Showing Collections: 1 - 13 of 13
African Papers of Sir John Gray
Published and unpublished works on African history written by Gray, accompanied by research notes from archives and secondary sources.

Dominica Estate documents
George Maclaren, Naval surgeon: Journals
Letter from Nicolo Dolfin in Venice to Blasio Dolfin in Alexandria
The letter discusses the trade in jewels, pearls, slaves [i.e. enslaved people] and other commodities with the countries of north-western Europe and the Near East. Signed holograph on two sides. Wafer seal on silk.
Lucas Family: business and family papers
Newscuttings on Southern and East Africa
Four volumes of newscuttings, three relating to Southern and East Africa and one to the Native Question in South Africa, and loose cuttings on related subjects. Many of the articles concern the activities of the colonial powers in Africa, notably Great Britain, Germany, Spain and France.
Nicholas Darnell Davis collection
Photographs of Zanzibar by James Augustus Grant, 1860
A collection of loose prints copied from stereoscopic views.
Society of Friends, 'Christian and brotherly advices'
'The Caribbean in international politics, 1670-1707': PhD thesis
A Ph.D. thesis for the University of London, 554 pages, with a map.
West Indian documents
Loose papers and one newspaper from Patrick and his son James Colquhoun's correspondence files. RCMS 263/1-9 have a cover headed 'Nevis 1820' and RCMS 263/11-31 are in a similar cover '1832 West Indies'. Each has a note of contents, but these do not tally exactly with the items now present.