Found in 619 Collections and/or Records:
Log entries for early January 1803, 1803-01-01 - 1803-01-06
Daily log entries while in the Gulf of Carpentaria, with observations made to ascertain the errors of the timekeepers.
Log entries for February and early March 1802, 1802-02-01 - 1802-03-03
Daily log entries, exploring the furthest south coast of New Holland including Nuyts Archipelago. The entry for 21 February records the loss of the cutter with eight men drowned [RGO 14/64: 34v]. Also included are observations (of altitudes, lunar distance and for the variation of the magnetic needle), an account of the rates and errors of the timekeepers, and an account of the tides.
Log entries for November 1802, 1802-11-01 - 1802
Daily log entries while in the Gulf of Carpentaria, with astronomical observations taken there and in the Torres Strait.
Log entries for November and early December 1801, 1801-10-30 - 1801-12-04
Daily log entries made in Simon’s Bay and while travelling from the Cape of Good Hope towards New Holland. The entries begin with a note on the departure of the astronomer John Crosley from the voyage on 30 October, and on the rates of the timekeepers.
Log entries for October 1802, 1802-10-01 - 1802-10-31
Daily log entries, travelling along the east coast of New Holland towards the Torres Strait, via the northern Northumberland Isles and Great Barrier Reef.
Lord Lloyd's diaries, 1901 - 1911
Major-General Henry Despard: letter book
Bound volume titled on spine, 'Commanding Officer's Letter Book | Private'. Contains summaries or full transcripts of over 300 letters, both private and official, relating to the period when Henry Despard was commanding the 99th Regiment in Sydney (1846-8) and Hobart Town (1848-54) and in undertaking special duties in the Victorian goldfields (1853). The correspondence largely relates to regimental organisation, discipline and welfare. 128pp., with index to letters at rear of volume.
Malta, 1919-09 - 1924-03
Mandarin Paperbacks (Publishing Imprint) (c 1988-c 1997) (Australia)
Maps of Australia
A map of Australia showing various numbered peaks and areas.
Memoir explaining the construction of charts of Australia, 1801 - 1805
With remarks on the observations for latitude and longitude, and on the variation of the compass. A narrative account, made by Captain Matthew Flinders, on a voyage of the HMS Investigator in the years 1801-1803; with a note dated 1805.
Memoir (in place of interview): Sir Colin Imray, 2002
The programme comprises transcripts of interviews with senior diplomats.
Memorandum book for 1801-1806, 1801 - 1806
Notebook comprised mainly of notes on the events of the day, appointments, remedies for colds and other ailments, household tips and expenses. Also includes notes on improving the lunar tables, on the rates of timekeepers, on his assistants, and notes on papers received from the Admiralty from Captain Matthew Flinders relative to the latitude, longitude and variation observed on the coast of New Holland or Australia.
Minutes of the Large Reflector Sub-Committee, 1964
The minutes of a meeting of the Australian Academy of Science Large Reflector Sub-Committee on Site-Testing held on 4 March 1964, with a small colour map of Australia.
Miscellaneous correspondence, 1855 - 1856
Miscellaneous correspondence Related Material, 1908-04 - 1908-12
Miscellaneous meteorological papers, 1884 - 1904
Miscellaneous scientific papers, 1861 - 1866
Miscellaneous scientific papers, 1869 - 1870
Miscellaneous scientific papers, 1873 - 1874
"My Political Life", volume IV: draft chapters on the Palestine Question, the Cripps Mission, Domestic Politics and the Washington Loan, 1974-08 - 1975-08
Also includes copies of telegrams from Leo Amery while Secretary of State for the Colonies, to Sir Ronald Munro-Ferguson, later 1st Lord Novar [Governor-General of Australia] and William Hughes [Prime Minister of Australia] in 1920, on the Prince of Wales's visit to Australia, communications between the two governments, the status of governors general and the next Imperial Conference.
Newspaper cuttings, 1888 - 1889
Cuttings from various newspapers on various subjects, including new telescopes, comets, annual visitations and telegraphs in Australia.
NS I Chap 3-6 Note, 1841-01-01 - 1841-01-31
Note; by Charles Robert Darwin