Found in 367 Collections and/or Records:
History of the persecution of English Roman Catholics, c 1687
‘Persecutionis Catholicorum Anglicanæ et conjurationis presbiterianæ hystoria. Auctore P. Warnero, S. J. regi Jacobo IIdo e sacris (1660-1685)’. The history is in eight books, with a table of contents. The present copy is apparently an autograph. Begins ‘Qui publicas res novare instituunt ad consilii exitum pervenire non possunt nisi ...’. There are a few notes in English, in another hand, on one of the inserted leaves. A copy of this manuscript is at MS Mm.01.46.
Hugh Eveyln-White: Horae ad usum Sarum
Translation of the printed edition of Horae ad usum Sarum (F. Regnault, Paris, 1526). The translation was intended for publication. Most of the text is copied, the text and translation appearing on alternate leaves. A letter from K.V. Evelyn-White is attached to the flyleaf. The verso is blank throughout. Each volume has 518 folios.
Huguenot writings, Late seventeenth century
Hymns of the services of the Greek church, early seventeenth century
The manuscript contains the deacon's part of the hymns, viz. Troparia, Stoicheria, Megalenaria, Kondakia, of the services of the Greek Church, collected and set to music. It begins with the services for Little Vespers on the Festival of the Nativity of the blessed Virgin, 8 September, and ends with those for Lent. On p. 1 is written in Slavonic, though in a different hand from the rest, an address 'To the sovereign Czar the great Prince Michael Feodorovitch'.
Hymnus Deo, sixteenth century
'Hymnus Deo,' sent by Carolus Byllus, 'Honoratissimo viro D. Gualtero Mildmaio Reginæ Majestati a secretis.' Some texts, written very beautifully in Greek, follow.
Index to theological works, 1628
An alphabetical index to various works of the Fathers and other theological writers. The entries range from Aaron to Zwingliani and miscellanea. On the flyleaf at the beginning is written ‘Κτῆμα Marci Zigleri Palatini, die 12 Februarii, anno 1628.’
James Goodladd, Exposition of the Catechism, Seventeenth century
An exposition of the Roman Catholic catechism, beginning (after the dedication to the Second Person of the Trinity) 'All knowledges arts and scienses …'.
John Acton, 1st Baron Acton: Papers
John Ludford: Treatise on Religion
John Moore, Bishop of Ely, sermon notes, Late seventeenth or early eighteenth century
Contains short notes; many leaves have been torn out and the greater part of the volume is blank.
John Moore, Bishop of Ely, sermons, Late seventeenth century
Sermons, in four hands, including Moore's, on Matt. vii 12, 1 Cor. xv. 35, Matt. v. 16 and Rom. vi. 21. See also MS Dd.14.15.
John Moore, Bishop of Ely, sermons, 1674
Sermons on Rom. ii. 14, Luke xiii. 13, Matt. v. 3, Acts xvii. 31, Joshua xxvi. 15 and John xiv. 26. To the first sermon is prefixed 'Preacht at St Maries Aug. 18, 1672, and in the college chappel above a year before.' A bidding prayer, with a petition for the foundation of Clare Hall, is prefixed: the chancellor's name is 'George Duke of Buckingham', for which in a note is substituted 'James Duke of Monmouth our chancellor elect'; this would fix the date to 1674.
John Patrick: Explicatio locorum scripturae; Samuel Knight, Draft of the Life of Dean Colet
John Prettejohn: Lingusitic Exposition upon 'Sixteen Hebrew Texts'
A linguistic exposition upon 'Sixteen Hebrew Texts', 1759, and 'Illustration of the Decalogue', 1762, with a copy by Prettejohn of Matthias Wasmuth, 'Explicatio duplicis Accentuationis Decalogicae' (apparently an embellished extract from the Vindiciae S. Hebraeae Scripturae, Rostock, 1664).
John Wyclif, Omnis Plantacio, etc, sixteenth century
1. John Wyclif, Omnis Plantacio (theological treatise).
2. Jack Upland, attributed to Geoffrey Chaucer.
3. The Prynce Sathanas Commyssion unto his wellbelovyd Sectes of Perdicion.
Journals of John Lightfoot, 1643 - 1644
Lancelot Andrewes on the ten commandments, seventeenth century
Begins ‘Clemens Alexandrinus writing his παιδαγωγος in three bookes ...’; incomplete. According to the notice prefixed to the edition of the ‘Pattern of catechistical doctrine’ published in the Anglo-Catholick Library, Oxford, 1846, the work consists of notes taken at Andrewes’s lectures.
Law commonplace book, c 1590
Lectures of John Whitgift on the apocalypse, c 1565
The lectures were delivered while Whitgift was Lady Margaret professor of divinity at the University of Cambridge. Incomplete: the beginning is damaged by damp and some leaves have been lost; the text begins 'et post tres dies et dimidium ...'. This manuscript, like MS Ff.01.09, is in Whitgift's own handwriting.
Lectures on the Epistle to the Romans, Sixteenth or seventeenth century
'Mosis Amyraldi prælectiones in capp. III. IV. Ep. ad Romanos', beginning 'In eo hæc sunt: 1o. Enunciatio …'. Parts of ff. 14 and 15 are blank, a portion of the commentary on Rom. iii. 22 being wanting. These discourses are a continuation of those in MS Dd.03.88, nos 1-5, and are in the same handwriting.
Legal reports and religious notes, Seventeenth century
Letter book of John Parkhurst, Bishop of Norwich, 1571 - 1575
Letter from JEP to Trevor Beeson on Beeson's request to pray for "justice in Northern Ireland", 1984-01-15
Letter to Beeson, Rector of St Margaret's, Westminster, and Chaplain to the Speaker of the House of Commons, on why JEP would not pray specifically for justice in Northern Ireland, and not for the rest of Britain, as this implied that Northern Ireland should not be part of the United Kingdom.
Letters to parents: letters from Australia, 1938-02-18 - 1938-10-31
Letters from JEP to his parents on subjects including: his journey to Australia and work at the University of Sydney, as Professor of Greek; his edition of Herodotus; sales of First Poems.
Also includes annotated typescripts of JEP's article Religion at the Stake, and an article [? by JEP], The Aim of Education.
Life of Henry Nicholas, Seventeenth century
'Mirabilia opera Dei. Certaine wonderful works of God which happened to H. N. even from his youth: and how the God of Heaven hath united himselfe with him, and raised up his gracious word in him, and how he hath chosen and sent him to be a minister of his gracious word: published by Tobias a fellow-elder with H. N. in the household of love: translated out of Base Almain, Ps. xlvi. 66. Acts xiii. 6.' Begins (after the Preface) 'In the eighth year of the age of H. N. ...'