sheer rock face in the Drakensberg Range. Caption under photograph reads: 'The above photograph shows the extraordinary natural boundary between Natal and Basutoland formed by the Drakensberg. The sheer drop continues for a distance of about 70 miles broken at intervals by passes into Natal.'
View near Muizenberg , 1902
View near Muizenberg , 1902
View of Adderley Street, Cape Town, 1861
A view looking along Adderley Street from the top of the Custom House, with the Pagoda, Cape Town's first telegraph office, on the far side of the Parade and the tower of the Dutch Reformed Church beyond. There are hansom cabs lining the side of the road and a market in progress in the Parade. A photograph taken from a similar viewpoint to Y3049A/6.
View of Bloemfontein taken from Naval Hill, 1928-06-24
Print at RCMS 353/2/39.
View of Bloemfontein taken from Naval Hill, 1928-06-24
Album of mostly 80 x 54 mm prints. There is a brief list describing items 1-98, which document the trip from Southampton to South Africa, travel in South Africa, and the visit to Southern Rhodesia. Many photos do not appear in the exact numerical order given in the listing. The rest of the images are uncaptioned, but their general locations have been identified by reference to the diary RCMS 353/1.
View of Cape Town and Devil's Peak, 1900 - 1929
Image by Stewart and Schaefer.
View of Cape Town and Table Bay, 1861
A view looking down onto Cape Town from the Old Klaf Road with Table Bay beyond.
View of farmhouse with Alice in distance, 1900 - 1910
209 x 153 mm. A view looking down on to a thatched farmhouse situated amongst trees in a hollow, with hills and a few scattered houses in the distance.
View of individual plots, 1872
203 x 165 mm. A view looking along an excavated pit at Kimberley, honeycombed with individual square plots of varying depths and with connecting roadways running along either side.
View of individual plots, 1872
212 x 157 mm. A view looking along an excavated pit with a roadway and a group of miners to the left. Similar to Y3059L/1.
View of individual plots, 1872
216 x 157 mm. A view looking along a series of individual claims (more deeply excavated than those seen in the preceding prints), with rope ladders hanging down into the plots from the roadway at the right.
View of reception room, 1930
Collection of loose monochrome postcards of the Koopmans de Wet House in Cape Town. The house, originally lived in by Mrs Marie Koopmans de Wet, is a museum of South African national antiques.
View of rocks and base of mountain at Hoet's [Hout] Bay from the Beach. 26th Oct'r 1866. Drizzling rain and cloudy, 1866-10
283 x 202 mm. Showing the sandy beach in the foreground with boulders beyond and the scrub covered hillside in the background.
View of Signal Hill, Cape Town. Portion of Mount Nelson Hotel on the left, 1902
98 x 72 mm. A view from the road looking over iron railings towards the Mount Nelson Hotel, one of Cape Town's grandest hotels and built in 1897.