Found in 619 Collections and/or Records:
(Untitled), 03 Nov 1942
(Untitled), 18 Dec 1942
Telegram from WSC to Herbert Vere Evatt [Australian Minister for External Affairs and Attorney General] marked "personal and private" thanking him for his message and that from W S Robinson and inquiring about the Evatt Spitfire Squadrons.
(Untitled), 20 Dec 1942
Telegram from WSC to Prime Minister of Australia [John Curtin] marked "most secret and personal" informing him that arrangements are being made to ship the vehicles and material he requested [from the Middle East].
(Untitled), 22 Dec 1942
Telegram from John Curtin (Prime Minister of Australia) to WSC marked "most secret and personal" thanking him for the steps he has taken to arrange shipment of the 9th Australian Division and its minimum requirements of equipment [from the Middle East].
(Untitled), 26 Dec 1942
Telegram from Herbert Vere Evatt [Australian Minister for External Affairs and Attorney General] to WSC marked "most secret" thanking him for his enquiries about the Spitfires and suggesting that WSC need only make occasional enquiries of Air Chief Marshal Sir Charles Portal [later Lord Portal of Hungerford, Chief of the Air Staff] to ensure a regular flow of replacements and the latest improvements.
(Untitled), 23 Aug 1942
Telegram from WSC [Cairo, Egypt] to Private Office for First Lord of the Admiralty [Albert Alexander, later Lord Alexander of Hillsborough] and First sea Lord [Admiral Dudley Pound] referring to the loss of the Australian Cruiser "Canberra" and asking them to consider the gift of a similar ship to the Royal Australian Navy.
(Untitled), 19 Jun 1941
Telegram from Robert Menzies [Prime Minister of Australia] to WSC asking for answers with regard to failure of opening of Operation "Battleaxe" [codename for British offensive] in North Africa.
(Untitled), 19 Jun 1941
Telegram from WSC to Robert Menzies [Prime Minister of Australia] with precise figures of forces, tanks and aircraft involved in Middle East warfare for Australian Advisory War Council, as requested.
(Untitled), 19 Jun 1941
Telegram from WSC to Robert Menzies [Prime Minister of Australia] reporting the failure of latest offensive to regain initiative in Western Desert, and commenting on the severe losses on both sides. Also refers to the reported French request for an armistice in Syria, but states that there is continuing "sharp Vichy French resistance at various points".
(Untitled), 20 Jun 1941
Telegram from WSC to Robert Menzies [Prime Minister of Australia] advising he will announce the impracticality of holding an Imperial Conference.
(Untitled), 21 Jun 1941
Telegram from WSC to Robert Menzies [Prime Minister of Australia] advising he will announce the impracticality of holding an Imperial Conference (further copy at CHAR 20/40/28).
(Untitled), 28 Jun 1941
Telegram from Robert Menzies [Prime Minister of Australia] to WSC on need to build up air and tank defences in Middle East following disappointment at Sollum.
(Untitled), 29 May 1941
Telegram from WSC to Prime Minister of Australia [Robert Menzies] congratulating him on the success of his speeches on his Canadian and United States tour.
(Untitled), May 1941 - Jun 1941
(Untitled), 05 Jun 1941
Telegram from Robert Menzies [Prime Minister of Australia] to WSC on the need to reinforce Cyprus or withdraw, and the question of whether Syria should be given priority over Egypt.
(Untitled), 09 Jul 1941
Telegram from WSC to Robert Menzies [Prime Minister of Australia] commenting on the defence of Cyprus: explains that possession of the Syrian airfields is essential for retention of Cyprus; states that if Germans invade there are opportunities for retreat, guerrilla warfare from the mountains and evacuation. [Carbon with annotations in unknown hand].
(Untitled), 12 Jun 1941
Telegram from Robert Menzies [Prime Minister of Australia to WSC regarding the Middle East, and asking for precise figures of aircraft and tank involved in Middle East warfare for meeting with Advisory War Council. [see CHAR 20/40/19 for reply].
(Untitled), 13 Jun 1941
Telegram from Robert Menzies [Prime Minister of Australia] to WSC on behalf of Australian Advisory War Council reporting that the belief that Middle Eastern forces are ill equipped is having an adverse effect on recruiting, and asking for a message of reassurance that Britain is committed to the Middle East.
(Untitled), 13 Jun 1941
Telegram from WSC to Robert Menzies [Prime Minister of Australia] promising response to his request [see CHAR 20/39/122-123]: "I hope to have some deeds not words To report to you soon".
(Untitled), 07 Aug 1941
Telegram from Prime Minister of Australia [Robert Menzies] to WSC requesting details on relief of the Tobruk [Libya] garrison; Australian War Cabinet alarmed about health of Australian troops in Libya, Greece, Crete and Syria.
(Untitled), 07 Aug 1941
Telegram from Prime Minister of Australia [Robert Menzies] to WSC asking for projected German moves around Turkey and Libya; also on the failure to provide anticipated strength bomber and fighter squadrons.
(Untitled), 08 Aug 1941
Telegram from Prime Minister of Australia [Robert Menzies] to WSC urging him to use his meeting with Franklin Roosevelt, President of the United States [at Placentia Bay, Newfoundland, Canada] to involve the United States further in the war, thereby keeping Japan out.
(Untitled), 28 Aug 1941
Telegram from WSC to Robert Menzies [Prime Minister of Australia] expressing sorrow at his resignation.
(Untitled), 11 Sep 1941
Telegram from WSC to Prime Minister of Australia [Arthur Fadden] on proposal by Major-General Sir Claude Auchinleck [Commander-in-Chief, Middle East] not to evacuate Australian troops from Tobruk [Libya].
(Untitled), 15 Sep 1941
Telegram from Prime Minister of Australia, Arthur Fadden, to WSC detailing reasons for evacuating Australian garrison from Tobruk [Libya].