Showing Collections: 176 - 200 of 436
J.W.S. Macfie West African collection
Kabaka Daudi Chwa and Regents
Kenneth Robinson collection on Africa
'Kenya days'
A copy of a typescript account of Cashmore's time in service in Kenya with handwritten corrections, c. 150 pages. The memoir covers the years 1953 to 1963, and was written up during 1992-1995. There are two accompanying letters from Cashmore to Peter Fox, Cambridge University Librarian, regarding the presentation of the work to the R.C.S.
Khartoum 1898
An album bound in padded red leather with 'Khartum 1898' in gold on the front. The photographs have printed captions. The captions have been used as titles and may contain offensive, inappropriate or outdated terms. They have been retained to reflect the context of their creation.
The album documents Horatio Kitchener's campaign from the massing of forces in Egypt to the taking of Khartoum and includes the battles of Atbara and Omdurman.
Kimberley Diamond Diggings
'Kiruara - a massacre?'
This is a personal account by Lindsay, who served with the Kenyan police, of what occurred at Kiruara Market on 23 Nov. 1952, when the police opened fire upon Mau Mau demonstrators (8 pages).
Lady Jackson's Kenya album
Lagos, westkuste von Africa den Juni 1859
n.d. Nat. gez. V. FJ Kellow, R.N.
Lith.Inst. V. Chi. Fuchs. Hamburg.
Cop. K. Gollin. Lagos. 1932
Pencil copy of a lithograph (175 x 680 mm) made for Sir Alan Burns, who was Deputy Chief Secretary to Government of Nigeria from 1929 to 1934.
Langridge photographs of Kenya
Collection of loose photographs by various photographers.
Letters from Agnes Loxton in Zimbabwe
Letters written by Agnes Loxton to her cousin Michael Warren in England, 1970-1987, giving an insight into the political situation for whites in Bulawayo. There is also an abstract of the letters prepared by Professor Michael Warren, biographical details about Agnes Loxton and her family and three newspaper cuttings on Zimbabwe of 15-21 November 2001. The papers are accompanied by two letters from Professor Warren to the R.C.S., 31 December 2001 and 12 October 2002.
Letters from Uganda 1896-1905
Letters of Edward Nicholas Kendall
Letters of Hugh Drummond Pearson
Littledale India Collection
4 albums containing albumen prints. Y3022G-I were compiled by Harold Littledale and include photographs by Scowen and Co., A.T.W. Penn, Samuel Bourne and his successors, and others. Y3022I/A contains reproductions of the works of the Indian painter Raja Ravi Varma and was given to Littledale by the photographer V.G. Chiplonkar.
Log of the 'Houghton'
'The log book of Capt. John Edwards, R.N. Given to Robert Stafford Edwards by his Aunt Miss Jane Edwards 1880. Solihull. Warwickshire.'
Logan Collection
A collection of slides, taken by John Logan and captioned by him.
Lubumbashi Falls collection
Malcolm MacDonald photograph collection
Margaret Best Indian Album 1919-1920
Marine Villa Boarding House, Durban, Natal
Marjorie Barnard Collection
Papers and photographs related to Barnard's life and work in Nigeria and subsequent travels in Africa.

Marnham collection
Mary Stuart Hall - residence for women at Makerere University
Mary Ward collection
Letters, reminiscences, printed items, photographs and medals relating to Mary Ward. The collection also includes material concerning Ward's brother Leonard, the Cossey, Voysey and Sargent families and Bishop Walmsley.