Showing Collections: 951 - 975 of 1104
The Progress of H.R.H. Prince Alfred Ernest Albert through the Cape Colony, British Kaffraria... in the year 1860
The Public Library of Victoria
Nine loose black and white photographs measuring approximately 200 x 150 mm. They show interior and exterior views of the library, and have handwritten captions on the reverse, together with the photographic studio's stamp.

The Queen Mary photograph collection on India
The Queen's visit to the Bermuda House of Assembly, 1953
A collection of loose prints measuring approximately 240 x 195 mm, with brief captions attached. This event took place during the Queen's world tour of the Commonwealth in 1953-4. Photographs by the Bermuda News Bureau.
'The Raj: India, 1890-1920: a story in photographs': typescript by Norah Burke with photographs
The Royal visit to Queensland
'The Seaflower venture'
A fictionalised biography of the life and times of Charles Robin (558 pages), compiled by Phyllis Ross from journals, letters and other papers in Canada, England and the Channel Islands. The manuscript is accompanied by a typescript and an extract from 'Société Jersiase, 104th annual bulletin', 1979, pp. 320, describing the work.
The South Africa Campaign, 1879
A memorial volume, compiled by J.P. MacKinnon and Sydney Shadbolt, containing sixty-one Woodbury types of head and shoulders portraits (mainly in uniform) of officers killed during the Zulu War. The oval prints, taken by a variety of photographers, measure 91 x 113 mm.
The story of Uganda National Parks
The history is comprised of a preface followed by 282 pages of text and 25 pages of rough maps and appendices. There is a covering note by Bere to the R.C.S. Librarian, 15 July 1977.
The sugar industry in Antigua
A collection of mounted prints measuring approximately 170 x 120 mm., captioned. The photographs are copies of coloured aquatints by William Clark, published in 1823 under the title 'Ten views in the Island of Antigua.' Photographs by Henry Bourne.
The University of Sydney
The University of Sydney, New South Wales: The Fisher Library, circa 1915
A portfolio containing mounted black and white prints, measuring approximately 355 x 280 mm, with printed captions beneath the plates. The prints show views of the University of Sydney's buildings and the Fisher Library.
The unveiling of the statue of Queen Victoria on Empire Day by His Excellency Sir Wm Grey-Wilson
'The Vale of Kashmir seen under a cloud'
A narrative by 'Colonel Jones' and 'Major Robinson' of their hunting expedition in Kashmir, 48 pages, followed by 'Six weeks in a French vicarage by Hubert Richard Lovett', 19 pages. There are ten photographs inserted in the first narrative of members of the party and of the places they visited, which included Srinagar.
'The West Indies'
Text of a summer school address given at Trinity College, Cambridge, in April 1950 (30 pages).
The Weston Collection: Nursing in West Africa

'The Whistle': manuscript periodical produced in Changi Prisoner-of-War Camp
'These tremendous years'
Thirty years ago by Philip Tengely
Unpublished reminiscences of Tengely's service in West Africa, 134 pages, illustrated with original photographs, presumably by the author.
'Thirty years ago': reminiscences by Philip Tengely
Unpublished typescript and manuscript reminiscences of Tengely's service in West Africa, 134 pages, with 12 inserted photographs. The account describes Accra, Elmina, Abbeokuta, Ibadan, Sierra Leone and Benin, with particular reference to African traditions, ceremonies and beliefs. There is an accompanying letter from the author to the Royal African Society, 22 June 1939, and the Society's acknowledgement, 26 June 1939.
'Thomas Baines on the Zambesi [Zambezi]'
A description of Thomas Baines' Zambesi expeditions with inserted photographs and illustrations. The chapters are headed 'Kings' Lynn, 1820-1842', 'On the Lower Zambesi, 1858-1859', 'The Middle Zambesi, 1861-1863', 'A court of enquiry into the dismissal of Baines', 'The defence of Baines at Cape of Good Hope', 'Conclusions' and 'Appendices'.
Thompson collection on Northern Rhodesia/Zambia
Three months in Thibet [Tibet]
A diary of Lovett's time on leave in Tibet, 83 pages.
Three photographs of Brisbane Cathedral
Three loose black and white photographs of the interior of the Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist, with pencilled captions on the reverse.