Showing Collections: 1 - 25 of 39
A journey to Asia and Africa
African travel diary of A.R.H. Mann
A diary describing a journey from London via Egypt to the Sudan, Kenya, Uganda, Belgian Congo, French Equatorial Africa, Cameroons and South Africa in four volumes, each of 50 pages.
Album souvenir d'Alexandrie: Ruines, 1882
An album of albumen prints. This collection contains a series of views of destruction caused by the bombardment of the city on 11 July 1882 when the English fleet attempted to destroy Arabi Pasha's nationalist forces. The photographs are captioned in French on the photographs themselves.
Albums by Francis Frith
A.R.H. Mann Collection, 1935
Articles from 'The Field'
Ascension, West Africa, New Zealand, etc
Childers papers
Political papers relating to Childers' public career and private papers concerning his family, first wife Emily (nee Walker, 1827-1875) and their eight children.
Christy collection of photographs on Africa

Church Missionary Society photograph collection
C.J.S. Faulder Vol. III 1876-80 [Faulder Album of India 1876-1880]
Disbound album, containing albumen prints of various sizes. The contents include family photographs, scenes of the outward voyage (including France, Italy and Egypt), views in India including the 1877 Delhi Durbar, portraits and groups, including theatrical ones, maps and newspaper clippings (non photographic items are unnumbered). Also included is an envelope containing some of, what appears to be the original captions cut from the album. The collection is well captioned.
Construction of the Aswan Dam
This collection of photographs by D. S. George, F. Fiorillo and G. Lekegian provides an important record of the construction work on the dam, with great detail discernible in some of the larger pictures. In addition there are photographs reflecting aspects of British social life in Egypt (plates 40-60) and the outbreak of war in 1914 (plates 61-67). The captions have been used as titles and have been recorded as found. Titles composed by the cataloguer are enclosed in square brackets.
Cruise of H.M.S. 'Lancaster'
Cuthbert Christy Album of India 1899-1901
Diana Hartley Indian Collection
Diaries of John Laing in India and Europe
Diaries with inserted photographs, drawings and other items.
Dr Lewis Paton album of missionary work in China
Drawings of Egypt
A sketch book, 15" x 11", of 21 completed full-page pencil drawings, watercolours and wash drawings and 16 smaller or unfinished sketches of Egypt, each with a brief description and date. The drawings are chiefly of architectural remains. There is no signature or indication of the artist's identity.
Egypt, Burma [i.e. Myanmar] and Borneo
An album containing albumen prints (with three others loose). The prints are of various sizes and by various photographers. A number of the images are captioned, although some of these are hard to read. Captions enclosed in square brackets have been composed by the cataloguer.
Egyptian scenes
Loose photographs, measuring approximately 204 x 190 mm, with handwritten captions on their borders (shortened for this catalogue). The prints show scenes, mainly archaeological, in Egypt.