Showing Collections: 26 - 50 of 66
Ernest Lanning Collection
Archives relating to Lanning's work in Kenya and Sierra Leone, and as a colonial administrator in Uganda.
F.G. Banks photographs
The photographs are housed at RCMS 167. Captions are from information supplied by H.B. Thomas and C.R.S. Pitman.
Francis Hall collection
From West to East through Africa
G.B. Kettle collection on East Africa 1921-1935
General photographs of East Africa
A collection of eight loose prints, most measuring approximately 250 x 195 mm, with captions on the reverse, showing scenes in Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania and Zanzibar.
General photographs of Kenya 1960s
Collection of loose prints of various sizes originally forming part of the Society's Visual Aids Loan Collection. Most are from the Kenya Information Office, but some are from East African Railways and Harbours and other sources.
Henry Muoria Collection
Nine unpublished manuscripts written by the Kenyan journalist Henry Muoria.
Institute of Education Collection
Inter-University Council Collection

Inter-University Council Slides
'Kenya days'
A copy of a typescript account of Cashmore's time in service in Kenya with handwritten corrections, c. 150 pages. The memoir covers the years 1953 to 1963, and was written up during 1992-1995. There are two accompanying letters from Cashmore to Peter Fox, Cambridge University Librarian, regarding the presentation of the work to the R.C.S.
'Kiruara - a massacre?'
This is a personal account by Lindsay, who served with the Kenyan police, of what occurred at Kiruara Market on 23 Nov. 1952, when the police opened fire upon Mau Mau demonstrators (8 pages).
Lady Jackson's Kenya album
Langridge photographs of Kenya
Collection of loose photographs by various photographers.
Mau Mau papers and photographs
Pamphlets, reports and photographs on the Mau Mau insurgency in Kenya. CONTENT ADVISORY: the photographs (RCMS 183/4) are graphic in nature in the depiction of violence against individuals, and have been housed in a separate envelope in the main folder.
Memoirs and photographs of Thomas and Florence Edgar
Autobiographies of Thomas and Florence Edgar and photographs of Mau Mau atrocities in Kenya. CONTENT ADVISORY: the photographs (RCMS 318/2) are graphic in nature in the depiction of violence against individuals. The photographs have been housed in a separate folder.
Modern Commonwealth photograph collection
Mombasa and East African Steamers
Mombasa and Uganda railway construction
Album of mounted images photographed by William D. Young. Inside the front cover reads: 'Presented by the Commonwealth Institute 1971.' The captions have been used as titles and may include language which is offensive, inaccurate or inappropriate. They have been retained to reflect the context of the collection's creation.

Mombasa to Mengo
66 watercolours, 150 x 200 mm in size. The captions, including the names of institutions, have been recorded as found and may include language which is offensive, inaccurate or inappropriate. They have been retained to reflect the context of the collection's creation. Notes provided by H.B. Thomas have been incorporated into the description.
Newscuttings on Africa and South East Asia
The principal part of the collection is a set of thirteen scrapbooks of newscuttings relating to East Africa, particularly Kenya and Tanganyika. The rest of the collection consists of a volume of cuttings relating to post-war trading opportunities in Nigeria and three scrapbooks concerning rubber and mining in South East Asia.
Newscuttings on East Africa
Cuttings from the 'East African Standard' and other publications on events in Kenya, Uganda and Rhodesia, particularly the Mau Mau disturbances. Most of the cuttings have been pasted into the binder in chronological order, but some are loose.
Newscuttings on Kenya
Newscuttings from 'The East Africa Standard' and 'The Kenya Observer', and several from 'The Times'. The cuttings concern Kenyan government and political issues, including Indian claims, labour issues, land tenure and Legislative Council sessions. There is also news from other parts of Africa and from outside the continent. In some cases the dates of the newscuttings have been supplied by the cataloguer in pencil where they were missing.
Newscuttings on Southern and East Africa
Four volumes of newscuttings, three relating to Southern and East Africa and one to the Native Question in South Africa, and loose cuttings on related subjects. Many of the articles concern the activities of the colonial powers in Africa, notably Great Britain, Germany, Spain and France.