Showing Collections: 1001 - 1025 of 1104
Under many flags: my pilgrimage
An account of a journey undertook in 1953-1954 to Hong Kong, Thailand, Japan, Manila, North Borneo, Indonesia, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Sierra Leone, the Gold Coast and the U.S.A. The volumes are undated, but the last entry in the epilogue is dated 1957.
Unveiling of the Halifax Memorial Tower, 1912
Upper Burmah [i.e. Myanmar] Expeditionary Force, 1886-87
Vailima from the air
156 x 110 mm. Photographer unknown. An aerial view of the former home of Robert Louis Stevenson in Samoa.
Victorian railways
An album containing sixteen watercolours, comprising of a title-page (which continues: 'Chief Mechanical Engineer's Branch. Principal types of rollingstock. Scale 1/8 inch = 1 foot') and sixteen pages of lithographed plans and elevations showing various types of carriages and locomotives in use on the Victorian Railway System. Each drawing is accompanied by a brief text giving measurement, number of each model built and other technical specifications.
Victorian scenery
Album of albumen prints, each photograph is mounted on a card with letterpress description on the back, headed 'Views of Victoria (general series)', though the front cover of the album is lettered 'Victorian scenery.' The state Library of Victoria contains a copy of 'Views of Victoria 1877-1879', which contains 60 photographs. This RCS collection, though numbered up to 37, has five gaps (15, 16, 19, 27, 34).
View of Fort Jameson, north-eastern Rhodesia
A panoramic view composed of two prints measuring 458 x 183 mm. Photographer unknown, possibly R.A. Lanham. The view, taken from a small rise, looks across a park towards the town with the fort at the left of the photographs, and wooden hills in the distance. Fort Jameson, situated near the Nyasaland border, was made the headquarters of the British South Africa Company's north-east Rhodesia administration in 1899.
View of Jamestown, Saint Helena, 1870s
An albumen print, mounted on card, measuring 206 x 138 mm, captioned 'St Helena' on the mount. The view looks down from the steep hillside at the summit on which the barracks were built, and shows the buildings lining Main Street which leads into the Grand Parade. At the edge of the Parade is St James' Church, with the Castle on the further side. The Esplanade, with the Harbour beyond, is at the left of the print.
Views at the Marble Rocks, Jubbulpoore [i.e. Jabalpur], 1860s
A collection of loose prints mounted on stout card with handwritten captions beneath. The captions have been used as titles and have been recorded as found.

Views in Australia, Egypt, Aden, Asia and other places chiefly circa 1908-1915
Views in Bombay
A collection of loose prints by Raja Deen Dayal (plate 7), Bourne and Shepherd (plate 13) and others unknown. The prints, mainly measuring approximately 270 x 205 mm, show Bombay scenes. Some of the prints are captioned. Captions composed for this catalogue are enclosed in square brackets.
Views in Cape Town
A collection of loose snapshots measuring approximately 100 x 80 mm. with handwritten captions on the reverse. The captions have been used as titles and have been recorded as found. Photographs by Henry Rudland.
Views in Cape Town and Vicinity, 1857-1879
Views in Cape Town, circa 1902
A collection of loose prints, most measuring approximately 100 x 75 mm, with handwritten captions and the signature 'Photo by P.G. Scott' on the reverse. The captions have been used as titles and have been recorded as found. Titles supplied by the cataloguer are enclosed in square brackets. The prints show views of streets and buildings in Cape Town with a number of photographs of exhibits in the South African Museum (22-28) and three prints of Durban and East London (29-31).
Views in Cape Town, Pietermaritzburg and Pretoria, circa 1890-1900
A collection of miscellaneous loose prints. The photographs are of various sizes and are either captioned on the print or have handwritten captions on the reverse. The captions have been used as titles and have been recorded as found. Titles supplied by the cataloguer are enclosed in square brackets.

Views in Ceylon [i.e. Sri Lanka], 1890s
Views in Dominica
A collection of loose photographs (one being a panorama composed of two prints), measuring approximately 240 x 175 mm. All prints except plate fourteen have either typed or handwritten captions on the reverse. The photographs show buildings in Roseau and landscape views of the outlying country.
Views in Fiji
Views in India by Lala Deen Diyal
An album containing albumen prints of various sizes with handwritten captions. The numbers at the end of individual photograph entries refer to numbers in the photographer's catalogues.
Views in India, circa 1901
Views in Jamaica, circa 1912
A collection photographed by Lewis W. Clemens. It contains 14 photographs mounted on paper, with a short typewritten descriptive text (of the original 19 prints, 5 are missing) from which the titles have been taken. The photographs measure approximately 100 x 75 mm.
Views in Johannesburg
Two loose prints with handwritten captions on the reverse. The captions have been used as titles and have been recorded as found.
Views in Johannesburg
A collection of small postcards measuring 83 x 58 mm., captioned in letterpress on the reverse. Photographs by Art Co. The captions have been used as titles and have been recorded as found.