Showing Collections: 976 - 1000 of 1104
Three photographs of Papua
Three loose prints, all signed, dated and captioned on the reverse. 'Baiaua' is possibly Bariana, south of Collingwood Bay. Sir Henry Wickham was an explorer and pioneer planter all over the Equatorial Belt, and planted rubber over Central and South America, India and New Guinea. He listed his recreation in 'Who's Who' as 'Pioneer Rubber Planting.'
Three photographs of Tobago
A collection of loose photographs in the form of postcards with handwritten captions beneath the prints.
Three photographs of Walhalla, Victoria
Three loose black and white prints showing scenes in and around Walhalla. All are captioned on the photograph, and also have handwritten explanatory captions on the reverse. Photographed by W Lee.
Tiger Hunting [Singapore]
T.J. Alldridge Sierra Leone collection, 1890s
Tom Salkield Delhi Album 1905-1916
Tour of the South Seas
Transport in Fiji
Transvaal Annexation Commission
Travel diaries of George Williams
Diaries of visits made by George Williams to Canada, North Africa and the Middle East, with correspondence regarding the Williams family and the gift of the collection to the R.C.S.
Travel diaries of Marjory Warren
Illustrated diaries of Dr Warren's travels in Europe, Northern America and Morocco.
Travels in South Asia and Australia
The album contains a mixture of original photographs, hand-coloured postcards and clippings. Most have manuscript or printed captions. Subjects include travel, hunting, scenes of natural beauty, natural products, and notable places or buildings.

Trip to Australia and New Zealand 1888-1889
Trousdell Southern Nigeria Photographs, 1905-7
Turnbull Collection on Tanganyika 1958-1962
Two views of Bridgetown, Barbados, circa 1880
Collection comprising albumen prints mounted on card, measuring approximately 235 x 190mm, with handwritten captions beneath the prints. They originally appear to have been mounted in an album from which they have been extracted. Photographer unknown.

Tymms collection on civil aviation
Papers, photographs and cinefilms from Tymms' life and his work in civil aviation.
Uganda (Architectural features)
Collection of images of government buildings, His Majesty's High Court and cathedrals in Uganda. The collection was given to the RCS library by the Central Office of Information, therefore, presumably, they were also the photographer.
Uganda letters of Lucy Clare Latham
Seventeen manuscript letters from Uganda sent mostly to Miss Diana Hartley, 1950-1959. The letters include the day and month, but not the year that they were written. This has been added when it is indicated by a postmark or internal evidence. The letters are accompanied by a photocopy of an appreciation written on Latham's retirement in 1959.
Uganda Mission history
Uganda National Parks: research material gathered by Lee Alexander Risby
Administrative papers, interview transcripts, official publications, maps, photographs and slides relating to the history of Ugandan national parks and Queen Elizabeth II Park in particular. Collected while writing the Cambridge PhD thesis, 'Defining landscapes, power and participation : an examination of a national park planning process for Queen Elizabeth National Park, Uganda' (Department of Geography, 2002, PhD 25995).
Ugandan envoys to England
Ugandan Independence
Fourteen captioned 152 x 103 mm. colour photographs taken by Michael Lee illustrating celebrations held in Kampala to mark Uganda's independence. They include views of the procession, independence shields, Makerere College, Kampala City Hall, and the ceremony at Kololo stadium attended by the Duke and Duchess of Kent.