Found in 186 Collections and/or Records:
(Untitled), 01 Sep 1940 - 30 Sep 1940
(Untitled), 24 Nov 1942 - 26 Nov 1942
Memorandum by Professor A V Hill [Member, War Cabinet Scientific Advisory Committee] on Science and the U-boat War addressed by the Parliamentary and Scientific Committee to all MP's; includes covering note by Edward Salt, Deputy Chairman, Parliamentary and Scientific Committee.
(Untitled), 14 Sep 1942
Letter from WSC to Sir Henry Tizard [Chairman, Aeronautical Research Committee] thanking him for reports on retaliation against enemy jamming of the night air defence radio system.
(Untitled), 14 Jul 1945
Telegram from WSC to Commander in Chief, British Army of Occupation [Field Marshal Sir Bernard Montgomery] marked "Top Secret and Personal" stating that no German research and development establishments should be destroyed.
(Untitled), 31 Mar 1941
Minute [from F A Lindemann, later 1st Lord Cherwell, Prime Minister's Personal Assistant] to WSC on Germany making liquid air explosives. [Copy; given running number 265].
(Untitled), 30 Mar 1941
Minute [from F A Lindemann, later 1st Lord Cherwell, Prime Minister's Personal Assistant] to WSC on searchlights on aircraft. [Copy; given running number 264].
(Untitled), 21 Mar 1941
Minutes [from F A Lindemann, later 1st Lord Cherwell, Prime Minister's Personal Assistant] to WSC on countering the torpedo threat to convoys and supplying "D.B. 7's". [Copies; given running numbers 257 and 258].
(Untitled), [17] Mar 1941
Minute [prepared by F A Lindemann, later 1st Lord Cherwell, Prime Minister's Personal Assistant] to First Lord of the Admiralty [A V Alexander, later 1st Lord Alexander of Hillsborough] on measures against aircraft directing U-boats, suggesting setting up radar stations and disturbing communications. [Copy; given running number 256a].
(Untitled), 14 Mar 1941
Minutes from "F.A.L." [F A Lindemann, later 1st Lord Cherwell, Prime Minister's Personal Assistant] to WSC on phosgene gas production and an Air Ministry estimate. [Copies; given running numbers 255 and 255a].
(Untitled), 12 Mar 1941
Minute [from F A Lindemann, later 1st Lord Cherwell, Prime Minister's Personal Assistant] to WSC on measures against aircraft directing U-boats, suggesting setting up radar stations on vessels and land, and disturbing communications. [Copy; given running number 254].
(Untitled), 12 Mar 1941
Minute [from F A Lindemann, later 1st Lord Cherwell, Prime Minister's Personal Assistant] to WSC on the import shortage, livestock reductions, the move towards the basal diet, non-food imports, and the value of animal proteins. [Copy; given running number 253a].
(Untitled), 06 Mar 1941 - 11 Mar 1941
Minutes [from F A Lindemann, later 1st Lord Cherwell, Prime Minister's Personal Assistant] to WSC on rationing preserves, low flying attacks, searchlights on aircraft, and countering torpedoes. [Copies; given running numbers 249a, 250, 251, and 252].
(Untitled), 01 Mar 1941 - 06 Mar 1941
Minutes [from F A Lindemann, later 1st Lord Cherwell, Prime Minister's Personal Assistant] to WSC on "Spitfire" losses, WSC broadcasting on the need for scientists for radar work, and differences in army figures between WSC and [Sir James] Grigg [Secretary of State for War]. [Copies; given running numbers 247a, 248, and 249].
(Untitled), 26 Feb 1941
Minute from "F.A.L." [F A Lindemann, later 1st Lord Cherwell, Prime Minister's Personal Assistant] (Offices of the War Cabinet, Great George Street) to WSC on experiments with searchlights on aircraft. Typescript of annotation by WSC to "C.A.S." [Chief of Air Staff, Air Marshal Sir Charles Portal]: "Pray consider this". [annotated copy; given running number 245].
(Untitled), 29 Jan 1941
Minute [from F A Lindemann, later 1st Lord Cherwell, Prime Minister's Personal Assistant] to WSC attaching a draft minute to the First Lord of the Admiralty [A V Alexander, later 1st Lord Alexander of Hillsborough] on research on measures to impede enemy "R.D.F." [radar] methods. [Copy; given running number 221].
(Untitled), 18 Jan 1941
Minute [from F A Lindemann, later 1st Lord Cherwell, Prime Minister's Personal Assistant] to WSC on German use of "G.L." methods and countering it by using decoy echoes. [Copy; given running number 212].
(Untitled), 06 Jan 1941
Minute [from F A Lindemann, later 1st Lord Cherwell, Prime Minister's Personal Assistant] to WSC on setting up scientific research bodies. [Copy; given running number 198].
(Untitled), 10 Apr 1941
Minute [from F A Lindemann, later 1st Lord Cherwell, Prime Minister's Personal Assistant] to WSC on anti-submarine magnets fitted with lights. [Copy].
(Untitled), 18 Apr 1941
Minute [from F A Lindemann, later 1st Lord Cherwell, Prime Minister's Personal Assistant] to WSC advocating the "bombard" anti-tank weapon. [Copy; given running number 281].
(Untitled), 21 Apr 1941
Minute [from F A Lindemann, later 1st Lord Cherwell, Prime Minister's Personal Assistant] to WSC on the possibility of shooting down a "Queen Bee" [training aircraft] with "P.E." [photo-electric fuzes] and "U.P." [unrotated projectile weapons]. [Copy; given running number 282].
(Untitled), 30 Apr 1941
Minutes [from F A Lindemann, later 1st Lord Cherwell, Prime Minister's Personal Assistant] (Great George Street [London]) to WSC on imports and food stocks, referring to "W.P.(R) (41) 31", and fuzes for high level bombing. [annotated copies; given running numbers 288 and 289].
(Untitled), 02 May 1941
Minutes [from F A Lindemann, later 1st Lord Cherwell, Prime Minister's Personal Assistant] to WSC on the use of the "U.P." [unrotated projectile] weapon as a means of daylight defence for bombers and destroying Iraqi oil-fields. [Copies; given running numbers 291 and 291A].
(Untitled), 08 Jul 1941 - 09 Jul 1941
Minutes [from 1st Lord Cherwell, earlier F A Lindemann, Prime Minister's Personal Assistant] to WSC on the idea of WSC writing a letter to the managing director of a particular firm, producing weapons which effectively deal with tanks and aircraft, countering radio beam bombing, and comparing RAF, and German and Italian air force strengths in the Middle East and Mediterranean. [Copies; given running numbers 334, 335, 336, and 337].
(Untitled), 12 Jul 1941
Minutes [from 1st Lord Cherwell, earlier F A Lindemann, Prime Minister's Personal Assistant] to WSC on torpedo output, attacking German oil (referring to "W.P. (41) 162"), the Whittle engine trials, and call-sign evidence from German aeroplanes on the Russian front. [Copies; given running numbers 345, 346 and 347].
(Untitled), 14 Jul 1941
Minutes [from 1st Lord Cherwell, earlier F A Lindemann, Prime Minister's Personal Assistant] to WSC on an intelligence mistake in WSC's "Blue Book" and German high explosive bombs. [Copies; given running numbers 348 and 349].