Showing Collections: 151 - 163 of 163
Views in Jamaica, circa 1912
A collection photographed by Lewis W. Clemens. It contains 14 photographs mounted on paper, with a short typewritten descriptive text (of the original 19 prints, 5 are missing) from which the titles have been taken. The photographs measure approximately 100 x 75 mm.
Views in Nassau and its vicinity 1982
A collection of loose prints presented for use in the exhibition 'Commonwealth in Focus', but not included owing to the late date of receipt. All measure 250 x 200mm. A sheet of paper with a brief description attached to each photograph has been used as the basis of this list. Photographs by Bahamas News Bureau.
Views in Newfoundland, 1899-1911
Views in the Bahamas. circa 1965
A collection of prints, mainly measuring approximately 255 x 205mm, with captions pasted to the reverse of the prints. The photographs are aimed at the tourist market and show places and sights in Nassau and San Salvador. Photographs by Roland Rose for the Bahamas News Burea, the Bahamas Ministry of Tourism and BOAC.
Views in the St. Andrew's Mountains, Jamaica. 1890s
A collection of loose prints measuring approximately 245 x 195 mm and with pencilled captions on the reverse. The prints show scenes in the mountains immediately north of Kingston. Photographed by J.W.C. Brennan (6 is stamped by Brennan on the reverse; it is assumed that the other prints are by him).
Views in the West Indies (Trinidad, Dominica and Grenada), circa 1913
A collection of loose prints measuring approximately 125 x 75 mm, showing scenes in the West Indies. The photographs have handwritten captions on the reverse and are stamped for use as postcards. Photographs by Miss Mary F.A. Tench.
Views in Trinidad, circa 1890
A collection of loose photographs measuring approximately 250 x 230 mm and captioned on the reverse in pencil. The captions have been reproduced as found. The photographs illustrate buildings and industries on the island.
Views of Barbados
Packet of '12 Real Photograph Snap-Shots' showing views of Barbados, British West Indies. The matt sepia photos measure 60 x 85mm each, and the captions are printed on the backs. Produced by Raphael Tuck and Sons ltd.
Views of scenery in the West Indies
Visit of H.R.H. Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, to Bermuda, 28-29 April 1959, the last step on his 3 month Commonwealth Tour
Photographs measuring 255 x 205mm, taken by the Bermuda News Bureau.

Watercolours and drawings of Edward Frome
Watercolours of Trinidad
Mounted prints of five watercolours of Trinidad scenes. The original artwork dates from 1959-1961, but the prints are undated.
West Indian documents
Loose papers and one newspaper from Patrick and his son James Colquhoun's correspondence files. RCMS 263/1-9 have a cover headed 'Nevis 1820' and RCMS 263/11-31 are in a similar cover '1832 West Indies'. Each has a note of contents, but these do not tally exactly with the items now present.