Showing Collections: 1 - 25 of 37
A journey to Asia and Africa
Building work in Islamabad, Pakistan, 1960s
A collection of loose prints measuring 260 x 200 mm, with type-written captions pasted on the reverse. The prints show views of construction work and modern buildings in Islamabad.
Central Office of Information photograph collection
Church Missionary Society photograph collection
Cuthbert Christy Album of India 1899-1901
Diana Hartley Indian Collection
'From Aden to Quetta'
Part of a book left incomplete on the author's death. The title, introduction, glossary and index were supplied by the author's daughter, Mrs Rosamond Griffin. The full title is 'From Aden ... to Quetta ... to Lahore ... to Delhi ... to Quetta: the peripatetic life of one army household between 1910 and 1917'. The memoir contains descriptions of train journeys in India and the accommodation, domestic arrangements and social amenities of army families in the early twentieth century.
H.A. Douglas Indian collection
Hawkes collection of Indian Railway Photographs
An album containing albumen prints of various sizes by R. Phillips of Darjeeling, Samuel Bourne and others. The name of F.A. Hawkes, who was an engineer on the North Bengal State Railways from 1871-1879, appears frequently in it. The photographs include the construction of the North Bengal State Railway, scenes in Darjeeling, amateur theatricals, portrait groups and Sir Richard Temple's camp at the Delhi Durbar of 1877.
H.H. Davies collection on India
India, Ceylon [i.e. Sri Lanka] and Singapore
An album of albumen prints probably taken in the 1880s by varied photographers including Bourne and Shepherd, W L H Skeen and Co. and G.R. Lambert & Co. Numbers 1-39 are of India; 40-51 of Ceylon; and 52-59 of Singapore. Numbers at the end of individual photograph entries refer to the photographers' catalogue numbers.
India. Gardner-Waterman Kashmir Collection
India (Hanmer Collection)
Indian nursing collection of Diana Hartley
Papers and other material relating to Diana Hartley's work for the T.N.A.I. and her time in India. A folder of correspondence with and concerning Diana Hartley is kept with the collection.
Indian paintings and mosaics
Original coloured drawings of paintings, mosaics, tiles and other features in Lahore Fort, the Mehrauli Archaeological Park and the Qutb complex made for a publication of the Archaeological Survey entitled 'Preservation of national monuments in India'.
Lahore town planning photographs
Littledale India Collection
4 albums containing albumen prints. Y3022G-I were compiled by Harold Littledale and include photographs by Scowen and Co., A.T.W. Penn, Samuel Bourne and his successors, and others. Y3022I/A contains reproductions of the works of the Indian painter Raja Ravi Varma and was given to Littledale by the photographer V.G. Chiplonkar.
Lord and Lady Mountbatten in India
Modern copies of photographs relating to Robin Wade Design Associates' work in India when Lord Mountbatten was Viceroy (March-August 1947) and Governor-General (August 1947-June 1948).
Modern Commonwealth photograph collection
Newscuttings on Commonwealth emigration
Newscuttings, published material, speeches and notes compiled by Laura Longmore regarding issues arising from Commonwealth emigration.
Newscuttings on India
Chronological series of newscuttings concerning India.
Pakistan industrial scenes
Collection of photographs, many of which are enlargements of others within the RCS Photograph Collection. 8-11 are now in Bangladesh.
Papers of Sir Cyril Pickard
Correspondence and articles regarding the Commonwealth, particularly India and Pakistan, with material concerning Sir Morrice James and Major A.F.M. Morsin Ali. There are accompanying letters relating to the transfer of the collection to the R.C.S., 1997.