Showing Collections: 151 - 175 of 207
School Empire Tours Record 1927-1939
Second Intercolonial Exhibition, Brisbane
Sedgwick Migration Photographs
A collection of 3 albums (now disbound) containing a small number of original photographs as well as letters, pamphlets, press cuttings and memoranda. The photographs are spread throughout volumes 1 and 2. Volume 3, 1913- (which was marked vol. IV inside) has no original photographs. Images reproduced in cuttings and articles are not listed.
Sir Harold Smedley Collection
Diaries, official papers, correspondence and photographs
Sir Harry Brittain Collection
Sir Lala Sukuna
200 x 250 mm. Head and shoulders portrait. The image is stamped on the reverse with the date '5 Aug 1958' and also 'Public Relations Office, Fiji Official photograph.'
Six photographs of South Australia
A collection of loose photographs, five of which measure approximately 205 x 150 mm. and are of similar country scenes, and on similar paper. The sixth print is a black and white photograph measuring 285 x 165 mm. showing a view of Adelaide. Photographer, or photographers unknown, although at least one print (Y3082C/1) comes from a Government Department. Remaining prints uncaptioned.
Sorell causeway
South Australia. Views in Adelaide, Suburbs and Country Districts
A commercially produced album containing 42 mounted prints, mostly 260 x 200 mm., of scenes in Adelaide and the surrounding countryside, with printed captions. The captions have been used as titles and may include language which is offensive, inaccurate or inappropriate. They have been retained to reflect the context of their creation. Photographer unknown, printed by 'E. Spiller, Govt. Printer, Adelaide.'
Souvenir of New South Wales Court, Centennial International Exhibition, Melbourne
An album containing nineteen mounted prints measuring approximately 290 x 225 mm., photographed by Johnston and O'Shannessy, and showing scenes in, and exhibits from, the New South Wales Court. Prints are uncaptioned apart from 'Johnstone and O'Shannessy, 55 and 57 Collins Street, Melbourne,' written beneath each print.
State schools and orphanages, Queensland
Stereoscopic views in Tasmania
Streets and buildings of Sydney
Collection of loose albumen prints mounted on cards. This collection provides a very substantial graphic record of Sydney in the 1870s but it is inadequately captioned; some details are written in pencil on the mounts, but as these have become very soiled, identification is sometimes difficult. Valuable assistance has been given by visiting photographic librarians from Australia.
Summit Road
Sydney Botanical Gardens and Mount Kosciusko
A collection of prints, of different sizes and by different photographers, comprising seven prints of scenes in the Botanical Gardens (3 mounted), and three views of Mount Kosciusko. All with handwritten captions on the reverse of the prints.
The Australian Bicentennial
Twenty-two images (with some duplicates), chiefly of the 'Young Endeavour'. A photograph of an article on the voyage of the Young Endeavour which sailed from Portsmouth in August 1987 and arrived in Hobart on 10 January 1988, taken from the RCS Newsletter No. 19, Spring 1988, is filed with the photographs.
The British Australian Wool Realization Association Ltd.
Collection of sepia studio portraits of the Australian Board of Directors. With the exception of number 1, all measure 145 x 200 mm. The photographs were originally mounted in a frame.
The BAWRA was founded in 1920 by Sir John Higgins to safeguard the national wool trade, and, in association with a temporary London directorate, to realise the wool carried over from the war period. It went into liquidation in 1927.
The Burning of the Garden Palace, 1882
The cabinet portfolio: Queensland scenery
A commercially produced portfolio containing twelve prints, each 130 x 105 mm, mounted on card with printed captions, showing scenes in and around Brisbane. Photographer and publisher George P Wright, James Street, Valley, Brisbane.
The last Tasmanians
Three prints mounted on thin card and captioned on the reverse. The captions have been recorded as found. These photographs show head and shoulders portraits of some of the last representatives of the Tasmanian Aboriginal people.
The Marjory Warren Geriatric Unit, Brisbane
The Public Library of Victoria
Nine loose black and white photographs measuring approximately 200 x 150 mm. They show interior and exterior views of the library, and have handwritten captions on the reverse, together with the photographic studio's stamp.
The Royal visit to Queensland
The University of Sydney
The University of Sydney, New South Wales: The Fisher Library, circa 1915
A portfolio containing mounted black and white prints, measuring approximately 355 x 280 mm, with printed captions beneath the plates. The prints show views of the University of Sydney's buildings and the Fisher Library.