Showing Collections: 1 - 6 of 6
Articles from 'The Field'
Girl Guiding in Malaya [i.e. Malay Peninsula]
Collections of prints of various sizes. The captions have been recorded as found and may contain offensive, inappropriate or outdated terms.
Alexander Cavendish served in Malaya from 1901 to 1933 and became Director of Co-operatives. His wife, Mrs Jean Cavendish, had been appointed Organising Commissioner for Malaya by Lady Baden-Powell in 1920 and became Chief Commissioner in 1921, a post she held until retiring to England in 1933.
Malayan Aviation photographs
Collection of photographs by various photographers.
Newscuttings on Africa and South East Asia
The principal part of the collection is a set of thirteen scrapbooks of newscuttings relating to East Africa, particularly Kenya and Tanganyika. The rest of the collection consists of a volume of cuttings relating to post-war trading opportunities in Nigeria and three scrapbooks concerning rubber and mining in South East Asia.
Newscuttings on the Straits Settlements