Subject Source: UK Archival Thesaurus
Found in 507 Collections and/or Records:
Public and Political: General: Press cuttings etc., 03 Feb 1938 - 20 Dec 1938
Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 2/355
Scope and Contents
Press cuttings from British and American newspapers, with reports of statements, speeches and letters by individuals including: Sir Samuel Hoare [later 1st Lord Templewood], Home Secretary, on the need for ARP training; Sir Thomas Inskip [later 1st Lord Caldecote], Minister for Co-ordination of Defence, on aircraft production, particularly by "shadow" car factories; Neville Chamberlain [Prime Minister] on progress in rearmament and a call for national unity, including a transcript of his...
03 Feb 1938 - 20 Dec 1938
Conditions Governing Access:
Public and Political: General: Private and Personal: Correspondence Bo - By., 12 Jan 1951 - 21 Jun 1961
Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHUR 2/181A-B
Scope and Contents
Correspondents include: 1st Lord Brookeborough [earlier Sir Basil Brooke, Prime Minister of Northern Ireland] (2); Lady Violet Bonham-Carter Lady Violet Bonham Carter [earlier Violet Asquith and Violet, Lady Bonham Carter, later Lady Asquith of Yarnbury], Vice-President, Liberal Party and Chairman, National Television Council, on subjects including reform of the House of Lords, commercial television, the amateurism of Dwight Eisenhower in politics, her support for WSC, WSC's retirement, "The...
12 Jan 1951 - 21 Jun 1961
Conditions Governing Access:
Public and Political: General: Private and Personal: Correspondence Ca - Col., 22 Oct 1951 - 29 Nov 1959
Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHUR 2/182A-B
Scope and Contents
Correspondents include: "Jock", John Colville [Joint Principal Private Secretary to WSC] on subjects including WSC's income, reaction in the United States to President Dwight Eisenhower's illness and the possible marriage of Princess Margaret, Averell Harriman and democratic policies and anti-Americanism in Britain (17); Sir Alexander Cadogan; Alice, Lady Cahill; Louis St Laurent, Prime Minister of Canada; Geoffrey Fisher, Archbishop of Canterbury; H A Cape on playing polo with WSC (4); Lord...
22 Oct 1951 - 29 Nov 1959
Conditions Governing Access:
Public and Political: General: Private and Personal: Correspondence Hon - J., 02 Mar 1952 - 21 Sep 1960
Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHUR 2/190
Scope and Contents
Correspondents include: "Francis", 5th Lord Howe [earlier Lord Curzon]; Sir Robert Howe, Governor-General of the Sudan, on the Sudanese political situation, and future policy on the Sudan and Egypt; Sir Norman Hulbert; Cordell Hull; David Hunt [former Private Secretary to WSC]; Frank de Vine Hunt, former member of WSC's Map Room, on subjects including maps of WSC's wartime journeys (6); 1st Lord De L'Isle [earlier William Sidney and 6th Lord De L'Isle and Dudley] on the maps (2); Elaine...
02 Mar 1952 - 21 Sep 1960
Conditions Governing Access:
Public and Political: General: Private and Personal: Correspondence L., 14 Feb 1946 - 09 Jul 1949
Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHUR 2/152A-B
Scope and Contents
Correspondents include: Sir Orme Sargent [Permanent Under-Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs] on intervention in the trial of Admiral Jean de Laborde; Lady Juliet Duff on Laborde; 1st Lord Lambert [former Chairman, Liberal Parliamentary Party] on appealing to the Liberals to help in the fight against the Labour Government; Lady Katherine Lambton (3); 3rd Lord Lamington [earlier Victor Cochrane Baillie]; Graham Lampson [later 2nd Lord Killearn] (2); Claude Lancaster; Christopher...
14 Feb 1946 - 09 Jul 1949
Conditions Governing Access:
Public and Political: General: Private and Personal: Correspondence Q - Roo., 09 Dec 1940 - 18 Mar 1958
Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHUR 2/196
Scope and Contents
Correspondents include: 1st Lord Quickswood [earlier Lord Hugh Cecil] on subjects including WSC's career, chances of war with the Soviet Union, and WSC's speeches (6); Admiral Arthur Radford; Prince Rainier of Monaco (2); Raja Sir Maharaj Singh; Habib Rahimtoola, Governor of Sind, Pakistan; J Arthur Rank, Chairman, Rank Organisation Limited, on a film about Douglas Bader; Helen Reid [Chairman], New York Herald Tribune, on the Herald Tribune Forum; 1st Lord Reith, former Chairman, Imperial...
09 Dec 1940 - 18 Mar 1958
Conditions Governing Access:
Public and Political: General: Private and Personal: Correspondence S - Z., 17 Jul 1947 - 12 Oct 1950
Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHUR 2/165
Scope and Contents
Correspondents include: Frank Salisbury on his portraits of WSC; "Bobbety", 5th Lord Salisbury [earlier Lord Cranborne] on subjects including economic relations with Ireland (3); "Betty", Elizabeth, Lady Salisbury [earlier Elizabeth, Lady Cranborne]; Reginald Maudling, asking WSC to meet his future constituency officers for Barnet [Hertfordshire]; Hilary St George Saunders, Librarian, House of Commons, on subjects including his history of the Commandos ["The Green Beret"] and using documents...
17 Jul 1947 - 12 Oct 1950
Conditions Governing Access:
Recordings, 1929 - 1941-08
Reference Code: GBR/0014/AMEL 11
Scope and Contents
Speeches from the 1929 General Election campaign, the opening of the Five-Power Naval Conference in London and a wartime broadcast by LSA to Turkey.
1929 - 1941-08
Conditions Governing Access:
From the Fonds:
The papers are open for consultation by researchers using Churchill Archives Centre, Churchill College, Cambridge.
Found in:
Churchill Archives Centre
The Papers of Leopold Amery
Select Committee on Broadcasting, 1956-02 - 1956-04
Reference Code: GBR/0014/AMEJ 1/2/119
Scope and Contents
Minutes and papers of the committee relating to "the Fortnight Rule", when the BBC would not broadcast ministerial statements on a political issue less than a fortnight before the issue was debated in Parliament. Also includes a few papers of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association.
1956-02 - 1956-04
Conditions Governing Access:
From the Fonds:
The majority of the papers are open for consultation by researchers using Churchill Archives Centre, Churchill College, Cambridge, though the constituency papers and some of the correspondence and political papers remain closed.
Shadow Cabinet Papers, 1966-05 - 1968-04
Reference Code: GBR/0014/POLL 3/2/1/8
Scope and Contents
Leader's Consultative Committee papers and minutes on subjects including: powers to control incomes, by [Leonard] Robert Carr and Iain Macleod; regional government; Greater London Council rent policy; the effects of devaluation, by Iain Macleod; family poverty, by [Irene] Mervyn Pike; the Speaker's Conference on electoral reform, by the Chairman of the Conservative Party [Anthony Barber], and also by Edward du Cann; redistribution of seats, by [Anthony Barber] and also by Edward du Cann;...
1966-05 - 1968-04
Conditions Governing Access:
From the Fonds:
The majority of the collection is open for consultation by researchers using Churchill Archives Centre, Churchill College, Cambridge. Please see individual files for details.
Speeches: House of Commons and Non-House of Commons: Speech notes., 05 Mar 1952 - 26 Jun 1952
Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHUR 5/47A-B
Scope and Contents
Speech notes, typescript and galley proofs for WSC's speech (5 March, House of Commons) entitled "Defence" on subjects including: WSC's resignation as Minister of Defence; the Conservatives' voting on defence while in Opposition; the short-fall of defence spending; aid from the United States; the scarcity of home defence, and the training of new forces, including the registration of the Home Guard and forming of new battalions; the extension of National Service; armoured forces and new...
05 Mar 1952 - 26 Jun 1952
Conditions Governing Access:
Speeches: House of Commons and Non-House of Commons: Speech notes and source material., 11 Aug 1950 - 19 Sep 1950
Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHUR 5/37A-D
Scope and Contents
Speech notes, typescript and transcript of WSC's speech (11 August, Consultative Assembly of the Council of Europe, Strasbourg [France]) entitled "European Unity and a European Army" on subjects including: the need for a European Assembly to remain in close contact with European governments and parliaments; the gradual process of building up the European Parliament; guidance to be given to governments on issues such as the Schuman Plan [for the European Coal and Steel Community]; support for...
11 Aug 1950 - 19 Sep 1950
Conditions Governing Access:
Speeches: House of Commons and Non-House of Commons: Speech notes and source material., 07 Feb 1951 - 21 Mar 1951
Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHUR 5/40A-C
Scope and Contents
Speech notes, typescript and extract from Hansard for WSC's speech (7 February, House of Commons) entitled "Iron and Steel Industry" on subjects including: the disruptive timing of the Iron and Steel Nationalization Act during a time of national crisis; the Government's mandate for nationalization; the splitting up of the industry; the industry's achievements and efficiency, particularly in its use of coal; the experience of wartime iron and steel control; the disruptive effects of...
07 Feb 1951 - 21 Mar 1951
Conditions Governing Access:
Speeches: House of Commons and Non-House of Commons: Speech notes and source material., Apr 1951 - 28 Sep 1951
Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHUR 5/42A-C
Scope and Contents
Speech notes for WSC's speech (3 July, Grosvenor House Hotel [London]) at the English Speaking Union dinner for General Dwight Eisenhower, on the English Speaking Union as a foundation for peace and an advance towards a united Europe.Speech notes and typescript for WSC's speech (10 July, Royal College of Physicians [London]) entitled "Lord Moran" (for the presentation of his portrait to 1st Lord Moran [earlier Charles Wilson, former President, Royal College of Physicians]), on subjects...
Apr 1951 - 28 Sep 1951
Conditions Governing Access:
Speeches: House of Commons and Non-House of Commons: Speech notes and source material., 06 Nov 1951 - 22 Dec 1951
Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHUR 5/45A-C
Scope and Contents
Speech notes and extract from Hansard for WSC's speech (6 November, House of Commons) for the debate on the address, on subjects including: the political divisions in the country; the charge of war-mongering laid against the Conservatives, and the need for steady government; the restoration of university representation in Parliament; the repeal of the Iron and Steel Nationalization Act; future parliamentary business, including the defence debate; keeping the Minister of Education out of the...
06 Nov 1951 - 22 Dec 1951
Conditions Governing Access:
Speeches: House of Commons and Non-House of Commons: Speech notes and source material., 04 Oct 1952 - 11 Dec 1952
Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHUR 5/49A-C
Scope and Contents
Typescript for WSC's broadcast (4 October, London) entitled "King George VI Memorial Fund Appeal", on the national memorial for the King, his interest in children's welfare, funding a statue of the King and a foundation for the care of children and the elderly. Published: Complete Speeches VIII pp 8409 - 10.Speech notes, typescript and transcripts for WSC's speech (11 October, Conservative Annual Conference, the Spa, Scarborough [Yorkshire]) entitled "The First Year" on subjects including:...
04 Oct 1952 - 11 Dec 1952
Conditions Governing Access:
Speeches: House of Commons and Non-House of Commons: Speech notes and source material., 07 Dec 1953 - 30 Jun 1954
Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHUR 5/54A-B
Scope and Contents
Speech notes, typescript and copies of Hansard for WSC's speech (17 May, House of Commons) entitled "Address of Welcome to the Queen on her return from her Commonwealth Tour" on the value of the tour by Queen Elizabeth II [earlier Princess Elizabeth] and the importance of the monarchy. Published: Complete Speeches VIII pp 8566 - 7.Speech notes and typescript for WSC's speech (27 May, Conservative Women's Meeting, Albert Hall [London]) entitled "The Conservatives' Tasks" on subjects...
07 Dec 1953 - 30 Jun 1954
Conditions Governing Access:
Speeches: House of Commons and Non-House of Commons: Speech notes, prints and source material., 14 Jan 1952 - 26 Feb 1952
Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHUR 5/46A-C
Scope and Contents
Speech notes and typescript for WSC's speech (14 January, Banquet given by the Canadian Government, Chateau Laurier, Ottawa) entitled "Britain and Canada", on subjects including: a tribute to Mackenzie King [late Prime Minister of Canada]; Canada's part in the war and the effort still needed for peace; the shift of power from Europe to Canada and the United States; the broadening of NATO, support for a United Europe and a European Army, and Britain's future in Europe; Britain's economic...
14 Jan 1952 - 26 Feb 1952
Conditions Governing Access:
Speeches: House of Commons and Non-House of Commons: Speech notes, source material and Hansard., 25 Jan 1955 - 28 Mar 1955
Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHUR 5/57A-B
Scope and Contents
Speech notes for WSC's speech (25 January, National Federation of Building Trade Employers' Dinner, Dorchester Hotel [London]) entitled "The Building Industry" on WSC's bricklayer status, the increasing part played by the Trade Unions and the influence of Union leaders, the past uncertainty of building trade employment, present stable employment conditions and long-term building demand, the increasing accord between the Unions and employers, the ending of direct controls on the industry, the...
25 Jan 1955 - 28 Mar 1955
Conditions Governing Access:
Speeches: House of Commons: speech notes and other material., 21 Oct 1941 - 11 Dec 1941
Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 9/149A-B
Scope and Contents
Hansard copy of a debate on visits to Ireland (21 October) including WSC's statement on Defence Regulation 18b [giving the Home Secretary powers to detain people without charge]. Part published: Complete Speeches VI, pp 6497-8.Notes for WSC's speech (12 November) on the parliamentary address, wartime speeches by Ministers, shipping losses, food and rations, food production, fuel and production of munitions. Also includes relevant extract from Hansard and cutting from the Times reporting...
21 Oct 1941 - 11 Dec 1941
Conditions Governing Access:
Speeches: House of Commons: speech notes and source material., 16 Feb 1933 - 07 Nov 1933
Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 9/103
Scope and Contents
Notes for WSC's speech (22 February) entitled "Broadcasting and political controversy" on the reporting of political affairs and the BBC. Source material includes minutes of a meeting of the Doran Committee on the BBC. Published: Complete Speeches V pp 5221-4.Rough notes for WSC's speech (14 March) on air estimates, criticising the disarmament conference at Geneva [Switzerland] and arguing for a strong British air force. Published: Complete Speeches V pp 5229-34.Notes for WSC's speech (22...
16 Feb 1933 - 07 Nov 1933
Conditions Governing Access:
Speeches: Non House of Commons: Speech notes and press cuttings., 02 Mar 1944 - 04 Jan 1945
Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 9/166
Scope and Contents
Typescript speaking notes and press cuttings for WSC's speech (2 Mar 1944, London) entitled "The Royal College of Physicians" proposing the health of the College and on the National Health Service. Published: Complete Speeches VII, pp 6895 - 7.Press cutting from The Times reporting WSC's speech (23 Mar 1944, London) to United States troops. Published: Complete Speeches VII, pp 6905 - 6.Typescript speaking notes, and press cuttings for WSC's BBC broadcast (26 Mar 1944) entitled "The Hour of...
02 Mar 1944 - 04 Jan 1945
Conditions Governing Access:
Speeches: Non-House of Commons: Speech notes and source material., 11 Feb 1950 - 24 Feb 1950
Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHUR 5/32A-C
Scope and Contents
Press Association transcript and press cutting from the Sevenoaks News reporting WSC's election address (11 February, Sevenoaks [Kent] Constitutional Club) on the Labour threat to the economy and the Empire. Also includes transcript of comments by Ness Edwards [Parliamentary Secretary, Ministry of Labour and National Service] on WSC's responsibility for sending in troops during the miners' strike at [Tonypandy, Glamorgan, Wales, 1910]. Part published: Complete Speeches VIII pp 7935 -...
11 Feb 1950 - 24 Feb 1950
Conditions Governing Access:
Speeches: Non-House of Commons: Speech notes and source material., 30 Sep 1951 - 12 Oct 1951
Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHUR 5/43A-D
Scope and Contents
Speech notes and typescript for WSC's election campaign (30 September - 10 October) on subjects including the grim economic outlook, regaining Britain's prestige abroad, the advantages of not winning the last election and improving the National Health Service. Source material includes: notes by 1st Lord Moran [earlier Charles Wilson] on the National Health Service, national unity and peace through strength, the tone of WSC's election broadcast, rearmament, Labour attempts to take credit for...
30 Sep 1951 - 12 Oct 1951
Conditions Governing Access:
Speeches: Non House of Commons: Speech notes and typescript., 05 Jun 1931 - 31 Oct 1931
Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 9/97
Scope and Contents
Memorandum by WSC (5 June, Select Committee on Procedure on Public Business) on forming a non-political Economic Sub-Parliament.Speech notes and typescript (10 June, Folkestone, Kent), entitled "India (Government Policy) on the Gateshead by-election [County Durham], the Labour Government's record, the need for Conservatives to have a separate policy on India, British interests in India and the Cawnpore Riots. Source material includes a press cutting from the Times on the Round Table...
05 Jun 1931 - 31 Oct 1931
Conditions Governing Access: