Showing Collections: 1 - 17 of 17
Collections for a History of Trinity College, Cambridge
437 folios. On fo. 4v is a letter from Allott to Richard Allott junior, 14 April 1822, and on fo. 18 is a note from J.E. Jackson, 11 March 1817. On fo. 437 is Anthony Topham, 'In Inaugurationem serenissimi Regis Caroli', transcribed from Cantabrigiensum dolor et solamen seu decessio Jacobi succesio Caroli (Cambridge, 1625), p. 7. Some leaves are blank.
Henry Campion: Student's note book
Henry Richards Luard: Trinity College biographical papers
Lists of graduati and members.
Henry Roberts: Transcripts made for John Ebenezer Foster
Herbert Westren Turnbull: Notebooks and Papers
Notebooks, correspondence and notes on mathematical subjects.
Hugh Fraser Stewart and family: Correspondence and Papers
Joseph Romilly: Diaries
List of members of Trinity College
Arranged under the headings of Fellows, Fellow Commoners etc., written on sheets of paper pasted on to a large sheet.
Lord Acton (1834-1902): letters to Reginald Lane Poole (1857-1939)
Papers concerning Trinity College
Includes: I) copy of petition by Samuel Lee, Regius Professor of Hebrew, and by James Scholefield, Regius Professor of Greek, to William IV, Feb. 1833; II) Trinity College: copy of charter of endowment, 24 Dec. 1546, transcribed 18 Apr. 1833 from CUL MS Mm.1.38; III) Trinity College: copy of statutes of 1552, apparently transcribed from CUL MS Mm.1.42
Recommendation of Charles Gale for deacon's orders, signed by the Master and Senior Fellows, Trinity College, Cambridge
Signatures of R. Bentley, Master, T. Bainbrigg, Vice-Master, J. Ekins, W. Stubbe, N. Spencer, P. Cock, E. Chester, G. Modd, and E. Bathurst.
Roy Drummond Whitehorn: Correspondence and Papers
Sir Frederic Madden: Notes of Manuscripts in the Collegiate Libraries of Cambridge, 1841-1846
Including notes on the following MSS.: Gonville and Caius 1072, 175; Trinity R.3.19-21; University Library Ll.4.14; Corpus Christi 45, 50, 80, 91; Jesus Q.I.8 (?); St John's B.6, C.9, K.26, F.18. fo. i: (signed) F. Madden / April 1838'. fo. iiv: '397-1873 / B. Quaritch' (in another hand). fos 47v-9, 54-86: blank. From the title page (fo. ii) Madden's original intention seems to have been to include MSS. from Oxford and elsewhere.
Sir Joseph John Thomson: Correspondence and Papers
Trinity College Cambridge Book Club: Minutes
Includes lists of members, books and names of candidates. There are many blank pages.
Trinity College, Cambridge: Testimonial for Philip Atkinson by the Vice-Master and senior Fellows
Signatures of R. Scott, deputy Vice-Master, W. Lynnet, R. Stedman, J. Hawkins, R. Moyle, B. Pulleyn, W. Corker, and T. Bainbrigg. Endorsed in 17th-cent. hand: 'Mr Atkinson's Testimoniall'.
Trinity College, Cambridge: Testimonial for Seth Hawley by the Vice-Master and senior Fellows
Signatures of C. Neville, Vice-Master, H. Babington, W. Lynnet, R. Stedman, R. Scott, J. Hawkins, B. Pull[e]yn, and T. Bainbrigg. Endorsed in 17th-cent. hand: 'Mr Seth Hawley's Testimoniall'.