- keyword(s): general strike
Showing Results: 1 - 25 of 339
Newspapers and notices: General Strike of 1926, Installation of Prince Albert in 1847 and instructions for civilians from 1915
The Papers of the Addison Family
The collection includes Paul Addison’s research notes, personal and professional correspondence, and diaries. The collection also includes family correspondence, ephemera and diaries relating to Paul's mother, Mary Pauline Wilson Walker (later Addison), and maternal grandparents, Ethel Mildred Pauline Walker (née Bourne) and Horace Wilson Walker.
The Papers of Sir Winston Churchill
General Strike, 1926-05 - 1926-06
Includes: letter from LSA to his constituency (Sparkbrook, Birmingham [Warwickshire]), explaining why he could not leave London, and putting the Government position on the strike; issue of the British Gazette; issue of the Birmingham Central strike bulletin; issues of Punch, produced during and after the strike; Conservative and Unionist Central Office hints for speakers on the strike.
General Strike, 1926-05
Photocopies of newspaper cuttings on the strike.
General Strike, 1926-05
Photocopies of newspaper cuttings on the strike.
Newspapers relating to the General Strike, 1926-05-09 - 1926-05-14
Newspapers published during the General Strike, 1926
Includes newspapers published during the General Strike.
The 1913 strike, 1960 - 1983
Portfolio of newspapers from the General Strike, 1926-05
Includes the Daily Telegraph, Daily Mail, Daily Express, Daily Mirror and Sunday Pictorial, with a copy of King George V's message to the nation, issued after the end of the strike.
The 1922 strike, 1960 - 1983
MS. notes by Hoare on the General Strike, c.1926
Correspondence, papers, articles and notes concerning the General Strike, May 1926.
MS. note by Hoare on the General Strike, c.1926
Correspondence, papers, articles and notes concerning the General Strike, May 1926.
["The General Strike"], 1937
Draft proof of an article by WSC on the General Strike including: the railway strikes of 1911 and 1919; liaison with the Trade Unions; his decisions and concerns as Chancellor of the Exchequer; the Royal Commission; Ernest Bevin, Ramsay Macdonald and the Trade Union Congress; the press; Government organisation for the transport and distribution of food; the British Gazette and the end of the strike. Typescript proofs annotated with amendments and corrections in black ink by WSC.
Papers relating to the 1984/5 miners' strike (5), 1984
Includes: MT's handwritten notes
includes: letter from Lord (Hugh) Thomas of Swynnerton, 2 October 1984; and notes on radio interview by (Lionel) "Len" Murray (General Secretary, Trades Union Congress), September 1984
Press cuttings: Party general and political general, 1984-09 - 1986-03
Subjects include: Militant in Liverpool; the 1984 Party Conference; the Fulham by-election [London], 1986; the Brecon and Radnor by-election, [Wales], 1985; the miners’ strike; reselection of parliamentary candidates.
Interview with Fred Ravey regarding the miners' strike of 1926, 1991 - 1992
The records include records (transcripts, video and audio tapes) of interviews with people regarding their (or their relatives') personal recollections of Sir Winston Churchill or their experiences of events related to Sir Winston's career (e.g. the bombing of Dresden). There are also files of transcripts of Sir Martin Gilbert's 'pieces to camera'.
Official: Cabinet: General Strike., 01 May 1926 - 17 Jun 1926
Papers relating to the 1984/5 miners' strike (4), 1984
The General Strike, May 1926, 1926
Correspondence, papers, articles and notes concerning the General Strike, May 1926.
Correspondence relating to the committee for taking action in the event of a General Strike, 1928 - 1931
The category - Teaching, learning and research records - comprises records relating to curriculum delivery and examination, further research and the award of degrees; also such adjuncts to study as laboratories, the Botanic Garden and University Library.