Showing Collections: 1 - 17 of 17
Associated Papers of Lise Meitner
This small collection comprises material relating to Professor Lise Meitner, namely correspondence by her and concerning her.
Cockcroft Associated Material
Papers relating to Cockcroft, particularly his research work and correspondence with the Cavendish Laboratory, and lectures by and concerning him.
History of Fusion
Lady Isabel Marian Schonland: papers, photographs and printed material relating to South African affairs
The Papers of Bruno Pontecorvo
Personal papers and correspondence relating to Bruno and Marianne Pontecorvo and their family, including Bruno's scientific correspondence.
The Papers of E T S Walton
The material at Churchill Archives Centre comprises Walton's Cavendish Laboratory notebooks with associated papers and correspondence.
The Papers of Edward Shire
The papers include: physics notebooks; lecture and teaching notes, 1927-73; papers on the invention and patenting of the proximity fuze [proximity fuse]; copy of a paper by Professor John Cockcroft, "A General Account of Army Radar"; copy of the Los Alamos lectures on nuclear physics, 1943; journals from the Home Office Scientific Adviser's branch, 1961-66 and 1973; and a Home Office civil defence data book, as well as correspondence with John Maynard Keynes, 1936-1944.
The Papers of Egon Bretscher
The papers comprise diaries, correspondence, notebooks, official reports, articles, lectures, press cuttings and photographs, 1918-73. The collection also contains recordings of lectures given by Ernest Rutherford in Göttingen, 1931-8.
The Papers of Lise Meitner
The Papers of Lord Hinton of Bankside
The Papers of Lord Marshall of Goring
Includes material relating to Marshall's work for the UKAEA and CEGB, copies of his correspondence, lectures and other papers
The Papers of Professor Norman Feather
This collection consists solely of Feather's scientific papers and contains original experimental records and calculations, correspondence with other scientists, unpublished wartime reports and offprints of published papers.
The Papers of Professor William Burcham
The collection relates to Burcham's scientific career, especially his work in the high voltage laboratory under M L E Oliphant and P I Dee which was set up to pursue the findings of Sir John Cockcroft and E T S Walton in splitting atomic nuclei.
The Papers of Sir Denys Wilkinson
The papers consist of reports and correspondence on the development of nuclear physics in Britain, including: papers on nuclear physics at Oxford, during the 1950's and 1960's; papers on the National Institute for Research in Nuclear Science, 1957-60's; papers on the Nuclear Physics Board, 1960's; correspondence files, 1950's-1960's; Wilkinson's memoirs on his work at Cambridge and Oxford during the 1950's; some material on the (London) Physics Club.
The Papers of Sir George Paget Thomson
These files mainly contain routine correspondence and reports regarding the early development of the atomic bomb.
The Papers of Sir John Cockcroft
Papers comprising laboratory notebooks, articles, lectures, correspondence and photographs.
Also includes records of the Kapitza Club, 1922-58 and 1966, and copy papers of the Maud Committee, 1940-1.
With offprints of papers by Ernest Rutherford, 1872-1913.
The Papers of Sir John McGregor Hill
Scientific correspondence and papers, mainly on nuclear power.
The collection is divided into three sections:
Section A: Biographical
Section B: Publications, Speeches and Lectures
Section C: Correspondence