Canada (nation)
Found in 2829 Collections and/or Records:
[Visit of the Prince of Wales to Victoria], 1919
130 x 70 mm. View of the prince waving to crowds from a motor car.
[[Visit of the Prince of Wales to Victoria], 1919
130 x 70 mm. View of the prince standing among crowds at the provincial Parliament.
Visit to Canadian Air Force Squadron March 1941, 1941
[Visitors disembarking from a warship], 1920 - 1936
130 x 78 mm. The event has not been identified.
Visitors starting for a summers day outing, Banff, 1908-07 - 1908-08
Landscape format.
Visits of the Prince of Wales and Prince George, 1919 - 1927
Many of these images were taken by Chapman in his role as official photographer, chronicling the visits of the British Royal Family and other distinguished individuals to Victoria.
Volume 7, 1864-07-02 - 1864-08-18
Volume IX : Quebec, Ontario, Alberta, July-August 1908, 1908-07 - 1908-08
Volume X : Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, August-September 1908, 1908-08 - 1908-09
Volume XI : Manitoba, Ontario, Newfoundland, September 1908, 1908-09
Volume XII : Newfoundland, New Brunswick, British Columbia, September-October 1908, 1908-09 - 1908-10
Volume XIII : British Columbia and Quebec, October 1908, March 1909, 1908-10 - 1909-03
Volume XIV : Quebec, Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia, 1909, 1909
Volume XV : Nova Scotia and New Brunswick 1909, 1909
Volume XVI : Nova Scotia, Canadian winter, and Great Britain 1909, 1909
Wapta, 1908-08 - 1908-09
Landscape format. From upper meadow Yoho Valley, looking from under Vice President.
Wapta Glacier, 1908-08 - 1908-09
Landscape format.
Wapta Glacier, 1908-08 - 1908-09
Wapta Glacier, 1908-08 - 1908-09
Wapta Glacier and ice cave, 1908-08 - 1908-09
Landscape format.
[Warship], 1920 - 1936
130 x 78 mm. Probably the same vessel featured in Y3062S/76.
Water Street, main thoroughfare looking east, 1900 - 1911
202 x 151 mm. A view looking along Water Street, with horses and carts and groups of pedestrians on the road. The tramlines on the cobbled street date the photograph to after 1900 when the first regular tram service came into operation.
Water Street West showing cabstand near G.P.O., 1899 - 1911
202 x 151 mm. A view looking along Water Street with hansom cabs and pedestrians and the dome of the Post Office visible in the background (opened in 1886 and demolished in the 1950s).
Water supply for Athabasca, 1910 - 1930
A coloured slide showing a horse-drawn water tank sledge.