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Newspapers and notices: General Strike of 1926, Installation of Prince Albert in 1847 and instructions for civilians from 1915

Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS Add.9742
Scope and Contents Complete or partial copies of editions of The British Gazette, The British Worker, Sevenoaks Chronicle and the Daily Mail from 1926, along with public notices regarding the strikes; extracts from The Pictorial Times and The Illustrated London News 1847, regarding the installation of Prince Albert at Cambridge, along with a sketch of the coronation fête on Parker's Piece; and 'Instructions for the Guidance of the Civil Population in the event of a landing by the Enemy in this Country' for the...
Dates: 1926
Conditions Governing Access: Unless restrictions apply, the collection is open for consultation by researchers using the Manuscripts Reading Room at Cambridge University Library. For further details on conditions governing access please contact Information about opening hours and obtaining a Cambridge University Library reader's ticket is available from the Library's website (

The Papers of the Addison Family

Reference Code: GBR/0014/ADSN
Scope and Contents

The collection includes Paul Addison’s research notes, personal and professional correspondence, and diaries. The collection also includes family correspondence, ephemera and diaries relating to Paul's mother, Mary Pauline Wilson Walker (later Addison), and maternal grandparents, Ethel Mildred Pauline Walker (née Bourne) and Horace Wilson Walker.

Dates: 1904 - 2020
Conditions Governing Access: This collection is closed until catalogued.

The Papers of Sir Winston Churchill

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR, CHUR and CHAQ
Scope and Contents The papers consist of original documents accumulated by Sir Winston Churchill throughout his life (1874-1965). They have been divided into three sections: the Chartwell Papers (CHAR) and the Churchill Papers (CHUR), with some additional material (CHAQ). Together, the three sets of papers cover the following major areas: Personal (CHAR 1, CHUR 1 and CHAQ 1/1 and 2/1), 1884-1965 The papers of Churchill as a private person. They include correspondence with or about his...
Dates: The majority of files date from the 1870s to 1965.
Conditions Governing Access: The Churchill Papers are made available to researchers using Churchill Archives Centre and worldwide in digital format. The digital edition of the Churchill Papers is published by Bloomsbury Academic and is available online to subscribing institutions at The Churchill archive is freely available in our reading rooms and onsite at Churchill College (via the Churchill College wireless network). Researchers can download images of documents directly from and so are encouraged to consider bringing a laptop or other device for this purpose. For conservation reasons, the fragile originals are no longer issued to researchers. This digital edition is open to researchers unless otherwise marked in the catalogue. Some material has been closed by the Cabinet Office or by Churchill Archives Centre in accordance with data protection legislation.

Crosby, Oscar Terry, 1861 -1947 (traveller and writer)

Dates: Existence: 1861 - 1947

General Strike, 1926-05 - 1926-06

Reference Code: GBR/0014/AMEL 1/4/7
Scope and Contents

Includes: letter from LSA to his constituency (Sparkbrook, Birmingham [Warwickshire]), explaining why he could not leave London, and putting the Government position on the strike; issue of the British Gazette; issue of the Birmingham Central strike bulletin; issues of Punch, produced during and after the strike; Conservative and Unionist Central Office hints for speakers on the strike.

Dates: 1926-05 - 1926-06
Conditions Governing Access: From the Fonds: The papers are open for consultation by researchers using Churchill Archives Centre, Churchill College, Cambridge.

General Strike, 1926-05

Reference Code: GBR/0014/RDCH 3/6/1/6
Scope and Contents

Photocopies of newspaper cuttings on the strike.

Dates: 1926-05
Conditions Governing Access: From the Fonds: The collection is open for consultation by researchers using Churchill Archives Centre, Churchill College, Cambridge. The catalogue includes details of some material in the collection which is currently too fragile to be produced and researchers should seek advice from Archives Centre staff about accessing this material.

General Strike, 1926-05

Reference Code: GBR/0014/RDCH 3/6/1/7
Scope and Contents

Photocopies of newspaper cuttings on the strike.

Dates: 1926-05
Conditions Governing Access: From the Fonds: The collection is open for consultation by researchers using Churchill Archives Centre, Churchill College, Cambridge. The catalogue includes details of some material in the collection which is currently too fragile to be produced and researchers should seek advice from Archives Centre staff about accessing this material.

Newspapers relating to the General Strike, 1926-05-09 - 1926-05-14

Reference Code: GBR/0265/UA/PRESS 5/3/11
Scope and Contents The newspapers are: Daily Mirror, Daily Graphic, The Star, The British Worker, Yorkshire Post, Daily Telegraph, Evening Standard, Daily Mail, Daily Chronicle, and Special London News. Includes a photograph of 'Cambridge undergraduates dealing with the foreign mail at Dover.' The strike was relevant to the Press, and the Daily Mail of 14 May states 'The master printers are re-engaging their men as and when they can, but are offering only day to day contracts pending a national settlement in...
Dates: 1926-05-09 - 1926-05-14
Conditions Governing Access: From the Fonds: Scholarly access to this material may be restricted if it contains information exempted from disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act, 2000. Please apply in advance to the Cambridge University Press Archivist.

Newspapers published during the General Strike, 1926

Reference Code: GBR/0014/HTRY 13/3
Scope and Contents From the Series:

Includes newspapers published during the General Strike.

Dates: 1926
Conditions Governing Access: From the Fonds: The collection is open for consultation by researchers using Churchill Archives Centre, Churchill College, Cambridge.

The 1913 strike, 1960 - 1983

Reference Code: GBR/0115/RCS/RCMS 199/2/1/1
Scope and Contents This file consists of research notes, bibliographies and copies or extracts from the following pamphlets or speeches:‘The strike and its lessons: being a speech delivered by the Right Hon. John X. Merriman, at Stellenbosch, 5th Aug. 1913’‘Labour upheaval on the Rand', ‘Weekly times & farmers’ record’, 12 July 1913‘The attempt to crush labour. A reply to Smuts. [F.H.P] Creswell’s Speech on Indemnity Bill, Feb. 1914’‘The Syndicalist conspiracy in South...
Dates: 1960 - 1983
Conditions Governing Access: From the Fonds: Unless restrictions apply, the collection is open for consultation by researchers using the Manuscripts Reading Room at Cambridge University Library. For further details on conditions governing access please contact Information about opening hours and obtaining a Cambridge University Library reader's ticket is available from the Library's website (

Portfolio of newspapers from the General Strike, 1926-05

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHWL/PE 27 (box 80)
Scope and Contents

Includes the Daily Telegraph, Daily Mail, Daily Express, Daily Mirror and Sunday Pictorial, with a copy of King George V's message to the nation, issued after the end of the strike.

Dates: 1926-05
Conditions Governing Access: From the Fonds: The collection is open for consultation by researchers using Churchill Archives Centre, Churchill College, Cambridge.

The 1922 strike, 1960 - 1983

Reference Code: GBR/0115/RCS/RCMS 199/2/1/2
Scope and Contents This file consists of copies or extracts of the following publications:Andrews, W.H. 'Aftermath of the strike', 'Freedom', Oct. 1946‘The government and the strike: plain answers to simple questions’ (Cape Town, 1922)Glanville, Ernest, ‘The reign of terror’ (Johannesburg, 1922)‘The story of a crime: being the vindication of the Transvaal Strike Legal Defence Committee…’ (Johannesburg, 1924)‘Revolt’, ‘Sunday Times Colour Magazine’, 19 Mar....
Dates: 1960 - 1983
Conditions Governing Access: From the Fonds: Unless restrictions apply, the collection is open for consultation by researchers using the Manuscripts Reading Room at Cambridge University Library. For further details on conditions governing access please contact Information about opening hours and obtaining a Cambridge University Library reader's ticket is available from the Library's website (

MS. notes by Hoare on the General Strike, c.1926

Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS Templewood/V/File 6/16
Scope and Contents From the Sub-Series:

Correspondence, papers, articles and notes concerning the General Strike, May 1926.

Dates: c.1926
Conditions Governing Access: From the Fonds: Unless restrictions apply, the collection is open for consultation by researchers using the Manuscripts Reading Room at Cambridge University Library. For further details on conditions governing access please contact Information about opening hours and obtaining a Cambridge University Library reader's ticket is available from the Library's website (

MS. note by Hoare on the General Strike, c.1926

Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS Templewood/V/File 6/22
Scope and Contents From the Sub-Series:

Correspondence, papers, articles and notes concerning the General Strike, May 1926.

Dates: c.1926
Conditions Governing Access: From the Fonds: Unless restrictions apply, the collection is open for consultation by researchers using the Manuscripts Reading Room at Cambridge University Library. For further details on conditions governing access please contact Information about opening hours and obtaining a Cambridge University Library reader's ticket is available from the Library's website (

["The General Strike"], 1937

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 8/567/1-19
Scope and Contents

Draft proof of an article by WSC on the General Strike including: the railway strikes of 1911 and 1919; liaison with the Trade Unions; his decisions and concerns as Chancellor of the Exchequer; the Royal Commission; Ernest Bevin, Ramsay Macdonald and the Trade Union Congress; the press; Government organisation for the transport and distribution of food; the British Gazette and the end of the strike. Typescript proofs annotated with amendments and corrections in black ink by WSC.

Dates: 1937
Conditions Governing Access: Open

Papers relating to the 1984/5 miners' strike (5), 1984

Reference Code: GBR/0014/THCR 1/12/27
Scope and Contents

Includes: MT's handwritten notes
includes: letter from Lord (Hugh) Thomas of Swynnerton, 2 October 1984; and notes on radio interview by (Lionel) "Len" Murray (General Secretary, Trades Union Congress), September 1984

Dates: 1984
Conditions Governing Access: Opened in October 2014 It may be possible to access a digital version of the file in PDF format at Churchill Archives Centre. Advance notice is essential so please contact us to make a request.

Press cuttings: Party general and political general, 1984-09 - 1986-03

Reference Code: GBR/0014/KNNK 18/11
Scope and Contents

Subjects include: Militant in Liverpool; the 1984 Party Conference; the Fulham by-election [London], 1986; the Brecon and Radnor by-election, [Wales], 1985; the miners’ strike; reselection of parliamentary candidates.

Dates: 1984-09 - 1986-03
Conditions Governing Access: From the Fonds: The collection is open for consultation by researchers using Churchill Archives Centre, Churchill College, Cambridge.

Interview with Fred Ravey regarding the miners' strike of 1926, 1991 - 1992

Reference Code: GBR/0014/WCHL 15/2/54
Scope and Contents From the Series:

The records include records (transcripts, video and audio tapes) of interviews with people regarding their (or their relatives') personal recollections of Sir Winston Churchill or their experiences of events related to Sir Winston's career (e.g. the bombing of Dresden). There are also files of transcripts of Sir Martin Gilbert's 'pieces to camera'.

Dates: 1991 - 1992
Conditions Governing Access: From the Series: The collection is open to consultation by researchers. Please ask staff advice about accessing the audio-visual materials in WCHL 15/3 and 4.

Official: Cabinet: General Strike., 01 May 1926 - 17 Jun 1926

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 22/141
Scope and Contents Includes papers by various individuals on the General Strike, including: draft statements on the Government position; Walter Citrine, Acting Secretary, Trades Union Congress (2); notes on the Special Constabulary; Frederick Britten Austin on broadcasting coverage (2); Frederick Guest on broadcasting and Union strike pay (2); Reginald Hoare; a copy of the Birmingham Trade Union Strike Bulletin; WSC, Chancellor of the Exchequer, on the need to use the Special Constabulary and the Territorial...
Dates: 01 May 1926 - 17 Jun 1926
Conditions Governing Access: Open

Papers relating to the 1984/5 miners' strike (4), 1984

Reference Code: GBR/0014/THCR 1/12/26
Scope and Contents Includes: memorandum from John Redwood (Head, PM's Policy Unit) on the miners' and dock strikes, August 1984; copy of letter from Ian MacGregor (Chairman, National Coal Board) to (Lionel) "Len" Murray (General Secretary, Trades Union Congress), August 1984; list of profitable and non-profitable pits, September 1984; memorandum from Redwood on the coal industry, September 1984; copies of MT's correspondence with David Hart, Jack Peel and Lord (Harold) Watkinson relating to the...
Dates: 1984
Conditions Governing Access: Opened in October 2014 It may be possible to access a digital version of the file in PDF format at Churchill Archives Centre. Advance notice is essential so please contact us to make a request.

The General Strike, May 1926, 1926

Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS Templewood/V/File 6
Scope and Contents

Correspondence, papers, articles and notes concerning the General Strike, May 1926.

Dates: 1926
Conditions Governing Access: From the Fonds: Unless restrictions apply, the collection is open for consultation by researchers using the Manuscripts Reading Room at Cambridge University Library. For further details on conditions governing access please contact Information about opening hours and obtaining a Cambridge University Library reader's ticket is available from the Library's website (

Correspondence relating to the committee for taking action in the event of a General Strike, 1928 - 1931

Reference Code: GBR/0265/UA/Min.III.C 3
Scope and Contents From the Sub-Management Group:

The category - Teaching, learning and research records - comprises records relating to curriculum delivery and examination, further research and the award of degrees; also such adjuncts to study as laboratories, the Botanic Garden and University Library.

Dates: 1928 - 1931
Conditions Governing Access: From the Management Group: The University Archives are generally freely available to the holder of a reader's ticket for the Manuscripts Reading Room at Cambridge University Library, West Road, Cambridge CB3 9DR. Restrictions on access are imposed on certain categories of sensitive record: financial, governmental and personal, by order of the originating body or under data protection legislation. Access information, including opening hours and how to obtain a reader's ticket, appears as part of the Library's web site (

General papers, 1983-10 - 1984-12

Reference Code: GBR/0014/KNNK 15/2/1
Scope and Contents Includes: briefings for meetings with the National Union of Mineworkers (NUM); press statements; report of meeting between representatives of the National Executive Committee and the NUM; background papers; correspondence with individuals including Hugh Montefiore, Bishop of Birmingham and John Reid [political advisor to NK]; extracts from Hansard; copies of correspondence between Arthur Scargill, President of the NUM and the BBC and ITN News, on reporting of the strike; declaration by Welsh...
Dates: 1983-10 - 1984-12
Conditions Governing Access: From the Fonds: The collection is open for consultation by researchers using Churchill Archives Centre, Churchill College, Cambridge.

Copies of The Evening Standard, Evening Gazette, and Evening News all published during the General Strike, 1926-05-08 - 1926-05-11

Reference Code: GBR/0014/WCHL 6/10
Scope and Contents From the Fonds: The 'Churchill Additional' collection is distinct from Sir Winston Churchill's own papers because the 'Churchill Additional' material has a different provenance (it was not maintained with Sir Winston's own archive) and cannot be considered as having been generated by the same processes as Sir Winston's papers. Much of the collection was not generated, accumulated or received by Churchill, but came from various different sources. It includes a diverse range of material: correspondence, with...
Dates: 1926-05-08 - 1926-05-11
Conditions Governing Access: From the Fonds: The collection is open for consultation by researchers using Churchill Archives Centre, Churchill College, Cambridge. Closures are noted in the catalogue.

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Churchill Archives Centre 264
Cambridge University Library 60
Archive Centre, King's College, Cambridge 3
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Royal Commonwealth Soc. (GBR/0115) 3
University Archives (GBR/0265) 3
Map Dept. (GBR/3296) 1
Archival Object 334
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Strikes 99
General Strike (1926) 86
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Trade unions 58
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Abdication of Edward VIII 1
Associations 1
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Cambridge 1
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Clubs 1
Crime 1
Dardanelles campaign (1915-1916) 1
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English 327
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Churchill, Winston Leonard Spencer, Sir, 1874 - 1965 (Knight, statesman and historian) 27
Royal Navy 10
Conservative Party 9
Army 8
Treasury 8