Asia (continent)
Found in 16 Collections and/or Records:
Central Office of Information photograph collection
Chinese family taking their meal, 1948, 1948
154 x 162 mm. Showing a Chinese couple taking their midday meal, with a neighbour seated beside them looking after their baby.
Chinese girl with pineapples, Johore [i.e. Johor Baharu], 1948, 1948
208 x 152 mm. Showing a young Chinese girl seated amongst a pile of recently harvested pineapples.
Girl embroidering silk, Alor Star [i.e. Alor Setar] Arts and Crafts School [1960s], 1960 - 1969
153 x 207 mm. As captioned.
Harvesting pineapples, 1948, 1948
203 x 153 mm. Showing a Chinese girl piling harvested pineapples in a field.
Kanowit women weaving rattan baskets, Rajang River area, Sarawak, [? 1950s], 1950 - 1959
205 x 153 mm. As captioned.
Making batik cloth, Kota Bahru [i.e. Kota Baharu], Kelantan, 1964, 1964
155 x 188 mm. Showing cotton cloth being printed with metal blocks dipped in dye.
Malaya. Aboriginal huntsman with blowpipe [? 1960s], 1960 - 1969
157 x 188 mm. Showing a hunter standing in a jungle clearing with his blowpipe raised to his lips.
Malaya fishing village [? 1950s], 1950 - 1959
206 x 153 mm. Showing women waiting on the beach while a catch of fish is unloaded and weighed. A typed caption on the reverse reads: 'The womenfolk wait while the fish are weighed and dumped on the sand'.
Malaya Fishing Village [? 1950s], 1950 - 1959
152 x 105 mm. Showing two workers spreading out piles of salted fish to crispen in the sun. A caption on the reverse reads: 'Youngsters rake the salted fish thinly to crisp in the sun'.
Moslem wedding ceremony, Malaya [1950s], 1950 - 1959
206 x 153 mm. Showing the bride and groom retiring, followed by attendant, after the completion of the transaction of paying for the bride.
Parliament House, Kuala Lumpur, July 1964, 1964-07
206 x 152 mm. A view looking across landscaped parkland and an approach road towards the modern Parliament buildings.
Preparing silk for wearing, Penambang, near Kota Bahru [i.e. Kota Baharu], 1964, 1964
154 x 190 mm. Showing a Malay girl attaching silk thread to the bobbins of a loom.

Progress in the Colonies, 1940s-1950s
Sea Dyak tattooing [? 1950s], 1950 - 1959
152 x 192 mm. Showing a Dyak man applying tattoos.
Water brought by rail to Tawau, Sabah [? 1950s], 1950 - 1959
203 x 156 mm. Showing villagers at Tawau drawing water from a large barrel which has arrived from the hills on a narrow gauge railway.