Showing Collections: 1 - 15 of 15
Canada, Ceylon [Sri Lanka], Aden [Adan] and Galle
Commonwealth Royal Tour, 1953-1954
The principal part of the collection is a set of programmes and guides prepared for the different legs of the Royal Tour. These are supplemented by related correspondence and papers compiled by the Royal Empire Society and others. The collection is in English with the exception of one item in English and Arabic.
'From Aden to Quetta'
Part of a book left incomplete on the author's death. The title, introduction, glossary and index were supplied by the author's daughter, Mrs Rosamond Griffin. The full title is 'From Aden ... to Quetta ... to Lahore ... to Delhi ... to Quetta: the peripatetic life of one army household between 1910 and 1917'. The memoir contains descriptions of train journeys in India and the accommodation, domestic arrangements and social amenities of army families in the early twentieth century.
Goepel Collection
A collection of modern copies of photographs taken by John Goepel. The photographs have been inserted into Goepel's typescript 'Journeys in Arabia' which contains letters to his parents written during his time in Aden, April-November 1939. The typescript is stored at RCMS 67.
H.H. Davies collection on India
Journeys in Arabia
Copies of letters from John Goepel to his parents written during his time in Aden, April-November 1939, 38 pages. There are 11 photographs illustrating the text. On the inside cover are manuscript maps. The letters discuss Goepel's duties, which were complicated by rivalries between local rulers. They are preceded by an introduction dated 11 February 1984.
Photographs of Aden and the Protectorate of South Arabia
A collection of loose prints by various agencies, mainly the Aden Public Relations Department. The prints mostly measure approximately 205 x 155 mm and have typed captions of the reverse. The photographs show scenes in Aden and the surrounding states.
Photographs of North Africa and Asia
A large album of albumen prints. The prints are of various sizes and by various photographers. The compiler of the album is not known. Captions have been used as titles and have been recorded as found. Titles composed by the cataloguer are enclosed in square brackets.
Reports on Aden routes
Manuscript and typescript reports by Wheeler and others on Aden routes, with a sketch map of the area. The papers include Wheeler's report on the best road from Aden to Dthala for a force accompanied by artillery on wheels, with a covering letter to D.A.A.G., Aden, 13 November 1902, 22 pages. The other items include a diary and itinerary of Route Sanah to Dthala by the Wadi Tiban, Wadi Tabaghain and Sueda, 1-10 May 1905, 14 pages, and similar reports.
Royal Tour of Commonwealth 1953-54
Sir Ralph Hone collection : South Arabia
'The face in the mirror': autobiography of John Morley
The autobiography of John Morley, written during the 1970s, 122 pages.